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More Focused, Better Behaved Kids, Through ‘Mindfulness'

Would the world be a better place if more of us were trained to take a mindful moment to connect emotions we are feeling to our brains before we act? After recently learning mindful behavioral training in their classrooms, a number of elementary school students think so. When asked if the learning is making any difference in their lives, almost every one of them indicates it has. Equally impressive, the sentiments of queried local educators and counselors working with Mindful Schools...

Texas Takes Lead Helping Kids in Foster Care []

A recent report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation shows how states can make sure children living in foster care have the same opportunities as their peers, and Texas is ahead of the curve. In the last session, the Legislature passed Senate Bill 1407 , a law that makes it easier for children to do things others take for granted, such as playing sports or having an after school job. Andy Homer, director of public affairs with the Texas Court Appointed Special Advocates, says the goal is to...

People with mental illness 16 times more likely to be killed by police []

At a time of heightened concern over police shootings, a new report estimates that people with mental illness are 16 times more likely than others to be killed by police. About one in four fatal police encounters involve someone with mental illness, according to the report, released Thursday by the Virginia-based Treatment Advocacy Center , which focuses on the needs of people with serious mental illness. The problem stems from a lack of police training, as well as a lack of...

Veterans Court pilot program to start at Fort Hood []

Beginning next month, qualified veterans charged with committing misdemeanors while on Fort Hood will be eligible to participate in a pilot program designed to provide an alternative to a federal conviction, according to a news release from the Fort Hood Public Affairs Office. The Fort Hood Federal Veterans Treatment Court, "Veterans Endeavor for Treatment and Support" or "VETS," will work to divert veterans with service-connected mental health or substance abuse disorders out of the court...

NEW REPORT: Explores How States House Youth Under 18 in Prisons in the New Age of PREA Compliance and Enforcement []

The Campaign for Youth Justice (CFYJ), a national advocacy organization dedicated to ending the practice of trying, sentencing, and incarcerating youth under 18 in the adult criminal justice system, released a new report today, Zero Tolerance: How States Comply with PREA’s Youthful Inmate Standard . This report explores how states house youth under 18 in prisons in the new age of PREA compliance and enforcement. Furthermore, this report highlights national trends in juvenile arrests,...

2.7 Million Kids Have Parents in Prison. They’re Losing Their Right to Visit. []

M y small feet thump the concrete as I hurry toward the door. My four older brothers trail closely behind. Upon entering, we disappear into the apartment and excitedly explore every corner. We peek out the window at our new playmates. By morning, the scent of bacon wafts into my bedroom. I look over at the floor beside my bed, where I’d asked my dad to sleep the night before. He’s not there. I don’t cry this time. I suspect he’s nearby, in the kitchen, responsible for...

Seeking Solutions to Gun Violence at the Scene of the Crime []

A couple of months ago, I was invited to participate in an event at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C., which was the site of a racially motivated shooting earlier this year. The purpose of the event was to bring together stakeholders from legal/judicial, health care, public health, law enforcement, political, faith and other communities to address gun violence prevention . From the time I started preparing for this event in early October until it actually...

Divorce impacts felt into adulthood []

Divorce can have a multitude of short-term negative effects on children, including anxiety, anger, shock and disbelief. New Penn State research indicates parental divorce can have long-lasting impacts and even influence the health of adult children. According to Jason Thomas, assistant professor of sociology and demography, decades of research shows that parental divorce can negatively impact outcomes from early childhood. However, little study has been done on the timing of parental divorce...

State of Emergency []

This was the third time I had seen him this month alone. It was the same story as before; he was hospitalized and provided a short supply of medication at discharge. Now, he was back in the emergency department, intoxicated, talking to himself, and disheveled. He tells us he drinks to quiet the voices, a common story. Self-medicating with drugs and alcohol to “smooth out the rough spots” or “quiet the voices,” is not uncommon for people without access to appropriate...

Why stress may be fueling the childhood asthma epidemic []

Detroit has the highest rate of asthma among young children in America’s 18 largest cities, a problem that experts link to urban ills that could affect their health and learning for the rest of their lives. In a study done exclusively for The Detroit News and PBS NewsHour, researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found about 2 of every 3 Motor City children face “adverse childhood experiences,” such as household substance abuse, exposure to...

How to Raise an Emotionally Resilient Child []

Emotional health, says parent coach Krissy Pozatek, means accepting the full range of human emotions, both the painful and the positive. For parents who wish their children nothing but happiness, that can be difficult. When my daughter was four, she said to me, “Mommy, I’m worried.” She had tension in her voice and fear in her eyes. Concerned, I asked, “Sweetie, what are you worried about?” With mounting frustration, she replied, “I don’t...

Raising of America -- December public television broadcasts

The Raising of America series is a five-part documentary series that explores the question: Why are so many children in America faring so poorly? What are the consequences for the nation’s future? How might we, as a nation, do better? The series investigates these questions through different lenses: What does science tell us about the enduring importance of early life experiences on the brain and body? What it is like to be a parent today? And what policies and structures help or...

Childhood Trauma Impacting Us As Adults []

Divorce, neglect, emotional or physical abuse, poverty, all instances of Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACE. It is  a term defined by the CDC and linked not only to trauma as a child, but profound effects on your health and well-being as an adult. Experts also say it further indication we need to be mindful of the situations we are creating for our children, not only for their benefit and care now, but for their future. "The research again culminated in an awareness that trauma...

Congress Still Limits Health Research On Gun Violence []

Mass shootings and police shootings have spurred calls for authorities to take action to reduce the violence. But policymakers may be stymied by the dearth of public health research into both gun violence and deaths that involve the police. One big obstacle: congressional restrictions on funding of such research at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Right now, the CDC studies all kinds of violence. There's a program on child abuse and youth violence, and the public health agency...

Drug Cocktails Fuel Massachusetts' Overdose Crisis []

In a brick plaza next to the Chelsea, Massachusetts city hall, Anthony, a bald but still-youthful man in grey sweats, tells me he spent the previous night in the hospital for what he says was his twelfth overdose. Anthony and other users of illegal drugs agreed to speak to NPR for this story on the condition that we use only their first names. He blames his overdose on what his dealer told him was a particularly strong bag of heroin laced with the anesthesia drug fentanyl — or...

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