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Free Webinar: FST Seed Tree Diagram Technique

Therapists can be challenged to know the right next step when working with families with trauma histories. Dr. Scott Sells, the author of Treating the Traumatized Child: A Step-by-Step Family Systems Approach, is offering a free webinar on using the Family Systems Trauma (FST) Seed Tree Diagram as a resource to help families identify the underlying causes of trauma.

Improve Birth and Perinatal Outcomes with a Trauma Sensitive Approach

The Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health is excited to bring together 10 talented practitioners to explore the Trauma Informed Practices that help improve birth outcomes and support human development right from the very start. The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (1998) launched the importance of trauma and trauma informed care in our health and educational systems. We suddenly had a measure of how early experiences in childhood could correlate with adult disease.

Growing Up in the Shadow of Addiction

Children who grow up with addiction and the relational trauma that surrounds it can carry the imprint of that pain for the rest of their lives. And as adult children of addicts (ACoAs), we can be very confused about just what we’re healing from and just how we should go about healing it. Many of us think that we can read a couple of books, “understand” what went wrong and be able to think ourselves into inner peace. Some or us feel like victims and resent any implication that we need to do...

Harvard Center for the Developing Child Director, Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D., testifies before Congress on family separation

Harvard Center for the Developing Child Director, Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D., presented testimony at a hearing of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations on Feb. 7. For a copy of the testimony that includes a video of his remarks, click here . To view the entire hearing, click here . A news bulletin from the Center included the following summary of Dr. Shonkoff’s testimony and links to other information of interest on family separation and related...

Part 2: CPTSD and The Pain of Loving Unavailable People

Early trauma like abuse and neglect in childhood can negatively impact our capacity to have healthy romantic relationships. This is the second of two excerpts from one video in my new course (there are 27 videos in total, all about changing negative relationship patterns that are common for people with Childhood PTSD). This video is about one of the worst of those patterns the attraction to unavailable and inappropriate people -- and how to stop dating them! If you missed Part 1, you can...

The Healing Place Podcast - Dean Walker Interview

Honestly, this was a difficult interview for me to conduct due to my trauma history and propensity for avoidance. Definitely a tough subject to discuss. Particularly when it came to the subject of "hope". I am a hope-filled, hope-inspired, hope-flinging soul. Listen in as Dean discusses his book The Impossible Conversation and upcoming book/workbook release this spring. My question to you is . . . #whatishope

Shared Military Background Helps Community Health Workers Connect with Patients in Rural Montana

Kyle McClure,* a community health worker (CHW) for Adult Resource Alliance, which contracts with Mountain-Pacific Quality Health in Billings, Montana, served for five years in the U.S. Army’s airborne division. While there, he learned to be patient, observant, and a good listener — critical skills for a CHW. His army background also helps him engage with military veterans, an often under-served and medically complex group. Montana has the second highest rate of veterans per capita in the...

Trauma in the Classroom

This is a slightly abbreviated recording of a talk I gave in January 2019 in my children's school about the ACEs evidence, manifestations of relational and developmental trauma in the classroom, the importance of creating an environment of safety and emotional regulation so all children can learn and how the teacher child relationship can be a crucial buffer in a child's life, or lead to further relational rupture.

Introducing the Newark (NJ) Trauma Informed Community Network

The Greater Newark Healthcare Coalition in partnership with ACEs Connection is excited to announce the launch of the Newark Trauma Informed Community Network, an online platform to bring together key partners and stakeholders across sectors to work collaboratively to make Newark a Trauma-Informed city by 2020. Please visit this page to learn more about local trauma-informed initiatives, professional development opportunities, and community resources. We invite you to join the movement to...

School Shooters: What's Their Path To Violence? []

It's hard to empathize with someone who carries out a school shooting. The brutality of their crimes is unspeakable. Whether the shootings were at Columbine, at Sandy Hook, or in Parkland, they have traumatized students and communities across the U.S. Psychologist John Van Dreal understands that. He is the director of safety and risk management at Salem-Keizer Public Schools in Oregon, a state that has had its share of school shootings. In 2014, about 60 miles from Salem, where Van Dreal is...

ACEs: Light bulb moment or magic bullet for social ills? (

From: In the mid-1980s, doctors running a weight loss programme at a clinic in San Diego happened upon a startling discovery. Struggling to understand why successful slimmers were quitting, lead physician Dr Vincent Felitti began interviewing the leavers and found many had experienced sexual abuse in childhood. His findings led to a conclusion that would have major implications for public health –...

RESILIENCE To Be Broadcast On Florida Public TV

KPJR Films & PBS Stations will broadcast the award-winning documentary in honor of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School victims and to support the healing of the community. RESILIENCE: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope will air on public TV Stations throughout Florida on February 15 th at 9:00 pm ET . The broadcast will commemorate the victims and survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting which happened in Parkland, FL one year ago. Following the...

David Treuer’s Rebellious New History of Native American Life []

A book attempts to counter a narrative of tragedy by examining the past. In the 2006 book “ Native American Fiction: A User’s Manual ,” by David Treuer, the novelist and academic describes an assignment that he gave to students in a Native American-fiction class. They read a short story by Sherman Alexie, in which a character is described shedding “Indian tears.” What, he asked his students, might “Indian tears” signify? The students responded with confidence, “as if unearthing whole...

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