Toronto child abuse centre launches - Canada
"A Toronto group hopes bringing medical examinations, police interviews and other key events in a child abuse case under one roof will make the inquiries easier for investigators as well as...
"A Toronto group hopes bringing medical examinations, police interviews and other key events in a child abuse case under one roof will make the inquiries easier for investigators as well as...
"Perhaps a schoolteacher observes that a student's academic grades have taken a downward turn. Maybe a next-door neighbor has, from time to time, noticed unusual bruises on a child. Or, as is the case very often, the non-offending parent might file a...
"The long term effects of child abuse were the topic of discussion Thursday for judges, law enforcement officers and members of community organizations. "The Dodge County Community Justice Coordinating Committee heard a presentation from Linda Nauth...
"Strengthening families to prevent child abuse and neglect takes deliberate actions - through training and assistance. That's the tenet from the Idaho Children's Trust Fund (ICTF) as it issues grants this week to five programs around the state. ...
"In Vienna this week a group of experts met to review the effects of new information technology on the abuse and exploitation of children, along with measures that have proven effective in combating it. The meeting brought together experts from the...
"At a trial in federal district court in Alexandria this month, prosecutors said Chyna was one of at least four teenagers sold as sex workers by the “Cold-blooded Cartel,” a Georgia-based gang that found Northern Virginia to be an...
Surgeon, public health researcher and author Atul Gawande in The New Yorker puts a biting perspective on states' response to the Affordable Care Act. But more than a dozen states have passed measures subjecting health-exchange navigators to strict...
"Building Resilience" is a mini-site put together by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. It features nine two- to three-minute videos, links to programs across the country that are treating and preventing ACEs, a fabulous ACE Study infographic, basic...
"The changes in genes linked to type 2 diabetes and obesity we believe are important because with epigenetics it is possible to modify by the way you live your life, with exercise and dietary and lifestyle changes," Tina Rönn, PhD , of Lund...
This is #4 in an ongoing series on my book " Don't Try This at Home: the Silent Epidemic of Attachment Disorder," on I've been writing that 50% of Americans have some form of Attachment Disorder, but people...
"Cheri Maples is a dharma teacher, keynote speaker, and organizational consultant and trainer. In 2008 she was ordained a dharma teacher by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, her long-time spiritual teacher..... "Cheri was instrumental in creating its...
A Philadelphia School's Big Bet on Nonviolence Last year when American Paradigm Schools took over Philadelphia's infamous, failing John Paul Jones Middle School, they did something a lot of people would find inconceivable. The school was known as...
Hillary's story is an American story. Do you remember her? She posted a video of her father, a Texas Family Judge, beating her with a belt. Hillary is not alone. One in three Americans report being physically abused i n...
"The impact of this violence is greater than it appears on the surface. We can see the immediate physical damage it does, and we know it causes emotional trauma in the kids it touches. But we don’t always appreciate the full toll it takes on a...