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“Nurturing, Healing, Love”: The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement []

By Guest Author, 6/22/21, This June, the HOPE team had the honor of meeting with Scarlett Lewis, Founder and CEO of the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement. Through a mission to live by her son Jesse’s message “ Nurturing, Healing, Love ,” the Choose Love Movement produced a comprehensive program on social and emotional learning for all ages! This program is now being implemented in schools and community organizations nationwide. Check out for...

Four Ways Self-Compassion Can Help You Fight for Social Justice []

By Kristin Neff, Greater Good Magazine, June 14, 2021 How can we effectively bring about a more just world? Although it may not be obvious at first glance, self-compassion plays a key role in the quest to end sexism, racism, heterosexism, and other forms of oppression. By aiming compassion inward as well as outward, we can better confront the pain of injustice without being overwhelmed, and find the strength and energy to fight for what’s right. Self-compassion helps us cope by accepting our...

How A Conservative Activist Invented The Conflict Over Critical Race Theory []

By Benjamin Wallace-Wells, The New Yorker, June 18, 2021 R emote work turned out to be advantageous for people looking to leak information to reporters. Instructions that once might have been given in conversation now often had to be written down and beamed from one home office to another. Holding a large meeting on Zoom often required e-mailing supporting notes and materials—more documents to leak. Before the pandemic , if you thought that an anti-racism seminar at your workplace had gone...

Kill The 5-Day Workweek []

By Joe Pinsker, The Atlantic, June 17, 2021 T he 89 people who work at Buffer, a company that makes social-media management tools, are used to having an unconventional employer. Everyone’s salary, including the CEO’s, is public. All employees work remotely; their only office closed down six years ago. And as a perk, Buffer pays for any books employees want to buy for themselves. So perhaps it is unsurprising that last year, when the pandemic obliterated countless workers’ work-life balance...

How teens are using online platforms to call out racism in high school []

By Umme Hoque, Illustration: Derrick Dent, Prism, June 16, 2021 An open letter from AAPI high school students in Massachusetts begins with a simple statement: “We are high school students from Boston, Malden, and Quincy, members of the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC) Youth Center. We ask educators and superintendents to address the surge of anti-Asian racism that followed the COVID-19 outbreak.” Teens at BCNC Youth Center published the open letter in September 2020 as anti-Asian...

July 14 Webinar - "The Science of ACEs and Toxic Stress, (Part 2)" []

"The Science of ACEs and Toxic Stress, (Part 2)" July 14 Webinar 1.0 Continuing Medical Education / Maintenance of Certification Credit Available* Wednesday, July 14, 2021 12 - 1 p.m. Register Here Join us on July 14 at 12 p.m. for the second in a series of webinars that will explore the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress. Al Race, Deputy Director and Chief Knowledge Officer from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University will lead a deep dive into...

June 2021 CTIPP CAN Call Follow Up

We appreciate everyone who joined the June CTIPP CAN call and a special thank you to Donna Manuelito from the San Carlos Apache Unified Public School District, Ann Mahi and Jason Roberts from the Nanakuli-Waianae School Complex, Godwin Higa from the Cherokee Point Elementary School, Guy Stephens from the Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint, and Melissa McGinn from the Virginia Trauma-Informed Community Networks. The link to the call recording is here , which we encourage you to watch...

VA TICNs eNote June 21 2021 []

"Our survival depends on us finding ways to create joy for ourselves, ways to laugh together and sharing insights that can only come from truly knowing ourselves," says Alex Schmider, GLAAD's associate director of transgender representation. Read more about finding joy amid trauma during Pride month and beyond . What Juneteenth Means to Me Trauma-informed specialist Amanda Lynch writes about intergenerational trauma and intergenerational resilience as Juneteenth was declared a national...

Youth Mental Health in the Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program: Findings from a Descriptive Study []

Introduction Research Questions What are the perspectives of URM program staff, foster parents, and youth on prevalence of mental health conditions and use of mental health services? How do URM programs support URM youth mental health? What are the challenges and successes in providing mental health services in the URM Program? Refugee children are often exposed to numerous traumatic experiences and events. While individual responses to traumatic events vary widely, sustained exposure can...

NEW WEBINAR ANNOUNCEMENT: Restorative Justice in Schools []

Restorative Justice in Schools: Trauma-Informed Approaches to Increasing Protective Health Factors for Girls of Color Thursday July 1st 12 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. EST Empowering girls of color and supporting their educational success is not simply an issue of educational equity. It is a matter of health justice. Join us for a conversation about the possibilities for and potential uses of restorative justice practices in schools with Thalia González, a nationally renowned scholar in the field of...

How The Science of Hope Can Save A City

Our society has a myriad of social issues that need strong leadership, selflessness, and solidarity. Most importantly, though, our society needs hope. Specifically, we need an understanding of the science and power of hope and its framework for empowering people, communities, and societies.

Wrestling Ghosts & Parenting with ACEs Zoom Discussion Link & Chat Notes

On June 15th, 2021 we recorded the last discussion of the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival series. Our special guest was the Wrestling Ghosts documentary producer and director, Ana Joanes, who spoke about the film and parenting with ACEs. Here is our Zoom discussion which was recorded and uploaded to YouTube. Resources Shared via Chat: CTIPP (The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy & Practice) First-Person Narratives PACEs Connection Parenting with ACEs Community on PACEs...

Family Preservation -- A New Link

Preventing Foster Care Placement -- The Missing Link Is Finding Your Hidden Door I have successfully linked mothers and fathers with their kids and helped new mothers keep their kids when they are born ... and even helped grandparents return to being big parts of their grandkids' lives. The impact of drug use and untreated mental illness span generations and, unfortunately, contribute to the need for many children to be placed in foster care. So, it only stands to reason, that parents who...

Patient and Hospital Factors Associated With Differences in Mortality Rates Among Black and White US Medicare Beneficiaries Hospitalized With COVID-19 Infection []

By David A. Asch, Nazmul Islam, Natalie E. Sheils, et al., JAMA Network Open, June 17, 2021 Key Points Question Do Black patients hospitalized with COVID-19 have worse outcomes than White patients and, if so, what is the association between worse outcomes and comorbidities vs the hospitals to which they are admitted? Findings In this cohort study of 44 217 adult Medicare beneficiaries admitted with COVID-19 to 1188 US hospitals, odds of 30-day inpatient mortality or discharge to hospice were...

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