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Web-Based Resource

In September of 2014, Georgetown University National Technical Assistance Center for Children's Mental Health and JBS International went live with a web-based, video enhanced resource called Trauma Informed Care: Perspectives and Resources.  The...

Support Groups

    Adults Molested as Children -- Links to resources and online e-groups, including co-ed groups, and groups for men, women and women who were molested by a female.    Adult Children of Alcoholics -- Links to resources and...


AAE - adverse adult experiences AAI - adult attachment interview AAP - American Academy of Pediatrics ACA - Affordable Care Act (USA) ACC - adverse childhood circumstances (Sweden) ACE - adverse childhood experiences ACF - Administration for...

Resources in Spanish

Ayudando a Niños(as) y Familias a Enfrentarse con el Trauma - National Child Traumatic Stress Network. [ Helping Young Children and Families Cope with Trauma ]   Breve Información Sobre el Duelo Traumático Infantil - National Child Traumatic Stress Network. [ Brief Information on Childhood Traumatic Grief ]   Breve Información Sobre el Duelo Traumático Infantil Para Personal de la Escuela - National Child Traumatic Stress Network. [ Brief...

New Concepts

Infant Mental Health World Association for Infant Mental Health - Finland - WAIMH's mission promotes education, research, and study of the effects of mental, emotional and social development during infancy on later normal and psychopathological...

Category searches

Here are customized ACEsConnection category searches to help you stay up to date on articles and areas of interest.   Scientific literature Here are customized searches from the National Library of Medicine's PubMed database:...

What is ACEsConnection?

ACEsConnection is a topic-focused social network that was launched in January 2012. It works like Facebook, but has a few more bells and whistles -- such as the ability to create groups with discussions and comments -- that allow its members to work...

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