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Illinois Governor Signs Law to Include Social-Emotional Screening in School Health Exams

Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner and Diana Rauner, President of Ounce of Prevention Fund _____________________________________________ Consistent with being the first state to adopt standards for social emotional learning (SEL) in the country, Illinois recently passed legislation (SB 565, Public Act 99-0927 ) to require social and emotional screenings for children as part of the their school entry examinations. Governor Rauner (R) signed the bill on January 20. It goes into effect June 1 of...

School districts step up protections for immigrant students []

As fears mount about a federal crackdown on undocumented immigrants, a growing number of California school districts are trying to reassure students they will be able to attend school without the intrusion of federal authorities. Last week, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson again urged school leaders throughout the state to declare their districts “safe havens” to protect immigrant children. In December, he urged district leaders to use Sacramento Unified’s “safe...

Anti-Islamophobia Training Rolls Out In San Diego Schools (

In the heat of the 2016 campaign season, San Diego Unified board members voted to put together a plan to stop Islamophobia in schools. Part of that plan was in action Thursday — a week after President Donald Trump signed orders to temporarily ban travel from Muslim-majority countries and crack down on immigration . The presentation wasn't altered for the new audience. Pamphlets on how to deal with being bullied said, "Know your rights as a Muslim youth in school." And tips for teachers —...

Not All Fun And Games: New Guidelines Urge Schools To Rethink Recess []

What's the best time for students to have recess? Before lunch, or after? What happens if it rains? If students are misbehaving, is it a good idea to punish them by making them sit out recess? Those are just a few of the issues addressed in new guidelines designed to help schools have good recess. The recommendations come from a group called SHAPE (Society of Health and Physical Educators) America and from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recess might seem simple — just open...

Bullying Can Also Hurt Kids’ Academic Performance []

New research finds that chronic bullying is related to lower academic achievement, a dislike of school, and low confidence by students in their own academic abilities. Investigators tracked hundreds of children from kindergarten through high school and found that nearly a quarter of kids in the study experienced bullying. While pop culture often depicts more frequent bullying in high school, the study found that bullying was more severe and frequent in elementary school and tended to taper...

Teenagers Report a Surge in Bullying During a Divisive Election Season []

A new national survey of more than 50,000 teenagers charts a surge in abusive and hateful behavior among young people since the beginning of the presidential election campaign. “Our biggest takeaway was that 70 percent of all respondents had witnessed bullying, hate speech, or harassment since the 2016 election,” said Allison Turner, assistant press secretary for the Human Rights Campaign, a prominent LGBT advocacy group that conducted the survey. HRC polled a large, though not...

Policy Brief on the Impact of ACEs in the Education System

ACEs Policy in Education The Illinois ACEs Response COLLABORATIVE has released a policy brief on the impact of ACEs in Education. It includes promising practices and recommended actions for change. Rooted in social justice, this briefs is a call to action to move upstream, build resiliency, and recognize how addressing inequity and trauma can improve systems while also building resiliency. Read the complete brief here: This...

Don’t walk that line! Why schools need to create, and measure positive climates []

A positive school climate boosts student achievement. It includes a system of supportive and caring teachers, a safe learning environment, student connectedness and parental involvement. Since conditions like these support the interests of a school’s major stakeholders, it is very important for them to know if they’re in a positive climate. That’s why educators need to measure school climate, according to “Research Synthesis of the Associations Between Socioeconomic Background, Inequality,...

Making Parenting Education A Priority

Hello. I wanted to introduce myself to this group. My name is Rene Howitt and I'm the founder a non-profit child advocacy organization, COPE24....Changing Our Parenting Experience. Our mission is "To significantly reduce incidences of child abuse and neglect." Our methodology is through parenting education. I've been working with Family Consumer Science (FACS) and health teachers since 2008. We believe that parenting education should be a priority in all of our high schools, reaching all of...

Mindfulness practices help students deal with stress, behavior (

A focus on breathing is one of the first steps in yoga and mindfulness classes being taught among children and teens and their teachers in schools throughout the Pittsburgh area. “It’s empowering, using your own body and your own breath,” says Yoga in the Schools founder Joanne Spence. Explaining how something so simple can be helpful, she said, “Practice allows us to be present and accountable … in the midst of ups and downs in life.” Indeed, the class aims to help students focus, control...

A new movement to treat troubled children as ‘sad, not bad’ []

...All day long, a steady stream of Crocker students, feeling overwhelmed and needing to talk, ask teachers for passes to Gauthier’s office. Some students want reassurance that they’ll be okay after water or electricity is shut off at home; others are burdened with worries about a loved one who is sick, has been arrested, or even killed. Some, like Sherlae, are coping with a family mental-health crisis. In New Orleans, Crocker is at the vanguard of a collaborative of five schools launched in...

RESILIENCE - Special Educational Edition Now Available

It's been one year since the premiere of RESILIENCE at Sundance, and since then we've screened at festival around the world and in hundreds of communities across the nation. RESILIENCE dives into the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the birth of a new movement to treat and prevent Toxic Stress. Now understood to be one of the leading causes of everything from heart disease and cancer to substance abuse and depression, extremely stressful experiences in childhood can alter...

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