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Discussion on the Physiology of Anxiety

I wanted to share the great conversation I had with Dhru Purohit on the Broken Brain Podcast. His open curiosity and clear knowledge of health facilitated a dynamic discussion on the physiology of anxiety and what people can rapidly do for themselves to feel better. Please check out the podcast and participate in the discussion. Link to listen to the Broken Brain Podcast

FREE "SEL at Home" PDF avail for downloading

Download and share this free resource! We hope this brochure will be helpful for parents and those who work with parents - it contains SEL resources and tools drawing from Positive Discipline and the latest brain and child development science. Please share and let us know if it is helpful! Parents and all those who work with children are also invited to our next online workshop - Reimagining Resilience 1: Using a Trauma Lens which begins this Thurs,...

A Better Normal- Education Upended 2/25 at 4pm PST

Hi education disrupters! We will be meeting every 2nd and 4th Thursday at a NEW TIME, 4pm PST. We are going to try this new time through April in the hopes of allowing more teachers and administrators to attend so please share! Each week our discussion will explore the following: How do we create physical and psychological safety, especially in the face of so much uncertainty? What strategies can we use to create a culture of collective care? How do we implement peer support structures for...

How can we screen for ACEs in the medical office effectively?

One of the biggest issues for me as a primary care Pediatrician is finding the time to do everything that everyone tells me is important. The one thing I have made time for is ACEs screening and this has changed everything. I now know that the family may not be ready to talk about home safety because they are living in one room at a friend's house. While the screening does take some time it opens up a greater picture of the patient's world and what information will be truly helpful. We...

Remembering Dr. Carl Bell []

Dr. Robert Sege, 2/23/21, I met Dr. Bell at an American Academy of Pediatrics committee meeting, convened to develop strategies to address the epidemic of youth violence. Our charge was to develop ways that pediatricians could adapt their practice and counseling to reduce the risk of violence. Dr. Carl Bell spoke plainly about the need to build up the inherent strengths and community connections of urban teens. Compassion and understanding drove his work. In her...

A Better Normal- Education Upended 2/25 at 4pm PST

Hi education disrupters! We will be meeting every 2nd and 4th Thursday at a NEW TIME, 4pm PST. We are going to try this new time through April in the hopes of allowing more teachers and administrators to attend so please share! Each week our discussion will explore the following: How do we create physical and psychological safety, especially in the face of so much uncertainty? What strategies can we use to create a culture of collective care? How do we implement peer support structures for...

10 Ways to Tackle Collective Occupational Trauma and Restore Resilience

The pandemic has hit its one year milestone. The mental health of the health and behavioral health workforce is among the loudest adverse effects of these times. Life and the healthcare industry are fraught with stress; these dynamics are not new. But the horrific events of this year have eclipsed in a new dimension of trauma for every discipline to contend with. New Dimensions of Trauma Collective occupational trauma (Fink-Samnick, 2020) is front and center. In this space, practitioners,...

The Secret History Of A Filmmaker's Family In "No Crying At The Dinner Table" []

By Crispin Long, The New Yorker, February 17, 2021 For a project in film school, Carol Nguyen set out to make a fictional short film about three generations of a family as they experience assimilation after immigration, but the process revealed a different story, one closer to home. Nguyen’s parents each moved at different times during the nineteen-eighties from Vietnam to Canada, where they met, got married, and raised two daughters, with Nguyen’s father’s parents as part of the household.

Aetna Better Health launches Trauma Informed Care Center of Excellence []

By CVS Health, February 8, 2021 Aetna Better Health, the Medicaid managed care business of Aetna, a CVS Health company, today announced the launch of the Trauma Informed Care Center of Excellence (Center). Aetna will stand up Centers in California and Oklahoma to address secondary trauma – the emotional duress that results when an individual is exposed to the firsthand trauma experience of another – in the workforce. Aetna plans to extend the model to Ohio and Nevada in the coming months.

Who Maps the World? []

By Sarah Holder, Bloomberg City Lab, March 14, 2018 “For most of human history, maps have been very exclusive,” said Marie Price, the first woman president of the American Geographical Society , appointed 165 years into its 167-year history. “Only a few people got to make maps, and they were carefully guarded, and they were not participatory.” That’s slowly changing, she said, thanks to democratizing projects like OpenStreetMap (OSM). OSM is the self-proclaimed Wikipedia of maps : It’s a...

America Must Change Its View of Poverty and Neglect []

By Tom Morton and Jess McDonald, The Imprint, February 15, 2021 The child welfare system plays a conflicted role in our society’s history. It exists in a world of competing values and basic societal assumptions. Was it developed as a way to “save” children from abuse and neglect or as a means to “control families?” We chose to serve in this system to help children live safely with their families in safer communities. We believed it was possible to make a positive difference for children and...

Advancing Parenting

Malibu High School/Middle School is now giving away Advancing Parenting's parenting tips bumper stickers! Bumper stickers are a unique and powerful way to share parenting wisdom with everyone. Just one will be read thousands of time! 310-457-6801 x74290 There are fifty-one different parenting tips bumper stickers to choose from. Visit for more information. 🙂

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