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The Neuroscience of Narcissism and Narcissistic Abuse

This series has focused on narcissism and narcissistic abuse of children and how their past inhibits their present. However, some questions need answering, including the most common, “Why did she/he act that way?” This article is purely scientific and does not, in any way, excuse the behaviors of narcissistic parents and the abuse they perpetrate against their children. All adults are entirely responsible for their actions, no matter the extent of their illness. This article will attempt to...

On Top of Everything Else, the Pandemic Messed With Our Morals []

By Jonathan Moens, The Atlantic, June 8, 2021 Throughout the pandemic, people have had to make impossibly tough decisions. Kathleen Turner, a 52-year-old intensive-care nurse in San Francisco, has been haunted by hers. Since COVID-19 patients started overwhelming her hospital last spring, she has had to give patients sedatives knowing they would likely have lasting negative health consequences, and systematically deny relatives a chance to say goodbye to dying loved ones. Last year, Turner...

National Week of Conversation 2021 along with Resources and Events to Bridge Divides! []

Weekly Series with Alliance for Peacebuilding + U.S. Peace, Justice, and Democracy Working Group Join Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) for their weekly series of webinars events, Preventing Violent Extremism in the U.S. , a part of their ongoing webinar series. June 16 for a two-part webinar . Session 1: The Way Out: How to Overcome Toxic Polarization (2:00pm-3:00pm EDT) , hear from social psychologist Peter T. Coleman as he discusses ideas from his new book, The Way Out: How to Overcome...

Get the New Playbook Created by Learning Policy Institute and Turnaround for Children: Design Principles for Schools []

New Playbook from Learning Policy Institute and Turnaround for Children: Design Principles for Schools Putting the Science of Learning and Development Into Action In partnership with the Forum for Youth Investment and in association with the Science of Learning and Development (SoLD) Alliance This is such an exciting moment: the release of the new playbook, Design Principles for Schools: Putting the Science of Learning and Development Into Action , created by the Learning Policy Institute...

The Problem with Shoulds: How Should Statements Can Hurt You and What to Do About Them

I shouldn’t feel this way. I should know better. I should have learned my lesson. I should be able to handle this by now. I shouldn’t still be upset about this breakup/death/situation. I would like to hereby eliminate the word “should” in statements like these. I’d like to remove the word “should” from the collective vocabulary of trauma survivors. I’d like to see most everyone else eliminate shoulds for that matter! These statements serve no positive purpose, they only attempt to criticize...

From Concern to Collaboration: Wilmington University’s New Trauma and Resilience Certificate Teaches Awareness and Hope-filled Renewal

Professionals in many fields, including healthcare, human services, education, and criminal justice, have the potential to guide people and communities toward wellness and help prevent re-traumatization. Wilmington University's new Trauma and Resilience Certificate Program offers these and other professionals the evidence-based training necessary to promote preventive health, healing, and growth.

Materials Now Available: ACEs Aware June 2 Webinar []

A recording and materials are now available for the first in a series of webinars exploring the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress, presented by California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris . Providers seeking CME/CE and MOC credits* must complete a separate activity evaluation in order to request CME/CE certificate. Those seeking MOC credits must also successfully complete the post-test with a score of 75% and higher. Please follow CME/MOC instructions...

Special Webinar - "The Trauma-Informed Network of Care Roadmap: A Guide for Strengthening Community Relationships" []

Monday, June 28, 2021 Noon - 1 p.m. Register Here Please join us for a special webinar highlighting the final release of the ACEs Aware Trauma-Informed Network of Care Roadmap. The Network of Care Roadmap provides practical steps that health care providers, clinics, community-based organizations, and social service agencies can take within their communities to grow cross-sector networks of care and improve collaboration and coordination across systems to prevent, treat, and heal toxic...

Amazing Infographic on ACEs, Spanking, and the Benefits of Positive Parenting

Putting the pieces together! Join an upstream approach to ending violence against children! This is an ACEs & Spanking INFOGRAPHIC that helps parents understand the connection between ACEs and the importance of not spanking and instead, using positive parenting techniques. For a free webinar series to support parents: More information on ACEs, Spanking, and Positive Parenting:

Youth Leadership Opportunity - Seeking Youth Advocacy Board Members

16 Strong Project is excited to be recruiting for our second Youth Advocacy Board! Our goal is to involve youth in our program and resource development as well as provide guidance to this group to be leaders and advocates around ACEs in their own schools and communities. We are looking for a group of creative, resourceful, hard-working high school (grades 9-12) students to join our Youth Advocacy Board who are: Interested in mental health education and awareness-building Dedicated to making...

8 in 10 Youth Think Gardening is Cool, and Half Would Rather Visit a Garden Center Than a Nightclub []

By Good News Network, June 7, 2021 Eight in 10 young people think gardening is cool—and it turns out that more than half would rather go to a garden center than a nightclub. A poll of 2,000 people found horticulture has enjoyed a renaissance among 18 to 34 year-olds during lockdown. The appeal appears to be rooted in young people having a desire to make their homes and gardens a nicer place to be, to improve mental health, and create a space they can escape to. [ Please click here to read...

Improving Access to Paid Family Leave to Achieve Health Equity []

By Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, May 27, 2021 The United States is the only country among 41 higher-income nations that does not guarantee any paid leave for new parents or to care for a sick family member. This issue brief provides background on federal and state paid family leave (PFL) policies, highlights domestic and international research that shows PFL provides a range of benefits, and lays out principles for a universal paid family leave program. Unpaid leave and employer-provided...

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