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VA TICNs eNote December 7 2020 []

Save the dates! Resilience Week VA 2021 will take place May 2-8. It's not too early to start planning for the next Resilience Week VA! Take some time over the last few weeks of December to look back at our first annual Resilience Week VA and get the wheels turning on creative ways to celebrate this coming year! The MARC website has some great recent articles on different trauma-informed and resilience-building initiatives throughout the U.S. Visit the links below to read more. Nashville's...

Trauma recovery centers can help heal Michigan, need legislators to fund (Lansing State Journal)

By Senator Sylvia Santana and Senator Erika Geiss, Guest Writers, November 11, 2020, Lansing State Journal. Over the past several months, Michiganders have faced unprecedented traumatization. The devastation from COVID-19 disproportionately taking lives and impacting residents across our state, along with the anguish from the turmoil during this moment in history, has been traumatic. Community violence, a persisting issue in Michigan, has been exacerbated by the strains placed on communities...

Webinar: Resident Engagement to Achieve Racial Equity

Resident Engagement to Achieve Racial Equity The County Health Rankings & Roadmaps* program: Date & Time: December 15, 2020 3pm EST Follow this link to register In the midst of the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and systemic racism, people are increasingly engaging in conversations around racial equity. To achieve racial equity in access, opportunities, and power, communities across the country are having intentional and...

The Outer Critic, Self-Parenting and the Thirteen Steps of Healing

This series of articles has focused on emotional flashbacks. We’ve discussed how they feel, what causes them, and the turmoil they bring into relationships and lives. In this article, we will cover ways to conquer the emotional roller coaster that accompanies complex post-traumatic stress disorder and emotional flashbacks. Self-Loathing Comes from Adults that Mattered When you were a child living in an abusive home, you saw first-hand how the words and actions of a parent or other caregiver...

Trauma Conference by CAEOP (Connecticut Education Opportunity Org.

Just a gentle reminder of the program -- Dec. 11. Registration includes a copy of Trauma Doesn't Stop at the School Door. One session on trauma's impact on students; another session on the impact of trauma on educators (broadly defined). There is a Q and A and follow on session too. Join us virtually but there will be hands on activities, some of which will help during the holiday season, including Positive Feeling Tree and Holiday "Trauma" Kits.

A Conference-Within-A-Conference CTSS 2021 Parent Track

The Attachment & Trauma Network 's (ATN) 4th Annual Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools Conference is approaching. Our 2021 conference will be held February 15-18, 2021 and will be completely virtual for the first time, due to Covid-19. We are really excited to have Dr. Tina Payne Bryson , Dr. Mona Delahooke , Dr. Melissa Sadin and Ingrid Cockhren, M.Ed . as our Keynote Speakers, with special guest, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk ! New for 2021 is our Parent-Track, the...

Fighting sexual exploitation of Quebec minors must be government priority: report []

By The Canadian Press, The Toronto Star, December 3, 2020 An all-party committee is recommending the Quebec government make the fight against the sexual exploitation of minors a priority. The report released Thursday by a group of 13 members of the legislature makes 58 recommendations to the government aimed at targeting pimps and customers and protecting young victims. It notes that the vast majority of the victims are girls, and some are only 12 or 13 years old. [ Please click here to read...

Biden-Harris transition announces key health nominees, including Surgeon General and CDC

Photo (top left to bottom right): California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, Dr. Vivek Murthy, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith Over the last several days, the Biden-Harris transition has announced a number of key health nominees and appointees of keen interest to the ACEs/trauma/resilience advocacy movement. While the positions taken by President-Elect Biden are consistent with the broad policy priorities of many trauma/resilience advocacy organizations, the campaign...

What Happens at Al-Anon Meetings?

When many of us think of 12-step and other peer support groups, we probably think of meetings dedicated to people in various stages of recovery from addiction. But addiction doesn’t discriminate, and family members and friends of people in recovery need support, too. That’s where organizations like Al-Anon play a critical role, providing peer support for people whose lives have been affected by a loved one’s addiction. In this article, we’ll review the role that Al-Anon plays in the recovery...

Launching Today, New ‘All In For Kids Fund’ Will Work to Prevent Childhood Adversity []

Effort Aims to Prevent Childhood Trauma, Break the Cycle of Domestic Violence and Promote Healing During COVID-19 and beyond Genentech, Blue Shield of California Foundation Team with Futures Without Violence to Support Community-Led Approaches to Protect Children, Support Communities Virtual Event Series Kick-Offs New Initiative Today SAN FRANCISCO – Futures Without Violence today announced the launch of the All In For Kids Fund with a $5 million seed investment from Genentech and $1.5...

ACE and cardiovascular events in adults (JAMA Cardiology)

Godoy LC, Frankfurter C, Cooper M, Lay C, Maunder R, Farkouh ME. Association of Adverse Childhood Experiences With Cardiovascular Disease Later in Life: A Review. JAMA Cardiol. 2020 Dec 2. I would like to share with the ACEs connection community the review paper that we recently published on JAMA Cardiology summarizing the current evidence on the association between ACE and cardiovascular events during adult life. We have also suggested a few possible ways to move the field forward. I hope...

Standards of Quality for Families through Best Practice Webinar

What does it mean to be a quality Family Strengthening and Support Program? What common language can we use for working effectively with families? How can managers, direct service staff, and families work together to develop and sustain quality programs? Based on the Principles of Family Support Practice and the Strengthening Families Framework and its research-based evidence-informed 5 Protective Factors, the nationally-adopted Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening & Support...

How Somatic Experiencing Can Help Those With PTSD and Addiction

Trauma is persistent. It is something that can continue to impact someone’s like months, years, even decades, after the inciting event occurs , this is often referred to as post-traumatic experience disorder (PTSD) . The trauma that occurs often leads to other major physical and mental health problems that can take hold and l inger throughout life. One of the major problems associated with trauma, especially childhood trauma , is addiction and substance abuse problems. What Is Somatic...

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