Tagged With "Risking Connection"
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Anxious Attachments in Relationships
As an Asian male in his forties and a single dad to a teenage son, I've always felt it hasn't been easy to meet women that I can connect with. In addition, my track record of being in relationships has been far from stellar. As a childhood abuse survivor, I unknowingly took the pain I endured into my relationships. With zero self-awareness, I was insecure and needy, which resulted in a lot of angry outbursts and emotional abuse towards my partners
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Welcome to the Atlantic Canada ACE and TIP Network: Introductions & Invitation
We in Atlantic Canada are interested in advancing ACE Awareness & Trauma Informed Practice Principles, and Resilience Strategies in our region and throughout Canadian society. We welcome participation from all sectors of society including professionals, lay people and first voice members, recognizing we are stronger and more effective collaborating together.
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Canadian Community Growing 100 + members
Our Canadian ACEs and Trauma-Informed Network has grown significantly over the last couple months. We're now 100 + strong. #ACEsAwareCanada #TraumaInformedCanada #ResilientCanada here we come!
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Growing Resilient Communities 2.1 debuts! Thanks to our community, it’s better than ever!
Over the last 10 years, the number of people (millions), organizations (tens of thousands), and communities (high hundreds) who embrace ACEs science can blow your mind. But to solve our most intractable problems, all 34,000 communities in the U.S. need to integrate practices based on ACEs science. The fastest way is to start and grow an ACEs initiative, and we’ve got the tools and guidelines for that in our new Growing Resilient Communities 2.1, which debuts today.
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PBS Broadcast of Broken Places available in Canada
PBS Broadcast of Broken Places may be available in your region in Canada. Check your local listings and set your PVR. Monday April 6th, 2020. More opportunity to build #ACEsAwareCanada #TraumaInformedCanada
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Talking ACEs in Nova Scotia
Mark your calendars for Feb. 11 at 9 pm AST. I was recently interviewed for a radio show called Mental Health - Let's Talk About It. The show is live streamed via http://www.cioe975.ca/wp/97-5-listen-live/ so everyone can access it wherever you are. I've been talking ACEs in Nova Scotia for over 4 years against much resistance. This was the first opportunity I have been invited to speak. I think what I said will be helpful to those who listen.
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#TraumaInformedCanada Update
Creating #TraumaInformedCanada We're in this together - professionals, first voice, and community sector members alike. We're all humans first with our own backstories. Different knowledge combined only makes us stronger. Join our community to advance our mission of universal knowledge for recovery and prevention of #ACEs.
Blog Post
Welcome New Members & Update
Welcome new members of Canadian ACEs and TI Network. Please share what's happening re ACEs in your region. Here's an update on what I've been up to.
Re: Welcome new members to Canadian ACEs and TI Network.
Welcome Suzanne. Thanks for joining us. Feel free to share resources and notifications you become aware of for events happening in your area. Follow me on Twitter also to connect with others not on ACEs Connection. Nice to have you along for the journey. Elizabeth
Re: Behind That Anger is Grief: A Mother-Daughter Relationship
Miriam, Thank you for sharing your experience of challenges with your mother daughter relationship. I can relate, as I'm sure so can many. Many of us have been raised to "honour thy father and thy mother" and embody conflict because our experience of their treatment doesn't feel worth honouring. I'm happy for you that you have been able to finally get the validation you needed from your Mom for the pain you experienced, and that you are starting to actually get to know each other. I think...
Blog Post
First Nations - Lessons Learned Implementing Trauma-Informed Care
Supporting Trauma-Informed Transformation in First Nation Communities Beginning in 2010, the Traumatic Stress Institute began supporting the Yukon Territory (Canada) child welfare system to make the transition to trauma-informed care (TIC). Much like tribal communities in the US, First Nation and Aboriginal people in the Yukon suffer the devastating impact of historical and intergenerational trauma...Now significant portions of the youth in the child welfare system are children of...
Re: First Nations - Lessons Learned Implementing Trauma-Informed Care
Thank for sharing this hopeful article and information about the model. I hope it will serve as a catalyst for other First Nations communities across Canada!
Blog Post
The 300 + members of the Canadian ACEs and Trauma-Informed Network
The Canadian ACEs and Trauma-Informed Network was started in May 2018 to build a cross sectoral community of ACEs and Trauma-Informed practitioners and advocates in Canada. 2020 has seen our membership blossom to over 300 members. Here we showcase the diversity of regions, professions and areas of interest of our members.
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The Brain Builders Lab (2019-2021)
ACEs and Their Significance in Substance Use and Addiction Early childhood experiences are important contributors to health outcomes across the lifespan. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), defined as negative, stressful, traumatizing events that occur before age 18, can increase the risk for negative health outcomes, including mental illness and addiction. ACEs are viewed as an important upstream determinant of health, and an awareness of this relationship can strengthen public health...
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A Journey Home: A First Voice Reflection
Returning to my childhood hometown is always surreal. The memories flood my soul. Some good. Many sad. They all have meaning in the life I live.
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Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadian families and children (www150.statcan.gc.ca)
Released: 2020-07-09 The COVID -1 9 pandemic has dramatically altered the way of life for Canadian families, parents and children. Because of physical distancing and employment impacts, parents have altered their usual routines and supports, and many children and families have been isolated in their homes for months. Children, in particular, may not have left their homes or seen any friends or family members other than their parents for an extended period, since children do not typically...
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Trauma-Informed Care Toolkit
Becoming Trauma-Informed "As we come together facing this global pandemic, we are all experiencing heightened levels of stress which could be viewed as a collective trauma. The purpose of this toolkit is to build a better understanding of what trauma is and how trauma affects the thoughts, actions and behaviours of people affected by it so that we can come together in solidarity and hope. As we come together facing this global pandemic, we are all experiencing heightened levels of stress...
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How to on PACEs Connection
Welcome New Members! We're growing like dandelions in spring! For those new to the PACEs Connection platform and for those looking to refresh "how to" participate fully in this network, please follow the links for access to quick training videos.
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International Day to End Corporal Punishment
April 30th is the International Day to End Corporal Punishment. Many in Canada are advocating for the Government of Canada to Repeal section 43 of the Criminal Code which allows adult caregivers of children aged 2 - 12 years to exert physical punishment on children as a form of discipline. Those of us who understand neuroscience, attachment theory, child development, and ACEs understand the damage such breaches of trust between adults and children cause. We call upon all Canadians to join...