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TIC: News and Notes for February 2020

ACEs, Adversity's Impact Podcast: What happened to you? (Part 1) Podcast: What happened to you? (Part 2) Podcast: What happened to you? (Part 3) Family dynamics may influence suicidal thoughts in children Fawning: The fourth trauma response we don't talk about FPs are best equipped to tackle adverse childhood experiences New study reveals annual cost of childhood adversity in California is approximately $113 billion Signs your child may be struggling from an adverse childhood experience...

Use Your Cell Phone to Educate, Engage, Activate, and Celebrate Your Community's ACEs Initiative!

(“Title Image” is Emily Read Daniels presenting on “The Regulated Classroom” at the Trauma Sensitive School Conference in Atlanta, GA February 17, 2020.) Any time your ACEs initiative meets, has an event, or shows a documentary—even has a subcommittee meeting—it's news, and other members of your community will want to know about it. This post shows you how to use your cell phone to keep your community, and the world, updated about the great work you’re doing. No more waiting until you’re...

At Greater Risk: The Intersection of ACEs and Addiction

Wednesday, February 19 | noon-1 p.m. Central The evidence continues to mount demonstrating a strong correlation between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and increased risk of substance use disorder and other co-occurring mental health issues in adulthood. Join Hazelden Betty Ford addiction psychiatrist Stephen Delisi, MD, to take a closer look at specific adverse childhood experiences implicated in chronic illness. Dr. Delisi will review emerging research, discuss the influence of ACEs...

Measuring Trauma-Informed Care: A 3-Part Series. FREE DOWNLOAD

Measuring Trauma-Informed Care: Overview of Series Federal, state, and local governing bodies are increasingly mandating trauma-informed care (TIC), requiring organizations, schools, and service systems to demonstrate they are advancing TIC in their settings. Yet, organizations and schools have little guidance about how to do so. For example, the Family First Services Prevention Act requires Qualified Residential Training Programs (QRTPs) to demonstrate effective use of a TIC framework, but...

The Relentless School Nurse: Memories of School From Elizabeth Perry

Once again the power of Twitter has expanded my circle of wonderful humans working across sectors to counter-balance the negativity in our world. Elizabeth Perry is a member of the #TwitterFamily that grows each day. Elizabeth lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia and brings an international flavor to the discussion of ACEs. She is also a fierce advocate that the trauma-informed movement must include the voice of trauma survivors. As our mutual friend Cissy White often says, "It is not...

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule: The Proposed Change, Why it Matters for Health Equity, and What We Can Do []

From the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, February 2020 A safe, affordable, and stable home in a community with good schools, fair-paying jobs, and access to healthy foods and green spaces is foundational for well-being. However, housing inequities in this country are pervasive. Past and ongoing housing discrimination in the United States has created widespread segregation by race and by income, fostering our nation’s race- and income-based health inequities. In 2015, the U.S. Department of...

Nurture Makes the Kids Alright []

By Penchan Charoensuthipan, Bangkok Post, February 8, 2020 Since Chin was a young boy, his world has revolved around Moo Baan Dek, where he was fed, clothed, schooled -- and loved. At 19, he still makes time to visit the charity-funded primary school in Kanchanaburi where he grew up. "I miss everyone here, I still want a hug from Mae [mother] Aew," he said, referring to Ratchanee Dhongchai, the school's headmistress. [ Please click here to read more .]

14 Ways to Show Your Child Love: Valentine's Day and Every Day []

From the American Academy of Pediatrics, February 5, 2020 One of the most important parts of parenting is also the sweetest: showing your child plenty of love and affection. “Building strong bonds and a positive relationship with your child has a nurturing effect on their physical, emotional, and social development,” said Jennifer Shu, MD, FAAP, a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and medical editor of its parenting website, “As parents, the...

Alliance for Boys and Men of Color Network Call

From Alliance for Boys and Men of Color, February 2020 Please join us on Thursday, February 27th at 11:00AM - 12:00PM PT / 2:00PM - 3:00PM ET for our monthly Alliance for Boys and Men of Color network call to hear from the RYSE Center on how and why they use radical inquiry to identify the needs and solutions within their community. RYSE’s radical inquiry strategy aims to shift what research looks like, sounds like, and feels like with an inquiry process that is humanizing and moves toward...

You are My Valentine Hero

Tonight I send my love out to you. You the Grandma who sleeps with a baby monitor on her nightstand to hear each breath, possible cough or cry of the grandchild she’s raising. To you the Grandpa who gives up a romantic dinner with grandma to attend the “Daddy” Daughter dance with his granddaughter. To you the Pre-School, Pre-K, Headstart, Great Start Readiness Program Teacher who manages 16 children with unconditional love for each one, even the boy who closes his eyes, shakes his fists and...

Equity []

From Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation, February 2020 California students have big dreams. Unfortunately. some students face a much tougher road to achieve them. It’s up to us to remove barriers in the education system that get in their way. Working with Alliance for Continuous Improvement partners, Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation developed this video as a way to help local educators, families, students and community groups engage with their schools, districts and...

Voices Coloring Book Released []

By National Voices Committee, February 2020 This VOICES Coloring Book, released in 2020 by the National VOICES Committee, is a coloring book designed by survivors for survivors. VOICES Chapters from across the country designed original coloring pages that were then digitized and bound into this coloring book to provide hope and healing to survivors walking into Family Justice Centers. Our vision is that the VOICES Coloring Book would be printed and shared in Family Justice Centers across the...

The Healing Place Podcast - Andrea Hummel: Improv Workshops, Mediation, Trauma Recovery, & Resolving Miscommunication

Andrea C Hummel is trained in multicultural diversity, mediation and trauma recovery. She holds a Masters in applied anthropology from American University, with post-graduate studies in intercultural conflict mediation. She's trained in ShadowWork and Multi-Track Diplomacy, and holds a theory certification in TSM psychodrama for post-traumatic growth.

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