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Unseen scars of childhood trauma []

By Amanda B. Keener, Knowable Magazine, January 25, 2021 Before you were 18, did a parent or other adult in your household ever push, grab, shove or slap you? Was a household member depressed or mentally ill? Did a household member go to prison? These are just a sampling of the questions asked in a landmark study of 17,337 middle-aged adults that began in the late 1990s. The work showed researchers for the first time just how common adverse childhood experiences , as they’re termed, truly...

Compassion Aids In Reversing Effects Of A Rough Childhood []

By Simon Brooks, Moms, January 25, 2021 Research has shown that childhood emotional trauma often determines whether an individual develops a physical disease as an adult. This means that the experiences that an individual goes through in their childhood years have a huge effect on the quality of life that they live as adults. A rough childhood can predispose one to physical diseases. The brain adapts and evolves from birth according to life experiences. Most experts agree that what goes on...

Population vs Individual Prediction of Poor Health From Results of Adverse Childhood Experiences Screening []

By Jessie R. Baldwin, Avshalom Caspi, Alan J. Meehan, et al., JAMA Pediatrics, January 25, 2021 Key Points Question Can screening for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) accurately predict individual risk for later health problems? Findings In 2 population-based birth cohorts (with a total of 2927 individuals) growing up 20 years and 20 000 km apart, ACE scores were associated with mean group differences in health problems independent of other information available to clinicians. However,...

State Must Write New Medi-Cal Contracts to Advance Health Equity []

By Anne Sunderland, California Health Care Foundation, January 20, 2021 The COVID-19 pandemic has forced California to confront the devastating effects of health inequities and this stark truth: communities of color are more likely to contract the coronavirus and to die from it . It is essential, however, that the health disparities laid bare by the pandemic not obscure the fact that inequality has always been baked into the design, delivery, and financing of health care. In a report...

12th Annual Medicaid Innovations Forum []

Strategic Solutions Network is pleased to announce our 12th Annual Medicaid Innovations Forum , to be held virtually February 1-4, 2021. This forward-thinking event will offer perspectives from leading Medicaid health plans, state agencies, providers and industry experts. The conference will focus on Medicaid leaders' response to COVID-19, addressing critical issues like care delivery, social determinants of health, member engagement, behavioral health, opioid management, and member-facing...

Headteachers warn of 'worst ever' child mental health crisis []

By David Cohen, Evening Standard, January 18, 2021 London headteachers today laid bare the scale of the mental health crisis affecting schoolchildren and called on the Government to provide urgent support. Speaking out about the hidden youth mental health crisis caused by the pandemic, they told the Standard: “This is the worst it’s ever been — and we haven’t seen the full shape or impact of it yet.” One headteacher called on the Government to set out a targeted mental health recovery...

Columbia College establishes institute for building resilience through trauma-informed practices []

By Columbia College, Columbia Star, January 14, 2021 With the support of a Social Justice Fund grant from Colonial Life and its parent company, Unum, Columbia College President Dr. Tom Bogart announced the establishment of the Institute for Building Resilience through Trauma-Informed Practices. “Organizations are seeking innovative ways to address systemic racism, economic equity, criminal justice, and educational opportunity. For Columbia College, we have chosen to focus on building...

The Inequality Virus []

By Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (Oxfam), January 24, 2021 The coronavirus pandemic has the potential to lead to an increase in inequality in almost every country at once, the first time this has happened since records began. The virus has exposed, fed off and increased existing inequalities of wealth, gender and race. Close to two million people have died, and hundreds of millions of people are being forced into poverty while many of the richest – individuals and corporations – are...

Racism as a Root Cause Approach: A New Framework []

By Zea Malawa, Jenna Gaarde, and Solaire Spellen, Pediatrics, January 2021 Abstract The field of public health has identified racial health disparities as a chief concern for decades. Although there has been a myriad of published articles in which researchers describe the severity and complexity of these disparities, they persist into present day relatively unchanged. We believe this lack of progress can be explained, in part, by a failure to acknowledge that racism is at the root of these...

Moving from Global Trauma to Hope

Wednesday, January 20, 2021 was the start of a new era in American politics. Joseph Biden was inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States. It ushered in a dramatic change in terms of leadership, but also represented the end of a four-year period of turmoil in the lives of everyday people, marked by division, dissent, violence, hatred, self-serving policies, incivility, nepotism, and greed. President Biden acknowledged the extraordinary times in which we live during his inaugural...

New ACEs Aware Videos

ACEs Aware has recently released a brand new video featuring Dr. Burke Harris explaining the symptoms of toxic stress and encouraging providers to sign up for ACEs Aware's free, two-hour online training. The ACEs Aware video is available in full, half, and no animation versions. Links are included in the attachment with recommendations for each channel, but you are encouraged to post the animation version that best suits your audience. Links to all three versions – and an additional...

Managing racial stress and teaching kids to do the same []

This Tuesday, January 26, 2021 @ 8:30 pm ET Ahora con traducción en vivo y en español (lea más abajo) As John Legend sang last night , we're hopeful that we're seeing a new dawn, beginning a new day in the United States. We appreciate healing moments even as we know that, when it comes to issues of race and racial justice, the road ahead will be full of challenges. That's why we hope you join us for the next Talking Race & Kids conversation this coming Tuesday, when we'll both turn the...

Did you know you can connect with PACEs Connection on Social Media?

Want to keep up with PACEs news and science when you're not on our site? Connect with us on social media to stay up to date on trauma-informed and resilience-building practices! We will be sharing articles, resources, and upcoming events. Check us out across all of our social media platforms: PACEs Connection on LinkedIn PACEs Connection on YouTube PACEs Connection on Twitter PACEs Connection on Instagram PACEs Connection on Facebook If you're ever looking for quick access to any of our...

The Parent Partner Advisory Committee Invites Peer Partners to Participate in Regional Peer Partner Hubs

The Parent Partner Advisory Committee , in collaboration with the California State Department of Social Services, is proud to invite Peer Partners (including youth advocates) with lived experience in children and family serving public organizations (including child welfare, behavioral health, education, mental health and probation) to regional Peer Partner Hubs. Peer Partner Hubs will provide a safe space to share and learn from each other, to come together in support of each other, to...

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