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The foster care system, trauma, and resilience - a panel discussion

Trauma often does its greatest harm when it occurs during the impressionable stages of our youth. Losing one's parents, moving from different schools, living in an unstable environment - all of these are issues that can break into a child's world and cause difficulties well into adulthood. What can we do? What has research shown to be the current best practices? What is the science behind this aspect of foster care, and how does it relate to our faith? I was honored to be a part of a panel...

Lois Henry: Upping the bar for foster children []

A new law in California, effective this year, is reducing the number of groups home and congregate care facilities. This law is part of a larger framework called the Continuum of Care Reform (Assembly Bill 403). This editorial by Lois Henry sheds light on the plans of one California community, Bakersfield, to reduce group-care and increase the number of foster homes. Including efforts to level the playing field for relative caregivers and streamline the permanent plan of adoption.Zachary...

Tipping the Scales: The Resilience Game []

Have you been looking for a fun interactive game to illustrate how families and communities build resilience? This tool from the Center on the Developing Child at harvard University is a fun way to engage a team or group in thinking about how communities and systems contribute to resilience building and protective factors for chidlren and families. In this interactive feature, you will learn how the choices we make can help children and the community as a whole become more resilient in the...

InBrief: Relilience Series []

This series of videos from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University provide a great resoruce on resilience: 1. InBrief: What is Resilience? 2. InBrief: The Science of Resilience 3. InBreif: How Resilience is Built Reducing the effects of significant adversity on young children’s healthy development is critical to the progress and prosperity of any society. Yet not all children experience lasting harm as a result of adverse early experiences. Some may demonstrate “ resilience...

The Intergenerational Mobility Project []

The Intergenerational Mobility Project (“The Intergen Project”), a collaborative effort between the Center on the Developing Child and EMPath*, has set out with a bold mission to disrupt the intergenerational transmission of poverty. By applying science to social service program design, the Intergen Project seeks to mitigate the effects of poverty and its associated stressors in order to support motivated low-income families as they work their way across the economic divide. This...

Brief Aims to Better Understand How Positive Factors Change Child Trauma []

According to a leading group of children’s advocates, it’s not enough to just study the impact of childhood trauma and how we can lessen its toll on children and adults later in life. Armed with new data, researchers from Center for the Study of Social Policy, Alliance for Strong Families and Communities, Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative, Prevent Child Abuse America, Casey Family Programs and the Montana Institute say that positive childhood experiences are more important...

Foster care children: How their life experiences differ []

The issue: When children in the United States are abused or neglected, government agencies sometimes remove them from their homes and place them in foster care with the goal of providing a safer, more stable environment. In late 2015, an estimated 427,910 kids were in foster care nationwide, according to a 2017 report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Researchers have estimated that 6 percent of all U.S. children will enter foster care before age 18, including 12 percent...

Select Adoption Statistics for Kids in Foster Care []

In recognition of National Foster Care Month, the KIDS COUNT Data Center is highlighting key child welfare data on the site. In 2015, nearly 112,000 kids were in foster care waiting to be adopted. For these children, we know that: Twenty-four percent lived in California or Texas. Twenty-eight percent had been waiting at least three years to be adopted. Kids in Illinois had the longest road to adoption, with nearly one in three waiting at least five years. In 2015, about 53,500 kids in...

Study shows link between foster care, multiple medications and teen pregnancy []

Girls in foster care are more likely to be diagnosed with mental health conditions, be prescribed multiple medications and become pregnant as teenagers, according to a report by Wyoming researchers. The study, which was conducted over an 11-year period and followed more than 5,000 15-year-old girls to their 18th birthdays, shows stark disparities in the challenges its subjects face. For instance, nearly 30 percent of 743 foster care girls on Medicaid gave birth by the time they turned 18.

Foster Care From the Youth Perspective []

Foster Adopt Connect is a non-profit foster care support agency serving Missouri and Eastern Kansas. Their mission: To provide foster and adoptive children a stable, loving and nurturing family environment by support and advocacy for abused and neglected children and the families caring for them. One of the services they provide to the families they serve is the Fostering Hope Radio Show. This episode from May 28 th explores Foster Care from the Youth Perspective - “three incredible foster...

Chronicle investigation spurs calls to close foster care shelters (

The state attorney general's office is looking into hundreds of dubious arrests at California's shelters for abused and neglected children that were detailed last week in a San Francisco Chronicle investigative report . A County officials have called for immediate reviews of the newspaper's findings that shelter staff contacted the sheriff an average of nine times a day last year, with children booked at juvenile hall nearly 200 times in 2015 and 2016. The county shelters are the first stop...

Balancing Adverse Childhood Experiences with Hope []

This report presents evidence for HOPE (Health Outcomes of Positive Experiences) based on newly released, compelling data that reinforce the need to promote positive experiences for children and families in order to foster healthy childhood development despite the adversity common in so many families. These data: Establish a spirit of hope and optimism and make the case that positive experiences have lasting impact on human development and functioning, without ignoring well-documented...

When Child Welfare Systems Embrace Trauma-Informed Care []

When child welfare systems infuse trauma-informed care into everything they do, kids experience fewer placements and fare better in foster care, according to new Casey-funded research. In a five-year study conducted by Child Trends , researchers focused on kids served by KVC Kansas, a nonprofit offering child welfare and behavioral health support through a public/private partnership with the Kansas Department of Children and Families. As part of the study, administrators, staff and foster...

Ideas for Recruiting Foster Parents

Although this article is written about a California child welfare system, its trauma informed recommendations are applicable across states. See Ideas for Recruiting Foster Parents to hear from a leading dependency expert, Jan Sherwood of Advokids, on things to consider to recruit and retain foster families who can help prevent additional trauma to children who usually enter the child welfare system with multiple ACEs.

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