Tagged With "Level 2"
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5th Annual Arizona ACEs Summit, Tuesday, December 11th, 2018
5th Annual Arizona ACEs Summit: Becoming a Trauma Informed State - Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences to Create a Healthier Arizona "Adverse childhood experiences can negatively impact a child's life well into adulthood - through identification and assessment, we can develop intervention strategies - creating happier communities for current and future generations of Arizonans. These efforts will move us closer to becoming a trauma-informed state, and help solidify Arizona as the number...
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Cultivating a Culture of Equity - TIPP Presentation, Arizona State University April 23. 2019
APRIL 23, 2019 W H E N & W H E R E A S U M E M O R I A L U N I O N M O H A V E - # 2 3 6 3 0 1 E O R A N G E S T , T E M P E , A Z 9 : 3 0 A M T O 4 : 0 0 P M W H O S H O U L D A T T E N D ASU STAFF & STUDENTS ANYONE WORKING WITH YOU AGES 0-24 FREE LUNCH, RAFFLE & FUN https://cfo.asu.edu/parking Cultivating a Culture of Equity - TIPP CERTIFICATION #1 Arizona's Youth Are In Crises #2 Trauma Informed Primary Prevention (TIPP) #3 Equity in Schools & the Workplace #4 Call Me...
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Cultivating a Culture of Equity - TIPP Presentation, Burton Barr Library, Phoenix, April 26. 2019
April 26, 2019 B U R T O N B A R R L I B R A R Y 1 2 2 1 N . C E N T R A L A V E P H X , A Z 8 5 0 0 4 P U L L I U M A U D I T O R I U M 9 : 3 0 A M T O 4 : 0 0 P M Cultivating a Culture of Equity- Trauma Informed Primary Prevention #1 Arizona's Youth Are In Crises #2 Trauma Informed Primary Prevention (TIPP) #3 Equity in Schools & the Workplace #4 Call Me Trauma Informed www.eventbrite.com/e/cultivating-a-culture-of-equity-tippcertification- tickets-56084751000
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Do you live in Arizona, Hawaii, California, Nevada or the US Pacific Islands? Come to our no-cost mental and school mental health Winter Institute!
Do you live in Arizona, Hawaii, California, Nevada or the US Pacific Islands?If so...Check it out! 👇 NO COST. MENTAL HEALTH & SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH WORKFORCE. AMAZING FACULTY. JANUARY 14, 15, & 16th! LONG BEACH, CA. JOIN US. 🤝 👏 Learn more here: http://bit.ly/mhttc-winterinstitute-flyer Register here: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07egq2f9gaebafa6bd&llr=8wdk4ubab
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Free Online Hope Forum - Kids at Hope
Wednesday, March 25, 2020 2:00pm Eastern Time 1:00pm Central Time 12:00pm Mountain Time 11:00am Pacific Time (AZ) To register, click here . Rick Miller Founder of Kids at Hope and Professor of Practice and Clinical Director at Arizona State University’s Center for the Advanced Study and Practice of HOPE will be joined by very special guests for a series of weekly Online HOPE Forums exploring the soul, science and practice of HOPE during times of uncertainty. Joining Rick for the first of...
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States Produce a Bumper Crop of ACEs bills in 2017—nearly 40 bills in 18 states
A scan done in March by the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) through StateNet of bills introduced in 2017 that specifically include adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in the text produced a surprising volume of bills (close of 40) in a large number of states (18). A scan done a year ago produced less than a handful. NCSL is a bipartisan organization that serves both state legislators and their staffs. The shear volume of bills in so many states represents a promising...
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Trauma Informed Congregation Movement in Arizona
As a social work professional, I was involved in the trauma field twenty years ago. But I became a charismatic nondenominational church pastor, starting a college campus prayer movement. With my cultural heritage and training at an evangelical seminary, the focus of my ministry has been intercession, multi-ethnic discipleship and servant leadership. However, the development of community service involvement with the ministry brought me back to the engagement in my previous professional field.
