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Five things that you can do to heal trauma now

This trauma healing list will be short and sweet, with plenty of room for elaboration in the near future. For now, these are the top 5 things that you can do now to start healing trauma. The best thing that you can do to heal trauma without any doubt is to acknowledge that you have some work to do. There is no reason to spend time nor money on therapy or trauma healing modalities without accepting that you have to take it seriously. The worst thing that I did was spend thousands of dollars...

The Positive Feeling Tree

Apropos of my last posting on naming feelings so one can tame them, try this activity. Find or create a wee tree. Each day put a positive feeling on the tree and share the sayings on the tree. My positive sayings are from a jar filled with colorful paper — each is which has a positive feeling. We pull one out per person each morning. And, The Feeling Alphabet Activity Set will help you identify positive feelings if you get stuck. Order it at:

New Transforming Trauma Episode: A Mother’s Journey into Finding Effulgence through the NARM Process of Resolving Grief with Heidi Winn

Transforming Trauma Episode 029: A Mother’s Journey into Finding Effulgence through the NARM Process of Resolving Grief with Heidi Winn In this Episode of Transforming Trauma, our host Sarah Buino interviews NARM Therapist Heidi Winn. Heidi is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with a private practice in Fairfield, Iowa, and learned about NARM as she was grieving the loss of her teenage son, Finn, to suicide. In sharing this deeply personal story of loss, Heidi hopes listeners will feel a...

Is the “Holiday” Leaving You Feeling Strange?

Are you struggling to identify your feelings? Has the holiday left you with strange feelings? Are you struggling to put words to thoughts? Me too. That is why Dr. Ed Wang of Harvard and I developed (among other reasons) The Feeling Alphabet Activity Set. It helps family and friends identify feelings. And if you can name it, you can start to tame it. For every negative feeling, try 3 positive feelings. Create a jar of positive feelings and take one or two each day and have friends take them...

Why are we afraid of emotions?

What is it that moves us towards wanting to be healthy? And what does healthy even mean for trauma survivors? It’s almost a trick question. On the one hand, we have society telling us this idea of health is not to feel the emotional impact of the world around us. On the other hand, we tell ourselves that feeling emotions are destructive, in some shape or the other. We tell ourselves that we shouldn’t be angry, happy, sad, or anything in between due to other people’s responses, which in its...

Pandemic Parenting Education

Since in-person parenting education isn't happening right now consider putting a parenting tips bumper sticker on your car. It will be read thousands of times by thousands of people of all ages! for years to come. There are fifty-one messages to choose from...everything from setting good examples to preventing abuse...and they are free! Parenting tips bumper stickers are a unique and powerful way to share parenting wisdom with everyone and they don't transmit the corona virus. Visit ...

Why I Support ACEs Connection

I am a donor to ACEs Connection, because I truly believe we are creating a culture of connection and support together. It takes all of us to do this important work and appreciate the network for sharing best practices and encouraging each other during regular webinars. Thank you!!! #culture #leadership #network #mentalhealth #trauma #wellbeing #resilience #mentalhealthawareness #community

Your Trauma Experience Matters

Life is not easy for most people. And the comparisons that we tend to make to justify the things that happen to us is entirely unfair. Look, no one deserves to experience abuse at all. But, we often invalidate our own experience when we point towards others and say they had it worse. It’s easy to do that. I have been there. It’s much easier to say it wasn’t that bad than to say it was a terrible experience that shaped a huge part of who I am, and that I have to struggle daily to create a...

If You Can't Figure Out Your Feelings or Those of Your Family....

I think this PDF will help. It allows adults and children to name their feelings so they can tame them. Right priced. Good for families and schools and anyone who is struggling to try to ascertain just what they are feeling now. And, we know, as the PDF shares, that for every negative feeling, we would be wise to identify three positive ones. Stay safe and be well. I hope this resource helps families through the holidays... this one and the next (and it can be done remotely and in person). ...

Words that Need to be Shouted from the Rooftops Every Day

"The magnitude of the problem is so enormous and treatment approaches are so difficult and costly that you can spend the rest of your life becoming the next Mother Teresa or Albert Schweitzer and you'll be so busy helping people that you'll never notice you're just nibbling at the edges of the problem leaving the vast bulk unrecognized and untouched. So if anything meaningful is to come out of this it's going to be coming out of what we call primary prevention..." Dr. Vincent Felitti...

A Safe Place For Men

Each day from Thanksgiving until Christmas, hear the voices of male survivors of childhood, adolescent or adult sexual abuse share their stories of hurt, pain, joy and triumph as they heal from the aftermath of betrayal and trauma. You are not alone Thank you Thomas! Honored to help kick this series off – gifts of healing. Take care, Michael Skinner #safeplaceformen #malesexualabuserecovery

Self-care is not participating when you don’t want to.

There is power in standing up for yourself and sticking to your personal boundaries regarding how you participate in life as a trauma survivor. I hate the constant barrage of showing up because of obligation. Fuck that. I mean, when I think about the fact that people will shame you over not doing something that you don’t want to do, I get irate. I think about how many times in our lives that we are put in the position of showing up due to social constructs, and I want to smash my face into...

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