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When a long-awaited study on whether the San Diego Police Department engages in racial profiling finally dropped in late November, the results were unsurprising: It found that black and Hispanic drivers were more likely to be searched, though they were less likely to actually have contraband items, and that minority drivers were more likely to be subjected to field interviews. [For more of this story, written by Kelly Davis, go to ...

Americans Must Demand Better Access to Prisons []

Few Americans fully appreciate just how many of their fellow citizens are ensnared in the criminal justice system. Some may have heard that there are about 2.3 million people behind bars , but that figure tells only part of the story. Yes, in a stunning array of 1,719 state prisons, 102 federal prisons, 901 juvenile correctional facilities, 3,163 local jails and 76 Indian Country jails, as well as in military prisons, immigration detention facilities, civil commitment centers and prisons in...

America's Health-Inequality Problem []

The U.S. has one of the largest income-based health disparities in the world, according to a new paper out in the journal Health Affairs. Among the poorest third of Americans studied, 38.2 percent report being in “fair or poor” health, compared with 12.3 percent of the richest third. Only Chile and Portugal have a larger income-based gap in the health status of their citizens. Most of the 32 nations studied had income-based differences in how healthy their citizens are. Only in Japan and...

At $75,560, housing a prisoner in California now costs more than a year at Harvard []

The cost of imprisoning each of California’s 130,000 inmates is expected to reach a record $75,560 in the next year. That’s enough to cover the annual cost of attending Harvard University and still have plenty left over for pizza and beer Gov. Jerry Brown ’s spending plan for the fiscal year that starts July 1 includes a record $11.4 billion for the corrections department while also predicting that there will be 11,500 fewer inmates in four years because voters in November approved earlier...

Foster care children: How their life experiences differ []

The issue: When children in the United States are abused or neglected, government agencies sometimes remove them from their homes and place them in foster care with the goal of providing a safer, more stable environment. In late 2015, an estimated 427,910 kids were in foster care nationwide, according to a 2017 report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Researchers have estimated that 6 percent of all U.S. children will enter foster care before age 18, including 12 percent...

Trauma Informing the Trump Administration – Tonette Walker Meets with Cabinet Leaders []

Wisconsin has been on the leading edge of trauma informed transformation at the state level for more than a decade, but when First Lady Tonette Walker took this on as her platform issue, the work advanced with new momentum. In partnership with Fostering Futures , Mrs. Walker has been working to prevent trauma and address adverse childhood experiences . While the work in Wisconsin continues, Mrs. Walker has her sights set even higher, now advocating to promote change at the federal level and...

How Comforting Others Helps You with Your Own Struggles [GreaterGood.Berkeley

When we feel bad, we often turn to others for help and support. And when others come to us in pain, we do our best to help them feel better. This natural cycle seems to be part of the human experience. Now, two new studies suggest that trying to make people feel better not only supports them—it allows us to practice emotional skills that may help us with our own problems. While negative emotions feel isolating and personal, the best way to deal with them may be profoundly social. Both...

Service Dogs: They Help Vets But Where is Equivalent for Traumatized Kids?

A recent and excellent article in the New York Times observes the powerful interaction between a service member who suffers trauma and the service dog who provides empathy and can even sense tension and anger before outsiders (and perhaps even the handler) can. The article appears at: and is aptly titled "The Empathetic Dog." In a comment I posted on the NYTimes cite, I observed that many children who have high ACEs experience anger and stress and anxiety and have no...

Perspectives on Building Healthy Communities

Panel on national policy implications (l to r) Dr. Garth Graham, president, Aetna Foundation; Wendy Ellis, project director, Building Community Resilience Collaborative, GWU; Stuart M. Butler, The Brookings Institution ____________________________________________________________ After decades of working at the national level on health and mental policy in Washington, DC, I find myself looking for ways to get involved locally—the closer to home the better, and the more tangible the work, the...

What Monkeys Can Teach Us About Fairness []

Monkeys were taught in an experiment to hand over pebbles in exchange for cucumber slices. They were happy with this deal. Then the researcher randomly offered one monkey — in sight of a second — an even better deal: a grape for a pebble. Monkeys love grapes, so this fellow was thrilled. The researcher then returned to the second monkey, but presented just a cucumber for the pebble. Now, this offer was insulting. In some cases the monkey would throw the cucumber back at the primatologist in...

How to Succeed in College and Life []

You should get some exercise, eat healthy, and sleep enough. You should be supportive of your friends. You should do what you’re passionate about. We’ve all gotten such well-meaning advice, and it’s good advice. But there’s one problem: People rarely tell us how to achieve these worthy goals. Luckily, there is a new book that gives you the “how,” and will help you not just survive, but thrive. U Thrive: How to Succeed in College (and Life) by Daniel Lerner and Alan Schlechter—two New York...

Why Jails Are Booming []

It’s impossible to discuss reducing incarceration without acknowledging that the bulk of imprisonment happens in local jails. Federal penitentiary rates have dropped since peaking in 2009—though, under Attorney General Jeff Sessions, that may soon change . State prison rates have come down “modestly” overall, reports the Sentencing Project , and some states can boast double-digit decreases since the turn of the century. City and county jails, meanwhile, have been bloating. Roughly two-thirds...

Why Boston Is Paying Ex-Gang Members To Go To College []

On a Tuesday in late May, Antonio Franklin sits in a makeshift classroom in Boston’s Dorchester neighborhood, ten years to the day after he stepped foot inside Massachusetts Correctional Institution at Norfolk to serve nine years for aggravated assault against a cop. Pencil in hand, he looks on as instructor Ismail Abdurrashid fills a whiteboard with algebra equations. A year ago, Franklin left prison. Now, at 31, he’s brushing up on high-school-level math with about a dozen other...

Trauma, Poverty, and Public Housing []

Low-income public housing providers are tasked with the responsibility to foster communities where people who have experienced tremendous adversity and poverty can find stability, healing, and opportunity to build a future for themselves and their families. My work in public housing is as a Resident Services Coordinator where I meet with new residents who, while on our nine year waitlist, are likely to have experienced multiple periods of homelessness. New residents, having finally gotten...

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