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Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) and Men: The Ignored Problem

In a study published by Muenzenmaier,, men were interviewed to see what types of child abuse they had experienced and found: 9% experienced physical abuse 9% experienced sexual abuse 4% witnessed sexual abuse 35% witnessed physical abuse Men are not stoic stones that do not waver and cannot be harmed. If someone like this family member states he gets suicidal when going to work due to his trauma history, he should receive the same consideration and care as a woman would.

Sibling Bullying and Abuse: The Hidden Epidemic

Often labeled rivalry and ignored, sibling bullying and abuse cause real trauma by Darlene Lancer, JD, LMFT from PSYCHOLOGY TODAY (Posted Feb 03, 2020) Sibling abuse is the most common but least reported abuse in the family. Prevalence is higher than spousal or child abuse combined with consequences well into adulthood similar to parent-child abuse. Up to 80 percent of youth experience some form of sibling maltreatment; yet, it’s been called the “forgotten abuse.” [1] Therapists also...

Quotes from the Parent Panel Session of the Attachment Trauma Network Conference

The annual Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools Conference put on by the Attachment and Trauma Network was held online last week. This year there was a parent track for participants as well as a 90-minute parent panel hosted by Ginger Healey. While you can still access the workshops online, for those who want a few of the highlights from the parent panel, please see the quotes below. There are quotes from Healey as well as the four panelists. Anna Paravano (Panelist) Parent Empowering Other...

True Societal Solutions

If you truly want solutions for the health, education, economic, and societal declines in this nation - this ACES Connection link provides a most profound message. This is what I believe across all of my studies in health care outcomes and the relevant education and economic outcomes. There is a reason why all of these different types of outcomes correlate with each other and with hundreds of other variables. It is a great mistake to believe that manmade designs for interventions much later...

Bounceback Wednesday’s

As an Early Childhood Educator, Child & Family Advocate, Trauma Support Specilaist, and Emotional Intelligence Consultant it is my Duty to Advocate for The Needs & Well-Being of ALL Children. I Will do Everything Possible to Speak Up and Bring Awareness to EVERYONE about the Impact ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences). You Will Be Educated, Encouraged and Empowered to Take the Action Necessary as Parents & Teachers to Create Healthy Environments for OUR CHILDREN. There Is Work to...

Joseph, Adversity, and Autism

I don’t know about your upbringing, but I spent enough time in church to hear the story of Joseph’s many coat of colors many times and how his brothers sold him into slavery. Never, though, have I seen this story through the lens that Jospeh may have been Autistic until now. This exploration shows how disabilities and diversity can chemically react with the heat of adversity to create the powerful energy that saved two ancient adversarial cultures from starvation and famine.

Advancing Parenting

These are some of the requests that came in this week for sets of our fifty-one parenting tips bumper stickers. None were printed and none were shipped because we haven't the funding. This is a colossal lost opportunity to prevent the aces associated with unsupportive and harmful parenting! Good afternoon Mr. Dooley, I would like to request a set of bumper stickers for our foster parents please. My mailing address is: Noot Dant/Apelah, Inc. 304 Highland Park Cove Ridgeland, MS 39157 Thank...

Darkness to Light: Poem of a Healing Journey

Breath holding. Heart pounding. Anxious for nothing. Body on alert. Mind goes to scary places. Hyper vigilant for nothing. Car accident. Arrested. Shamed. Waiting for something to happen. But nothing ever does. I don’t know who I am. So many limiting beliefs. No where to turn. Always in the past. Missing the present moment. Nothing I can do about it. Where has my life gone? Surviving. Breathing in acceptance. Heart full of compassion. Graced with self-love. Body glimmering. Mind calm.

My ACEs Affected My Birth

High blood pressure. In your third trimester of pregnancy, you do not want to hear these three words, especially if you are planning to have a home birth. My blood pressure nearly caused me to have an induction for my first birth and transfer to a hospital birth for my second birth. I wish I had known of the ACEs test so I wouldn't have felt so lost and guilty. For my first birth I was clueless. I did not understand why this was happening to me because I ate a healthy diet, went to boxing...

It's all of us; we are the cure

The heart of medicine is healing. Ultimately, the goal of working with patients (and their families) is to support, encourage and move toward healing, together. Just as in all professions, as we become more aware of new information we have to adapt, continuing to keep the larger mission at the forefront of practice. “A consensus of scientific research demonstrates that cumulative adversity, especially when experienced during critical and sensitive periods of development, is a root cause to...

The Healing Place Podcast: Michael Sandler - the Automatic Writing Experience (AWE), the Inspire Nation Show, & Elevating Our Vibration and Consciousness

MICHAEL SANDLER is host of the Inspire Nation Show, a top-rated spiritual & self-help podcast and YouTube channel, unlike any other with over 20 million downloads, and over 145K YouTube viewers and growing. He’s also a best-selling author, speaker, entrepreneur and co-creator of Inspire Nation University and the Automatic Writing Experience online course and has over 25 years experience as an Open Hearted Warrior life coach.

Stories of Slavery, From Those Who Survived It []

By Clint Smith, The Atlantic, March 2021 On a rainy thursday afternoon in November, I stepped inside the National Museum of African American History and Culture , in Washington, D.C. On past visits, I’d always encountered crowds of tourists and school groups, a space bursting with movement and sound. But on this day, the museum was nearly empty. It seemed to echo with all the people who had been there but were no longer. For the few of us inside, social distancing was dictated by blue...

New tools can help us better address student trauma []

By Jerry Almendarez, EdSource, February 17, 2021 When we began classes in Santa Ana Unified School District in the fall, we knew that in addition to varying degrees of learning loss, students would be returning to class having experienced isolation and a high potential for emotional trauma. We also knew that the information that we educators and administrators typically rely on, like the Smarter Balanced tests, would be unavailable this year because the state suspended administering them...

'Sum of Us' Examines The Hidden Cost Of Racism — For Everyone []

By Dave Davies, National Public Radio, February 17, 2021 DAVE DAVIES, HOST: This is FRESH AIR. I'm Dave Davies in today for Terry Gross. Our guest today, Heather McGhee, has a new book about the importance of recognizing and fighting racism in America. But it isn't just an argument that racial discrimination is morally wrong and unfair, even deadly to people of color. The heart of McGhee's case is that racism is harmful to everyone, and thus we all have an interest in fighting it. Drawing on...

A College Program for Disadvantaged Teens Could Shake Up Elite Admissions []

By Erica L. Green, The New York Times, February 18, 2021 When Di’Zhon Chase’s teacher told her that she might be able to enroll in a Harvard University class, she was skeptical — and not just because the Ivy League school was more than 2,000 miles from her hometown, Gallup, N.M. “Harvard isn’t part of the conversation — you don’t even hear that word in Gallup,” Ms. Chase said. “It isn’t something that adults expect out of us. I don’t think it’s because they don’t believe in us; it’s just so...

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