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Trauma-Responsive Schools Conference in Southern California
HERE this NOW is proud to bring its Trauma-Responsive Schools Conference to California, October 23 – 25, 2019, at the stunning Temecula Creek Inn in Temecula, CA (2 hours north of San Diego; 3-hours south of Los Angeles). This is not a typical conference. Participants will be actively engaged in an immersive experience, rendering more growth - personal and professional. Five diversely skilled and experienced pioneers of trauma-informed schools change are coming together for first time, to...
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Webinar Learning Series begins tomorrow: State Policy Approaches to Addressing Childhood Adversity, Wednesday, January 10, 10am PST (1:00 PM EST)
Reminder of tomorrow's ( Wednesday, January 10, 10am PST/1:00 PM EST) webinar on State Policy Approaches to Addressing Childhood Adversity Please join us for a three -part learning series hosted by the California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity and ACEs Connection . We'll hear from states that are making great strides towards adopting trauma-informed policies and practices. Three-Part Learning Series: Webinar 1: Overview of State Level Efforts to Address Childhood Adversity and...
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Webinar Learning Series: State Policy Approaches to Addressing Childhood Adversity, January 10, 10am PST (1:00 PM EST)
Please join us for a three -part learning series hosted by the California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity and ACEs Connection . We'll hear from states that are making great strides towards adopting trauma-informed policies and practices. Three-Part Learning Series: Webinar 1: Overview of State Level Efforts to Address Childhood Adversity and Highlights from Oregon, Tennessee, and Wisconsin Date: January 10th, 10AM PST (1:00 PM EST) Speakers: Elizabeth Prewitt, Policy Analyst, ACEs...
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Trauma and Childhood Obesity – LIVE WEBINAR
Trauma and Childhood Obesity – LIVE WEBINAR CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Presented by: Leah N. Owen, MC, LAC Friday, October 2, 2020 8:30am – 4:30pm (Arizona Time) $50.00 Feel confident working with clients with obesity issues Gain resources to share with clients and their families See childhood obesity in a new way Be more effective in assessing clients and addressing the entire person Training Description The session titled Trauma and Childhood Obesity will begin with an overview of childhood...
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Building the case for change: Surveying primary care practices in trauma screening
Hello! I am a new member, I am a physician who has been working in the trauma-pain world for over 2 decades here in Arizona, and I am soon to start on an MPH with focus on epidemiology. I am going to survey primary care practices with regard to screening for trauma in children and adults throughout the state, and I would like to know if other members are interested in this project. I would welcome your input! The idea is to get solid data on how many providers are screening for trauma, and...
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CALIFORNIA ACES ACADEMY: Parental ACEs and Pediatrics: Transforming Well Care [avahealth.org]
CALIFORNIA ACES ACADEMY (CAA) , funded by ACEs Aware, is providing free online training to Medi-Cal providers and others featuring: Practical strategies for integrating trauma-informed health care into your team’s practice that improves patients’ well being and the productivity of your practice. Meet colleagues with experience and success providing trauma-informed health care in their practices. Learn from national and local experts. Talk to other professionals from your region in small...
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Portraits of Professional Caregivers documentary available for viewing from ACEs Connection this weekend
Our Transform Trauma with ACEs Science film festival launches this weekend. We are thrilled to share the documentary , P ortraits of Professional CAREgivers: Their Passion, Their Pain on Saturday, September 12th, and Sunday , September 13th. The documentary will be streamed from our Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Communit y . Click here to join. Registration is not required for viewing. You need to be a member of ACEs Connection and join this community site to watch the film this...
