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This Colorado history teacher sees the effects of immigration policy every day — in her worried students (

Here, in a feature we call How I Teach, we ask educators who’ve been recognized for their work how they approach their jobs. You can see other pieces in the series here . Some of Kelly Cvanciger’s students at Bear Creek High School in Lakewood live with constant worry — about the possibility of deportation, arrest, or being separated from their families. They are immigrants legally residing in the U.S. through the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, an Obama-era...

How California’s Rural Education Network Is Creating an Online Hub to Better Connect Remote Schools and Empower Teachers to Share Experiences, Strategies & Classroom Materials (

Educators in rural communities face unique challenges, but they also have special strengths that aren’t always found in urban and suburban schools. In California,where 60 percent of districts are in towns or rural areas, a new project is leveraging those strengths to help educators connect with one another and get the support they need. The California Rural Ed Network started in 2017 but recently launched an online resource bank that offers free informational and professional development...

‘Change in culture’: New California guidelines aim to help teach social, emotional skills [Press Democrat]

The nation’s schools long ago broadened their missions beyond the teaching of academic subjects and participation in extracurricular activities. Educators have for decades been entrusted to teach students a wider range of life skills, including those that touch on emotions, empathy and relationships with other people. Now, a new state guide , released Wednesday, offers a slew of resources for teachers and administrators seeking to bolster kids’ social and emotional development. “Science...

Terry markets give hands-on learning (

SELMA – Instead of merely learning about math concepts, organization skills and customer service by reading about markets in a book, the Terry Elementary after-school students have opened up their monthly Fresh Produce Stand for a hands-on learning experience. W ith their cafeteria transformed with signs, cashiers and apron-wearing staff ready to assist, the stand officially kicked off the season Dec. 12. Fliers were sent out to parents and staff and for future markets, the general public is...

Cuomo Announces $ 1.5 Million to Farm-to-School Programs (

Governor Andrew Cuomo is announcing a record $1.5 million in funding to support Farm-to-School programs across New York. Oneida Herkimer Madison BOCES will get $100,000. The funding has been awarded to 18 projects and educational organizations that serve students in Kindergarten through Grade 12 and will benefit over 420,000 students. Funding for the Farm-to-School program was doubled in the State's 2018-19 Budget and is a key component of the Governor's No Student Goes Hungry initiative. To...

The Importance of Self-Care for Administrators (

“The moment you want to retreat is the exact moment you have to reach in.” As an administrator, I use this mantra when the work feels too difficult or the feedback seems too tough, to remind myself that the challenge is also a moment of opportunity. FIND CONNECTION Who are your supporters? Who can you trust to discuss challenges and solicit advice? Cultivating these relationships is important for any school leader. READ TO LEARN Reading up on best practices and tips from others can help...

Suspensions Are Down In U.S. Schools But Large Racial Gaps Remain []

Students in U.S. schools were less likely to be suspended in 2016 than they were in 2012. But the progress is incremental, and large gaps — by race and by special education status — remain. This data comes from an analysis of federal data for NPR in partnership with the nonprofit organization Child Trends. And it comes as the Trump administration is preparing the final report from a school safety commission that is expected to back away from or rescind Obama-era guidance intended to reduce...

Navigating the Holidays for Students with ACEs

Over the last few weeks, I have had countless conversations with schools about the uptick of behavioral issues this time of year. Many educators are recognizing that students with ACE’s have a tough time around the holidays, but very few people know what to do about it. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, below are the top three pieces of advice I have been sharing. Avoid some of the most common holiday traditions: When we have negative experiences, our brain latches on to everything...

Belongingness Can Protect Against Impact of Trauma, Study Suggests []

A new study, published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, investigates the effects of belongingness on adult mental health, outcomes of childhood trauma, and risky alcohol use. The results of the study suggest a feeling of belonging in childhood may serve as a protective factor for difficulties with mental health and adverse outcomes of childhood trauma later in life. Research suggests rates of depression, anxiety disorders, and other mental health issues are exhibited at higher...

Wilson High School introduces Edge Foundation coaching to help students with ADHD and adverse childhood experiences succeed [Tacoma Weekly]

Wilson High School for the first time is training staff to provide executive-style coaching to students with executive function challenges often experienced because of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) or trauma, attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and/or non-traditional learning styles. Wilson High School is the sixth school in the Tacoma School District to use a coaching program designed and administered by the non-profit Edge Foundation. Other Tacoma schools that are...

In push to expand universal preschool, lessons to be learned from California's class size reduction program []

The rapid rollout of a hugely ambitious plan to reduce elementary school class sizes in California over two decades ago should serve as a cautionary tale for how quickly the state should implement universal preschool, a long-sought-after goal of children’s advocates and their allies in the Legislature. It may also give incoming Gov. Gavin Newsom some cover for not moving aggressively to implement universal preschool, which he said he was committed to on the campaign trail. He articulated...

You Are Not Alone: Trauma-Informed Schools []

This video segment originally appeared in "Trauma and Toxic Stress," part of the KET series, "You Are Not Alone," a series focused on youth mental health. KET visits Arnett Elementary school in Erlanger, Ky., which is working toward becoming “trauma informed,” to learn more about their efforts to help improve students’ mental and emotional wellbeing. To view the entire series: Learn more about KET's programs and educational...

The debate over students with disabilities, suspensions and race []

A look at raw numbers of who is most likely to be suspended from school indicates that black students and students with disabilities* are at the top of the list. For example, 23 percent of black students and 18 percent of students with disabilities were suspended from high school during 2011-12 school year, compared with fewer than 7 percent of white students overall. Combine the categories of black and disability with gender and the statistics are even more troubling. Almost 34 percent, or...

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