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Why social-emotional learning for kids is under attack []

By Mashable SEA, Mashable Southeast Asia, April 22, 2022 Not too long ago, social-emotional learning (SEL) brought people on the left and right together in pursuit of teaching children skills for thriving in the classroom and beyond. Now it may sound familiar because it's become a flashpoint in the battle over children's education . Social-emotional learning, or SEL, is a process designed to support young students' well-being and academic performance in five key areas: self-awareness,...

What is neurodiversity, and why has it become so important to employers, educators? (

ncreasingly, workplaces and those in education are trying to familiarize themselves with the term “neurodiversity.” So, what exactly is it -- and why is it becoming a hot topic for many? Below are five key questions in regards to neurodiversity, with insight from Dr. Susanne Bruyere, professor of disability studies in the Industrial Labor Relations School at Cornell University. What is neurodiversity? Neurodiversity is a concept all about differences in the brain, that cause people to...

Rooted Relationships: Growing Equitable Classroom Communities

Details and registration - You can create a classroom and school environment where students feel connected and encouraged. Imagine a room filled with young people who are engaged in learning, contribute to problem-solving, and help build their own community. Introducing our 5-week Rooted Relationships series , which brings together the most helpful and practical tools from the latest brain science research, culturally responsive teaching, trauma and...

Check out these Educator Events and Resources!

Learn! Connect! Discover! Friends it's time for a good ol’ resource share out. There are so many excellent opportunities coming up in the next few months, from PACEsConnection and beyond, both no-cost and paid. I know we are tired…but these are too good not to check out! I invite you to add things I have missed in the comment section. Events PACEsConnection Virtual Trauma-Informed Schools Summer Leadership Institute June 21-24 Join us for...

Trauma-Responsive, Resilience Building Practices for Early Childhood Educators and Leaders []

Trauma-Responsive and Resilience Building Practices for Early Childhood Educators (ECE), Leaders, Organizations, and Systems: A Three-Part Program Our region is excited to partner with the Center for Optimal Brain Integration (COBI) to provide a three-part virtual training series (an opening institute, a six-part community of practice, and a closing institute) for early childhood educators, organizations and system leaders. Join us as we deepen our advocacy for and increase trauma-informed...

Register Now! PACEsConnection virtual Trauma-Informed School Leadership Institute

Are you ready to transform your school to become a trauma-informed and healing-centered environment? Join us for the PACEsConnection virtual Trauma-Informed School Leadership Institute. This institute is specifically tailored for school leaders and leadership teams who want to understand the HOW of trauma-informed schools. Speakers will include current and former building leaders engaged in the work as well as other national experts supporting schools through this transformation process.

What if Covid’s silver lining could be what we learn from the kids? []

By Thomas Courtney, Photo: Thomas Courtney, EdSource, April 5, 2022 T he unanimous conclusion in educational literature has been that 2020 and 2021 will be a generational burden on kids. And it’s true. This pandemic has hit us all hard: educators, parents, and most powerfully, kids. We need to talk about ways to address it, correct it, and be mindful of how our tax dollars can address it. Yet, there’s something quite special happening in my classroom right now. It’s something that has been...

A One-Woman Rescue Squad for Homeless Students []

By Jason DeParle, Photo: Tamir Kalifa/The New York Times, The New York Times, April 11, 2022 By the time she reached school on a recent Monday morning, Norma Mercado had already driven four homeless children to class, one from 30 miles away, having spent the weekend taking a group of homeless students on a college tour and two homeless siblings to buy clothes. Inside her office, a student was waiting, boiling with rage. Louisa Perez’s ex-best friend was insulting her on Facebook, and Ms.

After decades of unmet mental health needs in New Orleans schools, teachers and activists scramble to help kids on the brink (

By Kaylee Poche, Staff Writer, April 4, 2022 Amanda Schroeder saw a lot during her time as a school counselor in New Orleans. Schroeder, who now works as the president of the nonprofit Communities in Schools, recalls the time a decade ago when she worked in a public school in New Orleans East. A kindergartener at the school would abruptly bolt from their desk, running out of the classroom without warning. Sometimes, he’d run out of the school building altogether.

STOPit and Sharpen - Trauma-informed technology to improve emotional wellness

Advancing school mental health requires a comprehensive, Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) following Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) best practices. As presented for New Mexico Department of Health clinicians, this case study will outline strategies for improving emotional wellness and advancing behavioral health in schools through trauma-informed technology.

What Happened After Los Angeles Schools Cut Police Funds and Hired Mental Health Staff for Black Students []

By Aaricka Washington, Photo: Solutions Journalism Exchange, The 74, March 24, 2022 Kyla Payne distinctly remembers being on edge any time she entered Dorsey High School in Los Angeles. The 16-year-old felt uncomfortable being monitored by campus police officers who seemed to be intent on finding crimes and rule violations that weren’t there, Payne said. “I know for me and my friends, it was difficult trying to live just as a high school student and live freely and be creative when you have...

Creating Positive Childhood Experiences [CDC]

Note: A CDC update provided a link to a new page on the CDC website on Creating Positive Childhood Experiences. It includes sections on "What are ACEs" and "Everyone has a role to play" (parents and caregivers, coworkers, and everyone) in creating safe and healthy conditions for all children, including community programs and policies. It includes a 3-minute video and Resources section. Healthy and happy childhoods start now. Learn how you can help! Children and families thrive when they have...

Suspensions, Expulsions or Arrests of Students at School. There’s Still Time to Fix That []

By Richard Mendel, Photo: Getty Images, The 74, March 29, 2022 T he COVID-19 pandemic has been a nightmare for teenagers. The U.S. surgeon general and the American Academy of Pediatrics recently declared a nationwide adolescent mental health crisis, as did the president of the United States . Academic achievement tests show wholesale learning loss. School attendance has plummeted. And these difficulties are being felt most among students who were already behind before COVID — youth of color,...

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