Mary Ann O'Connor
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The Roll Out of LEVEL 2- Historical Trauma Specialist Certification
LEVEL 2 HISTORICAL TRAUMA SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION MARCH 2022!!! The wait is finally over! Iya Affo and Heal Historical Trauma will present: Historical Trauma Specialist Certification- LEVEL 2: A Neurological, Environmental & Cultural Perspective on March 1st & 2nd 2022. LEVEL 2 will cover the following: Neurological implications of Historical Trauma and how to align neurobiology with desired behavioral outcomes. Indigenous Attachment Theory Understanding the injurious relationship...
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T-Shirts to Support the Legacy of REAL Female Warriors Depicted in Black Panther Movie
In The Black Panther movie, we marveled over Okoye and her magnificent band of the Dora Milaje, powerful female warriors. In this true-to-life depiction, Wakanda is Dahomey, present day, Benin, West Africa. Okoye is a famous female warrior and forgotten queen named Queen Hangbe who lead the most powerful army in West Africa fighting against the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, the MINO also known as the Amazon Women of Dahomey. Today, we are remembering their brilliance, fierceness, discipline...
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The Launch of Heal Trauma Global: Culturally Attuned Trauma Training
Being Trauma-Informed means that we are Culturally Attuned. Heal Trauma Global is a sister company to Heal Historical Trauma and was cultivated to fill a wide gap in stress science & trauma training. The trauma-informed movement is beautiful! It's wonderful that as a society we are moving in a direction that honors an individual's past as part of the driving force behind current behaviors. Yet, time and time again, I have attended trainings that are labeled as Trauma-Informed only to...
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Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice with Special Guest, Becky Haas, Pioneer in Developing Trauma-Informed Judicial Initiatives
Please join us for our new series entitled: Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice. This monthly virtual Zoom series will feature conversations facilitated by Dr. Porter Jennings-McGarity, PhD/LCSW, PACEs Connection’s criminal justice consultant, with special guests to discuss the need for trauma-informed criminal justice system reform. Using a PACEs-science lens, this series will examine the relationship between trauma and the criminal justice system, what needs changing, and strategies being...
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Black History Month 2K22- NEW Trainings!
In Honor of Black History Month 2k22 Please Enjoy the Following NEW Trainings: Facilitating a Full Expression of Resilience: BIPOC are resilient. In learning how trauma is formed and passed from one generation to the next in our communities, we will understand how to facilitate a full expression of resilience in vulnerable communities. This course takes a deep dive into the reality of flight or fight mode and how many people enduring oppression, discrimination and hate live with a constant...
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5 Years Ago and 5 Days Later (AZTIFC) – The 4th Annual Building Resilient Church Conference
Register now! February 11, 2022 10:30 AM 6:30 PM EST Pure Heart Church, Glendale, Arizona (In-Person or Online) As the founder of The Faithful City, I also founded Arizona Trauma Informed Faith Community (AZTIFC) five years ago. It was out of my life with a traumatic season and powerful healing journey with trauma informed care (TIC) that includes my faith tradition and practice. AZTIFC has been in an exponential growth as a grassroots movement, collaborating with all other social sectors to...
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The Loss of Cultural Identity and Neurological Dysregulation
Pre-COVID, I was invited to speak at a conference in Flagstaff, Arizona. During lunch the organizers brought dancers from the Apache tribe to perform. What we witnessed was so powerful and moving, that it prompted me to inquire about the spiritual significance of the songs and dance. They explained to me that after going to war, the warriors returned to their land and were gathered together to perform that particular dance and song. As a tribal African woman, it all made perfect sense. As...
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48-Hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program- COHORT 1 & 2
New!! 48-HOUR HISTORICAL TRAUMA SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION in collaboration with THE INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL TRAUMA ASSOCIATION We are the only entity offering a comprehensive, 48-hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program. The Program is broken into 6 levels and is built on a foundation of BIPOC cultures and neurobiology. It is taught from a multicultural perspective, injecting traditions and ideology from various cultures from around the world. In this inclusive study we rely...
