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We Need You! Call For Videos []

We Need You! The Mount Sinai Parenting Center - in collaboration with partners like Zero to Three, HealthySteps, the Brazelton Touchpoints Center, Reach Out and Read, and many more - is embarking on a project to recruit families across the country to create a video series that reaches parents at each of their primary care visits. And we need your help to make sure all parents are heard. Click on the buttons below to download a flyer you can hang in your clinic for families or submit your...

July 22: What Youth Wish Foster, Adoptive & Kinship Parents Knew []

From Fostering Media Connections, July 19, 2021 AN ONLINE CONVERSATION What Youth Wish Foster, Adoptive & Kinship Parents Knew Join us for a conversation with former foster youth who are sharing their lived experiences and wisdom gained after navigating the child welfare system. What are caregivers doing right — or wrong? What do youth see in the foster care system that caregivers don't? And how can caregivers help youth on the journey toward healing trauma? Our panelists: Alexis...

We Need to Display Kindness, Even When Not Reciprocated

I have been deeply concerned about the growing lack of kindness that individuals are displaying when engaging with those providing them with services. This occurs in restaurants, airplanes, healthcare facilities, stores and educational institutions. It is not enough to say: Be Kind to others. Words are not enough. Deeds matter. Below is a link to an essay I wrote explaining why I believe that kindness has taken a vacation and what we need to do about it -- which will strike many as...

VA TICNs eNote July 19 2021 []

There's a new webpage for the VA TICNs ! You can find a PDF of the full list of networks, an interactive map, the eNote archive, resources, and more. We will continue to update and add to the page and ask that you please share any resources, updated information, or additional info! -send to or Advocacy Opportunity! The RISE From Trauma Act provides a unique opportunity to help launch a new federal grant program of up to $4.8 billion over eight years ($600...

Tribute to Dr. Felitti

By, Felicia Nelson, Christina Velez, and Mark Egan 7/19/21 A pioneer in the field of internal medicine, Dr. Vincent J. Felitti has over 50 years of experience with extensive knowledge in the areas of childhood trauma, the genetic disease Hemochromatosis, and obesity. Here at The Relationship Foundation, Dr. Vincent Felitti is our mentor and an inspiration to us all. He has spent a greater part of his life, serving as a co-principal for the ACEs Study. ACE stands for “Adverse Childhood...

Heather Forkey and Jessica Griffin co-author Childhood Trauma and Resilience []

From UMass Medical School Communications, July 15, 2021 The American Academy of Pediatrics has published Childhood Trauma & Resilience: A Practical Guide , written by UMass Medical School child trauma and treatment experts Heather Forkey, MD, and Jessica Griffin, PsyD, along with co-author Moira Szilagyi, MD, PhD, president-elect of the AAP. The new resource for clinicians and caregivers provides guidance on trauma-informed care and the protective power of resilience. It details the ways...

Tribes Are Leading the Way to Remove Dams and Restore Ecosystems []

By Lindsay Vansomeren, Yes!, July 14, 2021 C ameron Macias bent down to examine a small pile of sawdust-filled scat on the floor of the former Lake Mills on the Elwha River in the northwest corner of Washington state in 2016. It was a sign that beavers were moving into the area after a 100+ year absence . “There’s very small dam-building activity in some of the side tributaries,” says Macias, who was working at the time as a wildlife technician for the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, of which she...

California Approves First State-Guaranteed Income For Foster Youth []

By Elizabeth Amon, The Imprint, July 16, 2021 In a historic move to support young adults raised by the government, a monthly check of up to $1,000 — with no restrictions and no strings attached — will be sent to thousands of California foster youth once they leave the state’s custody, guaranteeing them the first statewide universal basic income. California’s state Senate and Assembly unanimously passed the $35 million program on Thursday, and Gov. Gavin Newsom is expected to sign the bill...

Indigenous children finally headed home []

By Mark Scolforo, Indian Country News, July 14, 2021 The disinterred remains of nine Native American children who died more than a century ago while attending a government-run school in Pennsylvania were headed home to Rosebud Sioux tribal lands in South Dakota on Wednesday after a ceremony returning them to relatives. The handoff at a graveyard on the grounds of the U.S. Army's Carlisle Barracks was part of the fourth set of transfers to take place since 2017. The remains of an Alaskan...

Men and Suicide

Also, according to the CDC, in 2017: Nearly half of all male deaths are caused by suicide, and that rate is 3.5 times higher than for women. The suicide rate is highest among middle-aged white men ranking at 70% of all completed suicides in that year. Men over the age of 65 have the most significant risk for suicide.

Free Webinar: Trauma and Nutrition

Proper nutrition is a key ingredient in rewiring your client's traumatized neural pathways. Research shows that nutrition is often not part of trauma treatment. Nutrition and trauma are on two different planets. This free webinar training by Dr. Sells is for professionals who want to understand why nutrition and trauma are not typically linked in treatment and how to bridge this gap with step-by-step tools, case examples, and handouts. Wednesday, July 21 12 - 1 pm EDT Click HERE to register...

Putting Psychedelic Therapies into Perspective []

Challenging times demand innovation. That’s especially true today, as we find ourselves in the middle of a mental health crisis that has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. For patients living with major depressive disorder, this puts strain on a population that has seen little treatment innovation in decades, leaving millions inadequately served by current options. But the future looks promising. Renewed interest in the development of psychedelic therapies for mental health is...

Resilience is More Important Than Ever – Join our Community of Practice []

From National Council for Mental Wellbeing, July 16, 2021 How can you go beyond awareness to creating sustainable organizational change that addresses trauma and nurtures resilience? Since 2011, the National Council for Mental Wellbeing has supported social service and community organizations to advance and implement trauma-informed, resilience-oriented change. As a member of the 2021 – 2022 Trauma-informed, Resilience-oriented Equity Community of Practice , you will develop a virtual...

Listen: Zaretta Hammond - What is Culturally Responsive Teaching? []

“People want equity, it's in every school district statement, but at the same time, people are wanting to keep a moat, if you will, around our racial history.” — Zaretta Hammond, author of "Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain" and teacher educator Students learn best where they feel a sense of safety and belonging. The science of learning and development shows environments that foster these feelings open up the brain to learning. But what if children find themselves in spaces that...

"Getting to the Root Causes of Suffering": An Interview with Patricia Rush, M.D. []

By Miranda Spencer, Mad In America, July 10, 2021 Patricia Rush, M.D., M.B.A. is an internal medicine physician whose scientific focus is complex chronic illness. Her over 40-year career has focused on working with underserved populations and promoting universal access to high-quality medical care. She spent 20 years in the Cook County (Illinois) Health System, including six years as director of their emergency department. From 2000-2008 ran a trauma-informed solo private medical practice in...

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