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Policy Opportunities to Spread HOPE []

By Bob Sege and Kay Johnson, 11/19/20, This week, we focus on opportunities to spread HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences) with the new Biden-Harris Administration. With the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic fallout, families feel more stress than before, adding to long-simmering concerns about child poverty and its implications. On a more positive note, the recent resurgence in calls for racial justice have spurred many more Americans to work...

The Relentless School Nurse: After the Bell, the School Bubble Bursts

When the last school bell rings at the end of the day, the bubbles we have created at school burst. The effort to keep our students and staff safe in schools across the country is negated when the adults in our students’ lives continue to make unsafe choices after school. It is disheartening, to say the least, to see the surge of the coronavirus when we did not have to get here. We recognize it is complicated. We all want our kids to have some normalcy, but casual gatherings after school and...

'This is trauma': Latino children face mental health struggles during pandemic []

By Katherine Sypher, KOLD News 13, November 17, 2020 The halls at Manzanita Elementary School are emptier than they were a year ago. But school social worker Anthony Guillen says he’s far busier, as students struggle to deal with the increased stress and psychological toll brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. In a typical year at the north central Phoenix school, Guillen gets fewer than 100 referrals from teachers and parents concerned about their 600 children in grades K through 6. In just...

MSU opens 1st-ever sexual assault health care program []

By Anastasia Pirrami, The State News, November 17, 2020 On Thursday, Nov. 12, Michigan State University opened up its first-ever sexual assault health care program for MSU students, staff, faculty, and anyone in the tri-county area and Clinton county. MSU’s sexual assault health care program provides the option for survivors of sexual assault to receive treatment. The Center for Survivors designed the program for people who have been sexually assaulted within the last 5 days, have access to...

With nowhere else to turn, a foster mom opened a clinic for kids like hers on Hilltop []

By Matt Driscoll, The News Tribune, November 15, 2020 It can be challenging, and often overwhelming, Desiree White said. A foster parent for the last eight years, the former pediatric trauma nurse at Mary Bridge Children’s hospital told The News Tribune she knows exactly how difficult it can be to find the medical care that’s necessary when you bring a child into your home. White has provided temporary care to medically fragile foster children and has two adopted kids, both with special...

Join our Newest Interest Based Community: Addiction & Recovery

Please join us in celebrating the launch of our newest interest-based community: Addiction & Recovery! We appreciate your celebratory vibes in the form of the party cone emoji react below this blog post. 🎉 This community is open for anyone to join: In this community, we will explore the root causes of addiction while focusing on recovery and human resilience. We invite you to post relevant articles, studies, resources, videos, and...

How-To: Search ACEs Connection's Website Using Google

Google search is more sophisticated than the search bar we have on so this can be a quicker and easier way to find things. To learn how to use our own native search tool follow these separate guides: How-To: Search ACEs Connection General Site How-To: Search ACEs Connection Members How to Search Within Our or Any Site Using Google Go to or the top search bar in Google Chrome Enter search term into the search box Example:...

If you want to heal childhood trauma, you have to heal your body.

356 pounds?! Are you kidding me, Michael? What the fuck are you doing to yourself? Every morning I would wake up and watch the number on the scale tick up as I slowly allowed obesity to run wild and consume my body. Fat . I was always the chubby kid. I shopped in the boy's husky section at Walmart as a preteen. Husky for the unware is the polite nomenclature for fat kids. I spent summers running around with my shirt on. I ate entire boxes of gummy bears for dinner. I never ordered just one...

A New Climate Change Mental Wellness and Resilience Policy | Invitation to Dec 2 Webinar

You are invited to a free 1 hr. webinar on Wednesday , December 2 from 12 noon to 1:00 pm PST (3:00-4:00 pm EST) on the new ITRC Mental Wellness and Resilience Policy To register for the webinar go to: Why the Need for a New Climate Change Mental Wellness and Resilience Policy? Climate science indicates that global temperatures will, in the not too distant future, rise above the 2.7-degree F. temperature threshold that unleashes...

Med students write version of Hippocratic oath that addresses systemic racism and coronavirus []

N'dea Yancey-Bragg USA TODAY Nov. 5, 2020 A group of medical students at the University of Pittsburgh wrote their own version of the Hippocratic oath which acknowledges system racism in medicine, the coronavirus pandemic and several high profile police killings of African Americans. During their orientation, a group of first-year medical students created a new class oath that the class recited ahead of the symbolic white coat ceremony in August which marked the beginning of their medical...

Self-Care for Kids

At Ready4K , we talk and write a lot about parental self-care. It’s absolutely key that every caregiver find time and strategies to de-stress and relax even if it’s just for a few minutes. But did you know that kids need self-care too? So how do we help kids learn to care for themselves? In this article, Ready4K content manager Fran Lartigue provides specific ideas for helping kids learn simple self-care strategies that can last for a lifetime. Read the article >>

School Leaders: Would You Like to Do More Than Just Survive Each Day?

These times have been ROUGH for our schools, but we've noticed it's especially challenging for our female school leaders. They are crispy and fried with burnout and struggling to muster the energy to face each new day. For this reason, WE created something to help RIGHT NOW! HERE this NOW is proud to announce its COVID Crisis Leadership Development Program that is designed for female school leaders (though we welcome equity-minded men and those that identify as gender non-conforming) that...

Trauma Stewardship Digital Discussion Group starting December 2nd

Join me for a 6 week digital discussion group about Laura van Dernoot Lipsky’s amazing book, Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others . This book has been a game changer for me throughout my social work career. Impactful, funny, and practical, I have use this book to not only support my own selfcare but also to support teams that I’ve worked with. As I’ve revisited this book, I often find myself wanting to share what I'm learning with others, dive...

Washington State Program Aims to End Youth Homelessness in Four Counties By End of Next Year []

By Elizabeth Amon, The Imprint, November 15, 2020 She had been homeless and struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts over three difficult years, when Elsa St Clair was released in January from an Idaho psychiatric hospital. Today, the 24-year-old enjoys a reliable internet connection in a Spokane apartment that she’s decorated with the flag of Eastern Washington University, where she hopes to study nursing. In preparation for her future career, she is about to start an online...

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