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What Is Environmental Activism and Why Does It Matter? []

From University of Nevada, Reno, Photo: From article, University of Nevada, Reno The conversation about protecting the environment is broad in scope: Pollution, climate change and natural resource depletion are all important topics that urgently need to be addressed. Activists taking the initiative to drive change often inspire these discussions. For example, assistant professor Jennifer Willett from the University of Nevada, Reno School of Social Work utilized a grant from the Corporation...

Donor Spotlight: Social Worker Becky Green "Imagine if the systems that shape our lives...were trauma-informed? This is the work that the PACEs Connection does, but only with our support."

Social worker and PACEs Connection supporter Becky Green hiking with her partner, Kerry Toner (l) and good friend Paul Gerlitz (r). The number of donors giving to PACEs Connection with a monthly gift is increasing. “While we’ve added about 16 new monthly donors recently, and we are grateful for them, it would be good to see more of our members -- and visitors -- supporting our work to prevent and heal trauma," said Ingrid Cockhren, PACEs Connection CEO. With more than 58,000 members of this...

Week of HOPE Resources and Recorded Events []

By Laura Gallant, 4/13/2023, Thank you to everyone who came to the 3 rd Annual HOPE Summit and participated in our Week of HOPE from Monday, March 27 to Friday, March 31. We talked with folks from many diverse sectors of child and family service who shared their experiences with HOPE in their unique community settings. We left the Summit feeling inspired by all of the amazing work people around the world are doing to bring positive childhood...

FSU center director wins Lawton Chiles Advocacy Award for work supporting children (

Stanley Lynch, chief medical officer of United Healthcare Community Plan, Mimi Graham, director of the Center for Prevention and Early Intervention Policy, Jim Clark, provost and executive vice president for Academic Affairs at Florida State University. BY: MARK BLACKWELL THOMAS | PUBLISHED: MARCH 30, 2023 | Mimi Graham, director of the Center for Prevention and Early Intervention Policy (CPEIP) at Florida State University, is the winner of the 2023 Lawton Chiles Advocacy Award. Through 34...

Seas have drastically risen along southern U.S. coast in past decade []

An aerial view of a waterway destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, can be see from a drone on April 2, 2023 in Violet, La. (Ricky Carioti/The Washington Post) By Chris Mooney and Brady Dennis, The Washington Post, April 10, 2023 Scientists have documented an abnormal and dramatic surge in sea levels along the U.S. gulf and southeastern coastlines since about 2010, raising new questions about whether New Orleans , Miami, Houston and other coastal communities might be even more at risk from...

Peer Court Keeps Youth Accountable, Removes Shame and Stigma []

By Laurie Udesky, Photo: from article, MindSiteNews, April 7, 2023 On a late afternoon in December, a 22-year-old youth advocate named Rachel is addressing a jury of her peers on Zoom in Marin County, California. Her client: a teen named Leonel, who was caught with two boys after shooting BB guns from a garage. The boys said they were shooting bottles in the driveway, but several BBs hit a neighboring home and passing vehicles, causing damage and broken windows, according to a police report.

One in five Americans has had family member killed by gun violence – study []

Crime scene tape cordons off a street near the Old National Bank in Louisville. Five people were killed in the attack. Photograph: Luke Sharrett/Getty Images By Richard Luscombe, The Guardian, April 11, 2023 One in five Americans has lost a family member to gun violence , an alarming survey published on Tuesday claims. The research came out one day after five people were killed by a gunman at a Louisville bank, at least the 15th mass shooting of the month, and 146th this year, according to...

History of Racism Leaves Black Californians Most at Risk from Oil and Gas Drilling, New Research Shows []

Nearby homes are in danger of fire after an explosion on the Signal Hill oil field in Long Beach, California, June 1933. Credit: FPG/Hulton Archive/Getty Images By Liza Gross, Inside Climate News, April 5, 2023 Decades before movie moguls produced celluloid heroes, oil claimed the spotlight in Los Angeles. California’s oil industry took off in the mid-1870s just 30 miles north of what would later become Hollywood Boulevard. By the 1920s, the Los Angeles Basin had become the state’s leading...

How One Mother's Love For Her Gay Son Started A Revolution []

When Manford’s son Morty came out, in 1968, homosexual acts were criminal in forty-nine states. She never tried to change him; she set out to change the world instead.Photo illustration by Tyler Comrie; Source photographs courtesy Suzanne Swan; Fred W. McDarrah / Getty By Kathryn Schulz, The New Yorker, April 10, 2023 The crowd along Sixth Avenue was losing its mind. It was Sunday, June 25, 1972, and Dr. Benjamin Spock was walking uptown with the Christopher Street Liberation Day March, the...

Belonging as An Antidote to Trauma: Register now for the ACRC Conference and Watch this Keynote

As I look forward to the upcoming 67 Annual Conference of the Association of Children's Residential and Community Service in May, there are some aspects that I am extremely excited about. While there are a number of fantastic keynotes and presenters, the work of Lisa Cherry, MA truly resonates. She is one of the keynote presenters kicking off the conference on Wednesday May 17.. Her combination of professional research and personal experience will result in a fantastic experience for all...

Author of “The Empathetic Workplace”, Katherine Manning, On History. Culture. Trauma. Podcast Thursday 1 p.m. PT; 4 p.m. ET

Can empathetic, healing centered workplaces change the entire culture of a community? A nation? What would a healing centered workplace look like, offer, and change? Katherine Manning, author of “The Empathetic Workplace - Five Steps to a Compassionate, Calm, and Confident Response to Trauma on the Job ” joins, PACEs Connection CEO Ingrid Cockhren and Mathew Portell, PACEs Connection director of education and outreach, to discuss what it would take to create empathetic, healing-centered...

PACEs Research Corner — April 2023, Part 1

[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the effects of abuse, and includes research articles on PACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs, PCEs and PACEs. Thank you, Harise!! — Rafael Maravilla] Child Abuse Bullinger LR, Boy A, Feely M, et al. Home, but Left Alone: Time at Home and Child Abuse and Neglect During COVID-19. Journal of family issues.

“Please help this AMAZING resource stay strong!” Spotlight on Our Monthly Donors: Meet Kerrie Ackerson

"These are some of my favorite people and me at from a recent conference," said PACEs Connection monthly donor Kerrie Ackerson. From left to right—Ginger Healy from the Attachment Trauma Network, Kerrie's sister "my (little) big sister Stacey (our family’s brave teacher)", trauma informed educators and advocates Jim Sporleder, Lara Kain, Jodi Place, and Ackerson. The number of donors giving to PACEs Connection with a monthly gift is increasing. “While we’ve added about 15 new monthly donors...

The Trauma Cycle

Last week I enjoyed the beautiful city of Krakow in Poland. The architecture and art can be seen not only in displays, but also in the craftsmanship of pottery, jewellery, traditional clothing, and of course the delicious food. The time spent there was an emotional eye opener to what I academically understood intergenerational trauma to be. Intergenerational trauma refers to the transfer of traumatic experiences from one generation to another. It can result in the perpetuation of...

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