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Dude, the patriarchy messed up my life - and yours too []

By Matthew Cantor, The Guardian, September 24, 2021 When I was seven years old, a classmate informed me that a girl who acted like a boy was known as a tomboy. But a boy who acted like a girl, my laughing friend said, was just a “sissy”. I was a kid who adored choir practice but wanted to melt when a fly ball was hit my way, and the comment stuck with me. It was clear there were codes of conduct that I was supposed to abide by, and everyone around me seemed to have an intuitive sense of what...

Mold Young Leaders, Share Power, and Acknowledge Injustice: Advice From Foundation Leaders of Color

At the California Endowment, the focus on racial equity began long before the protests over the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and so many others who died in the hands of police on the job. A decade ago, the organization tapped nonprofit leaders in 14 struggling communities across California to focus on health equity. Robert Ross, the endowment’s CEO said he and his colleagues had begun to realize that the philanthropy couldn’t achieve its mission of improving health for all unless...

Here is why having police officers in schools is detrimental to youth and community safety

Knee-jerk and wrong-headed proposals. Courageous young people giving voice to the issues at hand in the middle of a school board meeting . Bold leadership from our superintendent. And a puzzling mix of regressive and promising policy proposals from Metro Council leadership. Thus is the landscape of Louisville as we grieve the tragic murder of Tyree Smith . And as we reflect upon the Louisville landscape, it is a collective imperative that we take a hard-eyed look at solutions to honor Tyree...

Trauma-Informed Leadership: The Antidote for Collective Occupational Trauma

The healthcare workforce is amid a unique epidemic, coping with the ravages of collective occupational trauma . Physicians and nurses have been heavily impacted, but also an endless list of behavioral health professionals (behavioral analysts, counselors, social workers, psychologists), case managers, community health workers, medical assistants, nutritionists, pharmacists, phlebotomists, public health workers, rehabilitation professionals, respiratory therapists, not to mention those...

Creating Memories With Kids Is Better With Others []

By Larissa Marulli, Moms, September 23, 2021 When it comes to our children and lives with our families, making memories is a vital part of the whole experience. We can only live in the present and ultimately when our kids are grown up and move out, all we will have left are the memories that you made. While that can be a sad way of looking at parenting, it is the reality of it all. This chaotic time of child-rearing that involves school, friends, homework, sports, playdates, mood swings and...

AAP: Healthy relationships can help offset toxic stress []

By Rachael Zimlich, Contemporary Pediatrics, September 23, 2021 Toxic stress can have lifelong negative effects. A new policy statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) examines how healthy relationships may serve as a buffer. It isn’t enough to try and prevent traumatic events in childhood. Supporting healthy growth also means helping children identify stable and supportive relationships in their life. These relationships can buffer bad experiences and promote resiliency,...

** NCTSN September 2021 Spotlight ** []

While natural disasters can strike at any time with very little warning, families and communities can take steps to prepare in the event that a disaster does occur. With the devastation caused by ongoing events (hurricanes, flooding, wildfires, COVID-19) across the nation, this reaffirms the need for disaster preparedness. Our thoughts are with the families, children, and communities who have been affected by these disasters. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) has resources...

My Biggest Insight of the Summer (Healing Complex PTSD and Chronic Illness)

Spring in my garden is a riot of color. I caught the above pic of my poppies just past their peak after deciding to replace them and wanting to document the process. Because uprooting a cheery, bright colored plant that makes me happy in order to take the chance that something else might do an even better job can feel, as a friend of mine once quipped, "fraught with peril." And that's what it can feel like when we are in the process of healing. When, instead of believing that this is the...

Collective Trauma Summit 2021 []

Access 45+ Online Talks plus a Series of LIVE Events to Explore How to Address Collective Trauma in Our World Today Dr. Christina Bethell is speaking today. The presentation is free. Just register here to watch: Join over 100,000+ souls for an all NEW online event with expert presentations, talks, poetry readings, movement sessions, guided meditations, and panel discussions where we will delve into the theme of Collective Healing in Action.

Materials Now Available: ACEs Aware September 22 Webinar []

In Case You Missed It: "The Science of ACEs and Toxic Stress, (Part 3)" September 22 Webinar Now Available WATCH NOW at A recording and materials are now available for the second in a series of webinars exploring the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress, presented by Rachel Gilgoff, Clinical and Science Senior Advisor, Aurrera Health Group. Clinicians seeking CME/CE and MOC credits* must complete a separate activity evaluation in order to request...

What Should Be the Purpose of Education? Listen to Dr. Jeff Duncan-Andrade on The 180 Podcast []

NEW EPISODE OF THE 180 PODCAST Listen: Jeff Duncan-Andrade: The Purpose of Education Should Be Youth Wellness "When you find the tenacity and the will to show up to school in a society that teaches you to hate yourself for the color of your skin and the texture of your hair, the language that your parents speak, the neighborhood that you come from, and you still show up? How do we not have institutions that see that as the most important ingredient for intellectual development?" — Jeff...

Join the Second Cohort of the Virtual Teachers Lounge

Just a reminder to all educators out there (PreK-- 12): The second cohort of the Virtual Teachers Lounge is launching this Saturday, Sept. 25th from noon -- 2:00 p.m. est. Join us for across the globe. Share, vent, learn now strategies, connect. It is an opportunity to garner help to navigate forward with 4 trained facilitators. FREE! Sign up at website below. New teachers welcomed. Experienced teachers welcomed. Counselors welcomed. Sign up at And, we are...

LGBTQ veterans discharged for their gender identity or sexual orientation to receive VA benefits []

By Li Cohen, CBS News, September 21, 2021 For years, LGBTQ military members were only allowed to serve so long as nobody openly acknowledged their sexual orientation or gender identity. On Monday, the Department of Veterans Affairs announced that those service members who received other than honorable discharges for their sexual orientation, gender identity or HIV status are eligible for full benefits. The announcement was made on the 10th anniversary of the repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't...

Fires Fuel New Risks to California Farmworkers []

By Liza Gross, Inside Climate News, September 21, 2021 On a mild December evening in 2017, Southern California’s powerful Santa Ana winds fueled a massive wildfire after smashing power lines together and carrying molten bits of metal onto the dry ground. The Thomas Fire, California’s largest at the time, ultimately torched 440 square miles and cost Ventura and Santa Barbara counties’ $3.5 billion agricultural industry nearly $200 million in damaged crops and buildings. Researchers are still...

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