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Social Emotional Learning

"In order to be truly successful, there are things kids need to know that go BEYOND the curriculum.  How can students learn to be fully developed citizens and human beings, able to function not only from an intellectual perspective (which can be...

Parenting, trauma informed care, and... ankle monitors?

For the last 18 months, Echo Parenting & Education (EPE) has been trying to do something audacious in its scope and enterprise - forming a collaborative to develop Trauma Informed Nonviolent Standards of Care (TINSOC) with a specific focus on the needs of domestic violence shelters. Our audacity was not just to create an interesting visual acronym (I can't help thinking of ankle monitors), but that an agency specializing in nonviolent parenting would be the one to bring together...

Human Brain Project

Today in Switzerland, the 135 members of the  Human Brain Project  gathered to kick off the 10 year global project that will give us a deeper and more meaningful understanding of  how the human brain operates. This project is...

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