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Behavioral Health and the Holiday Season
The holiday season is filled with peace and happiness, and sharing time with friends and family. For many, this is a time where family and friends get together and reflect on the birth of Christ, while preparing for the new year. These events can cause those with behavioral health concerns to exacerbate. According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) (2023), over 64% of individuals mental health concerns worsen. I have provided some tips on how to improve mental wellness during...
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A New Year
As the new year approaches, many individuals are beginning to make resolutions. Rather it be for improved health, weight loss goals, or simply to become better at a specific task or career goal. As you make way for your new year’s resolution, we want to make certain that you are making goals achievable, specifically foe you. Here are a few resolutions that can help you get started on your journey toward success. 1. Make a resolution to remain physically healthy and active. This is not to say...
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Returning Children to School Following the Holiday Season
Some may recall the struggle of getting adjusted to the busy schedule of being a parent and returning your child back to school following the holiday season. I have completed a review that will allow both children and families to have a much more successful transition back into the workplace and classroom setting. Here are a few tips that will make the transition more smoother. 1. Ensure to keep a consistent bedtime schedule. While this may be difficult, it is important to stick as close as...
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The Governor of Arizona Proclaimed “Arizona Trauma Awareness Month” at the Weave and Cleave Conference by The Faithful City (May 2, 2024)
In January, I announced the “Weave and Cleave Movement,” defining it as The Faithful City (TFC)’s social and cultural movement that invites every human being and all sectors to come alongside, where everyone experiences being connected before being corrected, sharing struggles in compassion, and raising hope and resilience for the future journey altogether. The second annual Weave and Cleave Conference, which I organized with Marcia Stanton, the founder of the Arizona ACEs Consortium, was...
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7 Ways to Support Those in Need
1. Be patient, while allowing those in need to communicate following a tragic occurrence. When tragedy strikes, one may not be readily open to communicate . 2. Acknowledge how the individual looks and feels. Ask open ended questions when needed. 3. Provide support. Allow sufficient resources and assistance to be provided to individuals when needed. 4. Provide comfort in the form of physical touch (i.e. hug, gentle rub of the shoulder or hand within boundaries), to ensure the individual feels...
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Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
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Lipedema and Obesity
Lipedema is caused by an excess of adipose tissue typically in regions of the feet, buttocks, thighs, hips, stomach, and arms (Herbst, 2014). The disorder typically occurs in 11% of the population, and is typically found in females rather than males (Herbst. 2014). Development of this condition can cause early onset of Diabetes. Lipedema occurs when the dermis and epidermis is made up of enlarged adipose cells that continue their growth beneath the skin. Lipedema develops in three stages:...
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The Importance of Hydration
Hydration is essential, especially during summer months when the temperature continues to rise. How much water should we be drinking daily? It is estimated that men should drink at least 120 ounces of water daily, while women should consume at least 96 ounces of water daily (Chilu, 2023). Both fresh fruit and vegetables contain a percentage of water as well. Fruits and vegetables that are high in water content include: cucumber, celery, romaine lettuce, watermelon, strawberries, mushrooms,...
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The Progress of African Americans and Latinas/Latinos: What We Have Achieved…What Is Still Left to Conquer
To begin with some mind blowing stats about African Americans and their achievements through the years. In 1940, 60% of African American women entered the workforce to work in white collar positions. In 1958, almost 44% of Caucasian Americans considered relocating if an African American family resided within close proximity of their residence. In 2024, that percentage will decrease. In 1964, the Civil Rights Act made it possible for African Americans and Caucasians to increase friendships...
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Home Remedies for Acid Reflux
Acid reflux is a disorder that effects the esophagus. It often causes a buring sensation that can be quite irritable during food consumption and digestion. The symptoms associated with this disorder can last for hours on end, making it difficult to enjoy the foods you love the most. Acid reflux is caused by an insurmountable amount of gas that builds up in the stomach, and filters to the esophagus. The lower esophageal sphincter acts as a normal safety net for food to properly pass from the...