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PIQUERO: Minority juvenile offenders often face inequities in mental health treatment []

Every day, our jails and prisons take in large numbers of offenders who have serious mental health issues. But how good are we in diagnosing and treating their illnesses? Traditionally, not very good…and the record gets worse with respect to providing the most appropriate treatment. And as a recent study that I was part of published in the Journal of Youth & Adolescence showed, it is even more distressing when we examined diagnosis and treatment among racial/ethnic groups. In this study...

Texan Hikes Hundreds of Miles to Fight Stigma of Mental Illness []

A bushy-bearded man in shorts, T-shirt and a heavy backpack entered the Texas Capitol earlier this month. He had a special delivery for the governor, the man said, and he had come a long way to deliver it. Tom Kennedy, 64, hiked almost 300 miles from Houston to Austin—via San Antonio, no less—to hand-deliver about 700 postcards written by Texans to the office of Gov. Greg Abbott. The effort was to raise awareness about the stigma of mental illness. “When I was a child there was a huge stigma...

Unity Conference 2017: The Collective Power of CHWs, CHRs and Promotores

Unity 2017 is a national conference designed for and about community health workers, community health representatives, and promotores. The theme for this year’s conference is “The Collective Power of CHWs, CHRs and Promotores.” The Center for Sustainable Health Outreach (CSHO) at The University of Southern Mississippi, with support from Sanofi US, the Boston University Center for Innovation in Social Work and Health, Baylor Scott and White Health, KDH Research & Communication, MHP Salud,...

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Special Report "A Time to Heal"

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is running a special report called "A Time to Heal." This exhaustive series begins with tracing the significant economic issues that have hit "rust belt" cities like Milwaukee (the third-most impoverished big city in the U.S.) and imposed significant social and economic decline. The articles trace how researchers are now exploring why some people who are exposed to childhood trauma emerge undefeated—and whether their resilience can be coaxed out of others and...

Utah Governor Gary Herbert signs resolution to encourage state policies and programs based on ACEs science

Utah Governor Gary Herbert speaks to press at the monthly conference in March _______________________________________________ Utah Governor Gary Herbert signed into law on March 22 a resolution ( H.C.R. 10 ) to encourage state policy and programs to incorporate ACEs science to address “severe emotional trauma and other adverse childhood experiences” in children and adults and implement evidence-based interventions to increase resiliency. The resolution was approved unanimously on March 7 by...

Princess Diana and Winston Churchill's mental health experiences to be used to teach children how to cope with 'the black dog' []

P rincess Diana and Winston Churchill's mental health experiences are to be used to teach children how to avoid 'the black dog' of depression in school lessons. They are among a number of figures who have spoken out about their own struggles and feature in a scheme aimed at reducing the stigma around mental health. Princess Diana spoke candidly about her depression , her struggles with the eating disorder bulimia and self-harming in a 1995 interview with the BBC's Panorama programme. [For...

How Behavioral Economics Can (and Can’t) Boost Health []

As the bestsellers started piling up, from 2008’s Predictably Irrational and Nudge to 2011’s Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow, the buzz around behavioral economics — the science and practice of nudging people toward a particular decision — could be heard from the classroom to the board room. Many dismissed it as a passing fad. Some balked at its paternalism. Others considered it “kinda creepy.” We at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation were cautiously optimistic. Could behavioral economics, a...

‘Pre-Hospice’ Saves Money By Keeping People At Home Near End Of Life []

Gerald Chinchar isn’t quite at the end of life, but the end is not far away. The 77-year-old fell twice last year, shattering his hip and femur, and now gets around his San Diego home in a wheelchair. His medications fill a dresser drawer, and congestive heart failure puts him at high risk of emergency room visits and long hospital stays. Chinchar, a Navy veteran who loves TV Westerns, said that’s the last thing he wants. He still likes to go watch his grandchildren’s sporting events and...

Psychology of Empathy: Why It May Hurt More Than You Know []

As a child, many of us are taught that it’s important to put yourself in another person’s shoes, to feel what they’re feeling. “How would you like it if Joey took your toy and smashed it?” This is an attempt to understand that our behaviors can have a negative impact in another person’s life — that our actions can hurt others. So it’s no surprise that as we age, we tend to believe that it’s important to keep empathy in our lives when thinking about other groups of people — like the poor or...

What Anxious and Angry Children Need to Know About Their Brains []

“Settle down,” you say above the screaming. It sounds more like a threat than a caring suggestion. “I don’t know how!” your child jeers back. You shake your head, sighing. How many times do you need to remind her to take a deep breath when she’s upset? Obviously, something’s missing here. BIG FEELINGS. BIG CONFUSION. Big feelings like anger , frustration , jealousy, anxiety , sadness, and stress can be overwhelming to kids. Without warning, their body is flooded with physical sensations –...

PTSD in black women needs attention, study of South Side group says []

Nortasha Stingley doesn't remember a lot about the weeks after her 19-year-old daughter was shot and killed nearly four years ago. All she could do was cry. All she wanted to do was scream. After Stingley lost 40 pounds in a matter of weeks, her sister finally took her to see a doctor, and she was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. [For more of this story, written by Grace Wong, go to]

Emotional trauma of youths bared in ‘Trigger’ play []

Standing at center stage Saturday in Oak Park’s Guild Theater, Sacramento teen Alex Cuevas pulled out a piece of paper and, with a full, booming voice, recited a poem he had written. The rosary that hung from his neck bounced back and forth against his blue hoodie as his character told the audience the struggles that he had faced in his short life. “So what if my mother didn’t want me?” he asked. “My grandma didn’t have to die.” Playing a teen named Christian who had been abandoned by his...

Pulse Check on Multi-Sector Partnerships [ReThink Health]

Just Released: Findings from the 2016 Pulse Check Multi-sector partnerships play an increasingly significant role in the movement to improve heath, equity, and economic prosperity. These partnerships recognize that many of our most pressing challenges defy sector boundaries, and cannot be effectively addressed by any one institution alone. Progress Along the Pathway to Health System Transformation: A Pulse Check on Multi-Sector Partnerships is the only survey of its kind to ask leaders...

Your Survival Instinct Is Killing You: Retrain Your Brain to Conquer Fear and Build Resilience

Jane Stevens posted a descriptive blurb about this title, How Your Survival Instinct Is Killing You , back in January, and I thought, “Why the heck not?” After all, I read everything I can get my hands on, searching for that magic elixir that will fix the feeling that I’ve called by many names over the years: Despair. Fear. Hole in the soul. Nameless dread. Whatever you want to call it, some of you with a high ACE score might know what I’m talking about. (I also experienced a very traumatic...

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