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California Mobilizes for a Health Care Surge []

By Xenia Shih Bion, California Health Care Foundation, March 30, 2020 The spread of the novel coronavirus has upended life across the Golden State. On March 19, Governor Gavin Newsom issued an order that all individuals living in California were to stay at home except for essential activities like buying groceries or getting necessary health care. Public schools, nonessential businesses like gyms and entertainment venues, and parking lots at many state parks and beaches, are closed. The...

How we are responding to COVID-19 []

March 30, 2020 Dear Friends, Since our last newsletter, rural tribal communities have been grappling with COVID-19 and our team has been working around the clock to help contain the virus, protect families from infection, and get urgently needed food, cleaning supplies, and other materials to families in need. Our sincere thanks to the many generous friends who have made contributions to our COVID-19 Emergency Fund and are helping make this response possible. We would like to offer special...

WEBINAR: Surviving Family Trauma in Unusual Times - A Live Parent Interview

Dr. Scott Sells, the Founder of the Family Trauma Institute and an expert with families, interviews Sarah, a single parent mom, with four children. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought sudden change and stress to an already traumatized family. Sarah discusses the challenges and how the practical tools on knowing her children's love language combined with a clear written plan is a game-changer to help stabilize her family. If you are a parent or professional who wants concrete tools to help your...

The Building Blocks of HOPE – Block #1: Relationships

HOPE is a natural fit for ACES Connection. To further embrace the members of ACES Connection we have created a Balancing ACES with HOPE community and encourage all to visit and join. Please read our blogs and post your comments. Let us know how you think HOPE could impact your work and personal life. Being in nurturing, supportive relationships are critical for children to develop into healthy, resilient adults. This concept forms the first of the 4 Building Blocks of HOPE . What types of...

The New Research about Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

There have been some truly remarkable research papers written about complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) in the past few decades. Some of the research focuses exclusively on CPTSD while others can apply to any mental health disorder. In this article, I’m going to break the ice in the series about complex post-traumatic stress disorder and new research findings.

Not All Children Are Thriving: We Know That

I recently encountered a post by a Head of School who suggested all the positives of being quarantined for him and the children and families in his school. I know I am preaching to the choir here but I wanted folks to see what I wrote. We need to stomp out the perception that children are all enjoying time at home -- as if they were experiencing an extended snow day. I get silver linings. They do exist, including for trauma. But for a head of school to write what he wrote suggests to me that...

A Trauma-Informed Approach to Teaching Through Coronavirus - for Students Everywhere, Online or Not []

By Valerie Strauss, The Washington Post, March 26, 2020 “Anxiety” is one of the words you hear frequently about our individual and collective reactions to the coronavirus pandemic — which has stopped public life in its tracks in much of the world. Kids are anxious. So are their parents and teachers and principals and superintendents and friends and elected officials. For those people who were anxious before covid-19, the sense of apprehension has only deepened. Given that, this post offers...

Race/Related: COVID-19 and the Collapse of America's Welfare State []

By Eduardo Porter, The New York Times, March 28, 2020 Cloistered in my Brooklyn quarantine, I’ve probably been wondering about some of the same things you have: How come the United States only has 2.4 intensive care beds per 1,000 people, about one-third the number in South Korea? Why is American unemployment insurance so stingy? And critically, how can it be that one in 10 people in the richest country in the history of the world must face the worst epidemic in 100 years without access to...

Race Forward Statement on the Coronavirus and Its Impacts on Communities of Color []

From Race Forward, March 27, 2020 As the coronavirus spreads and a public health emergency intensifies, Race Forward calls on local and state governments and those who are doing emergency planning to pay special attention to the impact that this disease and the response to its spread may have on people and communities of color. We call for an approach that provides accurate information and advances practices and policies based in science, and that ensures compassionate and comprehensive...

Come for the conversation, stay for the friendships | Windows and Mirrors (Bellevue Reporter)

By Samantha Pak, January 4, 2020, Bellevue Record Talk Time classes allow English language learners to practice their speaking and conversation skills. Just because something works on paper, doesn’t mean it works when applied practically. For example, just because the bullet points of a person’s life — their cultural background, education level and career field, hobbies and interests, values, etc. — may seem appealing to you and what you’re looking for in a partner, doesn’t mean the two of...

Upcoming Hope Forums via Kids at Hope

Kids at Hope, in partnership with Arizona State University's Center for the Advanced Study and Practice of Hope, is keeping hope at the forefront of our minds with their Hope Forums - the next two coming up on April 1st and 8th! On April 1st, founder Rick Miller will be joined by: Special Guest: Erin Gruwell , an American teacher known for her unique teaching method, which led to the publication of New York Times bestselling book, The Freedom Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used...

COVID-19 Quarantined with Dr. B

Relationships Revisted is today's topic....please share 🥰🥰🥰 COVID-19 Quarantined with Dr. B Daily FB Live at 10am pst-for parents and people needing answers and support. Then at 1030am it's time for kiddos the have a supportive care routine, daily. 🥰

Family Anxiety Challenge - Changing the Neural Pathways In Our Brains

I am a therapist who has to make an effort each day to manage my anxiety and negative emotions. Therapists are not usually open about their mental health in our culture; we are looked to as the expert and someone who has it "all together." But I became a therapist for two reasons, to help understand my brain, and to use what I learned to help others. I find that being transparent about my mental health inspires others to share their truths. Human beings are a work in progress. We know this...

Free Resource: A Children's Book to Help Understand Social Distancing

Here's a link to the book I wrote to help kids understand social distancing and express their own emotions. This is really important or things stay bottled up inside. It is now in video version; podcast and ebook are coming. Feel free to forward to others -- kids of all ages across the nation and the globe.Reprint the link. Do an article on it. Share with friends. Circulate it. Tweet it. Free resource. Bottom line: make it viral. The cover is attached!!! I hope it helps. Navigating emotions...

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