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Search for mental health care for children is often fruitless []

Harvard researchers posing as the parent of a depressed 12-year-old called hundreds of child psychiatrists and pediatricians looking for appointments, and discovered what many actual parents know through bitter experience: Most of the time the calls were fruitless. The group phoned 913 doctors listed as network providers by Blue Cross Blue Shield organizations in Boston, Chapel Hill, N.C., Houston, Minneapolis, and Seattle. After two attempts, they were able to get an appointment with a...

Here’s how Beach High in Long Beach has reduced suspensions by 71% []

Some kids just need a break. And they get two in Britt Sexton’s art classes at Beach High School. “I have an alarm that goes off twice a period,” Sexton said. “This Beyonce song comes on. And the kids stop what they’re doing.” Then she and the students do squats. Twenty of them. “It gives them a chance to get up,” Sexton said. “Some of them will dance while they’re squatting.” It’s her way of implementing one of the principles of a pilot program at the Long Beach Unified School District...

When Child Welfare Systems Embrace Trauma-Informed Care []

When child welfare systems infuse trauma-informed care into everything they do, kids experience fewer placements and fare better in foster care, according to new Casey-funded research. In a five-year study conducted by Child Trends , researchers focused on kids served by KVC Kansas, a nonprofit offering child welfare and behavioral health support through a public/private partnership with the Kansas Department of Children and Families. As part of the study, administrators, staff and foster...

The Lasting Effects of Bullying []

The psychological effects of being bullied don't necessarily stop when the bullying does. That's the conclusion of a newly released study published in the journal Pediatrics. "Students who expressed more frequent peer victimization in fifth grade were more likely to have greater symptoms of depression in seventh grade, and a greater likelihood of using alcohol, marijuana, or tobacco in 10th grade," reports University of Delaware psychologist Valerie Earnshaw , the study's lead author. She...

When Disability is Misdiagnosed as Bad Behavior []

In early March, a white autistic man in his 20s got in trouble for eating a cookie. He was shopping at Cub Foods in Roseville, Minnesota, a typical big grocery store, and took a cookie from a "free cookie" display in the bakery section. Then he finished shopping, paid for his groceries, and went back to get another cookie. That's when Timothy Knutsen—another shopper, but one whose livelihood happened to involve training security guards in the proper use of pepper spray—stepped in, holding a...

Abolition in the Now []

Jails across the United States will be a bit less crowded on Mother's Day. After raising tens of thousands of dollars, organizers behind the first Mama's Bail Out Day—timed with the holiday—will be bringing home " as many mothers as possible ." That bail, sometimes just a few hundred dollars, is all that separates them from their families and communities on the outside. The idea is at once practical and ambitious, relying on hundreds of individuals to collectively raise money to provide...

Module Six: Couples, From an Attachment Perspective

This Module delineates the dynamics of couples interaction and suggests effective tools for working with these issues.I am very excited about this module, as couple relationship and parenting is where, as adults, our own early attachment and adverse experiences most REVEAL themselves.  It can also be a place where resiliency shines.

ACE Interface Trainer Spotlight: Linsey McMurrin

Linsey McMurrin, an SEL and Prevention Specialist with Peacemaker Resources, is an enrolled member of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe. She is program manager of Girls Lead on the Go!, a leadership program for young women, and is an organizer of the Bemidji Area Truth and Reconciliation Initiative, a grassroots effort to promote truth-seeking, healing and change through increasing understanding and building relationships among area indigenous and non-indigenous communities. Linsey is certified...

Potential impact of trauma on special education eligibility

This is a follow up to my previous email concerning the PP v Compton class action lawsuit concerning adverse events and eligibility under the Americans with Disability act. I did a presentation at the Legal Issues in Special Education conference on April 24th. The participants consisted of special education directors, compliance officers and parent advocates The big surprise was that there was huge interest in this issue. It was standing room only in the room. Secondly even though this...

My thoughts on our Symposium

I have been involved in all four ACEs Symposium's that LaSalle School has organized (including as a speaker last year, yikes!), and there have been moments each year where I have thought "Look at all these people, this is so cool!" That feeling was multiplied tenfold when I looked at the audience of approximately 800 people who were participating in Allison Sampson-Jackson's bilateral movement exercise last Saturday. It is really heartening to feel like you are part of a movement toward...

Why Are People Mean? On Anger and What We all Need to Know About That Core Emotion

“Friggin jerk!” Cecily screamed. Even though her two young sons were in the car, she raged on, “What are you, a moron?! Where did you learn to drive?! I hope you rot!!” Cecily wanted help controlling her reactions. She knew instinctively her temper was damaging to her children and contributed to her high blood pressure. When Cecily described her road rage to me, she described herself as being angry with the man in the Blue Volvo. “Of course you were,” I validated, “After all, the driver...

Shifting the Balance of Power and Trust: Buncombe County MARC Update

Leaders of Buncombe County’s ACE Collaborative learned quickly that bringing agency professionals and community members together in the name of resilience-building was harder than it sounded. Sometimes the leaders’ invitations to trainings or guest speakers drew just a trickle of response. Other times, the room crackled with tension —on one side, representatives of Buncombe County Health and Human Services (the backbone and fiscal agent for the Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities...

Advancing Parenting and Passive/Public Parenting Education

Advancing Parenting,, is a grassroots, Bakersfield, CA based nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring the quality of parenting in communities. Toward that end, we place concise and unambiguous parenting tips in public spaces, including but not limited to windows of stores, offices, restaurants, automobiles, and billboards. This, in an effort to elevate the quality of parenting, prevent adverse childhood experiences (ACES), and improve educational outcomes for...

Removing the "P" and the "D" from PTSD and creating TSC

I have written this post on why the term PTSD is misguided given our present understandings of trauma and recovery. True, the term has old origins, dating back to the military and war injuries that appeared months after an actual blast. But, times have changed; so has our knowledge and experience. This linked piece forces us to re-think PTSD and consider alternatives. Thoughts are welcome. To simply and to lead readers into this piece, ponder the Japanese pottery (and its philosophy called...

13 Reasons Why and Suicide Contagion []

The Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why, has caused a furor. In the show, a high school student who has died by suicide has left 13 tapes, one for each person she believes have contributed in some way to her eventual decision. Each episode relates to an individual tape. The penultimate episode depicts the suicide in a gruesome manner. Some say the series is an accurate and sensitive portrayal of the inner angst of an individual that will help enlighten us as to the motivations behind suicidal...

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