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A Call to Children’s Residential Treatment Centers: Please, Please Do Your Own Trauma Work

The challenges of becoming an effective trauma-informed organization are considerable for sure. Taken as an opportunity, and not a burden, they present a unique platform for organizational learning, healing, and growth. Among so many other things, the efforts inure to the benefit of a milieu that becomes a sanctuary for healing and where little boys are not subject to blame for unintended treatment outcomes.

How Trauma Informed Therapy Saved my Life

From a young age, I was rebellious and stubborn. I come from a household where everything had to be perfect. I needed to make good grades, go to college, get married, and be successful. It’s not that I didn’t want all of this for myself, but I was more interested in escaping my emotions and having fun than I was in being responsible and successful. Drinking and using drugs was fun for me in the beginning, but at the end of my senior year of high school my drug addiction took a dark turn. I...

The Relentless School Nurse: From Silence to Voice

The voice of nursing in the public health emergency of gun violence must be amplified. There are approximately 3 million nurses in the US, yet, we still grapple with using our collective voice. We are a powerful force but do we maximize our strength and influence to its potential? Imagine a world where we did, the change we could generate would be transformational. I recently spoke at a large gathering of school nurses about this exact issue. When I read the evaluations, one stood out above...

The Holidays

I would like to share a few thoughts. Not everyone loves or looks forward to the holidays. Unfortunately, this can be a very triggering time to many people. A lot of people have had losses and other negative things happen during this time of year. Too many people feel isolated and alone. It can be helpful to be as compassionate to others as possible because everyone has a story. So many wounds are invisible and are then discounted by the general public. The holiday season is supposed to be...

Wrestling Ghosts is coming to Madison, Wisconsin!

We are so excited to announce a new community screening coming up of Wrestling Ghosts . Reach Dane, a fantastic organization in Madison, Wisconsin, will be hosting a screening of Wrestling Ghosts on January 7. We'll check back in before the New Year to let you all know about details with the screening! If you're in the area, please join us! Reach Dane provides high-quality early childhood services to over 1,000 children aged 0-5 in Dane Country through center based and home visitation...

Does Amazon music know more about us than we think? Providing ACEs awareness for a teen in a traffic accident.

So I pulled up my Amazon music app one day and there was a suggested song for me. The song started with "I thought I could take this to my grave. But instead I let it bury me." Wow if this isn't ACES in your faces.... The last example of ACEs awareness I provided was for a minor involved in a motor vehicle accident. As I was accessing my patient's present health for a sign off, I informed them that they may have an arrhythmia and they should follow up with their doctor. This freaked them out...

Parent Handouts: Understanding ACEs, Parenting to Prevent & Heal ACEs (English)

Here are links for downloading these two parent handouts. Understanding ACEs To download pdf go here The full pdf URL address is: The shorter bitly URL (as requested) is: /UnderstandingACEshandout Parenting to Prevent & Heal ACEs To download pdf go here: The full pdf URL address is:...

Neurofeedback helps military family overcome suicidality, depression

Stacey Breitmann, trauma survivor, mom, military wife, neurofeedback advocate and coach. “I want to see as many troubled families and individuals as possible – especially people such as I, who have experienced multiple Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) – have access to neurofeedback. It has changed my life by changing my brain. I grew up in a horrific situation, never able to trust being safe. Stress would take me back to that childhood place of feeling terrified. Neurofeedback helped me...

The 7 Mindsets For Extraordinary Parenting, Teaching, And Living Bob Lancer on the Healing Place Podcast

My New Video: The 7 Mindsets For Extraordinary Parenting, Teaching, And Living Bob Lancer on the Healing Place Podcast On this video I also discuss overcoming childhood traumas that hold us back, how to avoid passing those onto our children, and how to help children access their full positive power to overcome and recover from any trauma patterns they may have received. Paste this link into your browser: v=Ub3-Y8s2Fs0&

Community Foundation Annouces $255k in Grants

The Hutchinson Community Foundation announced $255,881 worth of grants to 27 organizations on Thursday at the Cosmosphere . The HCF grants have awarded more than $3.5 million to 170 organizations since its inception in 1990. This year’s grants touch on education, healthcare, food insecurity and much more. To continue reading this article in The Hutchinson News, go to:

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