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ACEs Science Champions Series: Jenny Cooper Scores Low on ACEs, but High in Improving Child Welfare Services in North Carolina

Unlike some of her staff at Benchmarks , a nonprofit alliance partnering with private and public health agencies in North Carolina, Chief Research & Development Officer Jenny Cooper has an ACE score of 0. Jenny, who joined Benchmarks to work on the Partnering for Excellence Initiative , which seeks to enhance child welfare services and outcomes, attributes her low score to her parents. They made sure to treat her and her sibling well and provide opportunities in their lives. She notes...

With the Affordable Care Act's Future in Doubt, Evidence Grows That it has Saved Lives []

By Amy Goldstein, The Washington Post, September 30, 2019 Poor people in Michigan with asthma and diabetes were admitted to hospitals less often after they joined Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. More than 25,000 Ohio smokers got help through the state’s Medicaid expansion that led them to quit. And around the country, patients with advanced kidney disease who went on dialysis were more likely to be alive a year later if they lived in a Medicaid-expansion state. Such findings are part...

Restorative Justice Leader sujatha baliga Named a MacArthur Genius []

By John Kelly, The Chronicle of Social Change, September 26, 2019 sujatha baliga, who helped build one of the nation’s most successful restorative juvenile justice programs in Oakland, Calif., is among this year’s MacArthur Fellows, an honor bestowed by the Chicago-based John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. baliga (she does not capitalize her name), who is the director of the Restorative Justice Project at Oakland-based Impact Justice, will receive a no-strings, $625,000 “genius...

When You Make a Child Feel Anxious, You Steal Their Ability to Think Rationally []

By W. R. Cummings, Psych Central, September 8, 2019 Sometimes, as adults, we use unhealthy methods to change our children’s behavior. We mean well, but we focus more on immediate change than we do on long-term success. Instead of teaching kids skills to make independent choices, we teach them how to obey our demands. More often than not, we use emotional manipulation to get the results that make our lives easier instead of the ones that make their lives more successful. How many people do...

Cormac's experience of Ireland's care system, mental health services and addiction services

(On 08 April 2019 I organised an event at the Firkin Crane in Cork on the topic of "Towards an ACE-Aware, trauma-responsive Ireland" (see with a range of speakers, including those with lived expertise. Cormac kindly granted me permission to share his powerful contribution). Hello everyone, my name is Cormac. I was approached by Jane Mulcahy through the Cork Life Centre to come here today...


Wisconsin — CA — Utah — For a complete listing of resolutions, go to the State ACEs Action community site .

Three Reasons to Start a Community Site on PACEs Connection

Attached find a handout about reasons to start an PACEs Connection Community site. You can print and share with community members (see attached). If you want to learn more or get started contact any of us at PACEs Connection or send an email to Grow Your Resilient Community: Start a Community Site on PACEs Connection Build the capacity of your city, town, region, state or nation to prevent and heal trauma and build resilience by establishing a community...

Helpful Tips for Using ACEs Connection

Attached find a downloadable "Helpful Tips" sheet for information about how to do some common tasks on ACEs Connection. You can download and print this document for reference and share with friends and colleagues! You can also find our complete list of "How Tos" as well HERE. If you think anything else you need assistance with on ACEs Connection, feel free to add a comment below. Thank you, Gail

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