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How to cope with eating through the holidays...

It's that time of year when we face a whirlwind of holidays....Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa --- oy! These holidays can demand of lot our energy, time, and people points. It can also be a time of loneliness and challenges with family. No matter what, it's a time of year where self-resourcing, self-soothing, and coping are super necessary! So, I thought I'd share with you all a series I did with the amazing Kristen Kancler on how to cope with eating through the...

PACEs Research Corner — October Part 2, 2023

[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the effects of abuse, and includes research articles on PACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs, PCEs and PACEs. Thank you, Harise!! — Rafael Maravilla] Adolescents Gaylor EM, Krause KH, Welder LE, et al. Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among High School Students - Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States,...

SunnysideFlex: A Web-Based Intervention for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder during Pregnancy

The Trauma Informed Health Education and Research (TIHCER) Collaborative presents, SunnysideFlex: A Web-Based Intervention for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder during Pregnancy Presentation: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects 4-8% of women in the general population during pregnancy, but up to 33% of women from disadvantaged or minoritized communities. Unfortunately, PTSD is rarely detected or treated in obstetric settings. Further, there is a massive shortage of providers trained in...

Cultivating a Culture of Care for Early Care Educators

Resilient Georgia and the Center for Interrelational Science and Pediatrics (CISP) have partnered together to create and launch a wellness training for infant and early childhood professionals in Georgia. The free self-guided online course Wellness for Early Childhood Professionals , together with a live virtual workshop, provides four Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) approved training hours for staff and administrators of Georgia childcare and education centers. These trainings...

‘History. Culture.Trauma.’ encore with ‘minister of gun violence prevention’, Rev. Deanna Hollas

The Rev. Deanna Hollas is the gun violence prevention ministry coordinator with the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, a founding member of the Everytown for Gun Safety Interfaith Advisory Council, and the co-founder of Retreat House Spirituality Center. Her congregation is in Dallas, TX. In light of the recent mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine —this week’s “History. Culture. Trauma.” podcast is an encore episode of the conversation between Hollas and PACEs Connection CEO Ingrid Cockhren on June...

The Prison-to-Hollywood Pipeline Is the Stuff of Cinematic Dreams (

Credit: ManifestWorks To read more of Michaela Hass' article, please click here. Four years ago, Leslie was on the edge of homelessness. “Everything was going wrong. I was sleeping on the floor of relatives’ living rooms with my two kids,” she remembers. Then, Hollywood called. It wasn’t a talent scout or a casting director that brought her into the industry. It was ManifestWorks , a unique program that guides people from homelessness, incarceration and foster care directly into entry-level...

The Two Faces of Stress: Nurturing Resilience and Recognizing Overload []

There are several signs that you may be in danger of stress overload and it is time to address it. Credit: Neuroscience News By Safia Debar, Neuroscience News, October 2023 Summary: Stress, a reaction to demands, isn’t universally negative; it has its benefits. The positive side, eustress, can foster well-being and resilience. Researchers clarify that the difference between helpful and harmful stress is largely a matter of perception and bodily response. Chronic stress, however, affects...

Parents need community care, not just self care []

By Megan Roberts, Image: from article, WRAL News, October 24, 2023 Self care has been a buzz word in the parenting community for quite some time, especially during and after the pandemic when parents were floundering for some type of release valve during the stress of lockdown. Instagram and many parenting experts told parents to get some “self care” with little direction or acknowledgment of the difficulty of that task. Experts spout the importance of self care yet they often give general...

USDA grant awarded to MU researchers to reduce opioid overdoses and suicides in Rural Missouri []

By Danielle Ellis, Image: from article, News Medical & Life Sciences, October 27, 2023 Childhood trauma is a key risk factor for future substance use disorder, overdose, and suicide. This is particularly problematic in rural areas where children experience higher rates of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). ACEs are commonly defined as physical and emotional abuse and neglect, sexual abuse, parental separation or divorce, intimate partner violence, and having household members with...

What We Get When We Give []

In this scene from the Book of the Dead, an ancient Egyptian collection of funerary spells (circa 1250 BC), Ani (standing to the left of the upright support of the balance, center) is being judged on his worthiness to enter the afterlife. His heart has been placed on a pan to determine its weight. If it is heavy, it will be consumed by a monster (lower right), and Ani will be denied entry to the afterlife. If it is as light as the feather resting in the opposite pan, Ani will be welcomed...

Self-Silencing Is Making Women Sick []

By Maytal Eyal, Illustration: Anna Parini/TIME, TIME, October 3, 2023 “Be more disappointing” is not a piece of advice most people would pay money to hear, but in my therapy office, it’s often the most valuable guidance I can give. My clients are mostly women, and nearly all of them struggle with a fear of disappointing others. Our culture rewards women for being perpetually pleasant, self-sacrificing, and emotionally in control, and it can feel counterintuitive for my clients to say “no”—or...

Now hiring: Trauma-Informed Care Trainer-Consultant

The Traumatic Stress Institute (TSI) of Klingberg Family Centers is seeking a highly skilled trainer-consultant who will add value to our team and organizational clients. Join a collaborative team that promotes professional development and success through thoughtful onboarding, mentoring, supervision, and work-life balance. This position may be remote, in-person, or hybrid. Learn more and apply on the TSI Careers Page

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