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Howard Eisenberg, PhD LCSWC

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Posts By Howard Eisenberg, PhD LCSWC

Is the Loss of Self the real outcome of trauma?

I want to throw out an idea based on years of successfully addressing the underlying childhood trauma that contributes to initial and continued drug use. I am seeking feedback as to whether or not those suffering from the memories of traumatic experiences feel that the loss of respect for one's self, i.e., the feeling that you are guilty, at fault in some way, or the victim that can never regain the sense of self purpose and control, is the factor that interferes with being able to grow and...

Trauma: Is it the memory or is it the event?

Research -- and experience -- point to trauma as being one of the primary reasons people turn to drug use. My patients, most of whom experienced childhood trauma that led to a lifetime of drug use, point to the memory of the event(s) as the factor that contributed to initial and continued drug use. I believe that recovery is very difficult to achieve and maintain unless this memory is addressed and dealt with once and for all. Cognitive Confrontation, the intervention I developed to address...

Stopping the Cycle of Trauma

The cycle of childhood trauma spanning many generations has destroyed more children than all the wars ever fought in this world. And most people look the other way and pretend they don't see. What can we do? Open our eyes, admit to ourselves that something in our families is broken, and take a big step toward finding the hidden door that will make it possible for those broken by abuse to find themselves and heal. Like the memory of the actual traumatic events that haunt the victims, the...

Family Preservation -- A New Link

Preventing Foster Care Placement -- The Missing Link Is Finding Your Hidden Door I have successfully linked mothers and fathers with their kids and helped new mothers keep their kids when they are born ... and even helped grandparents return to being big parts of their grandkids' lives. The impact of drug use and untreated mental illness span generations and, unfortunately, contribute to the need for many children to be placed in foster care. So, it only stands to reason, that parents who...

Healing the Parents To Save The Next Generation

I hear the stories of trauma that my adult patients experienced when they were young and always wonder what the next generation must be going through. I firmly believe that healing the parent will contribute to a future generation of children who will not need to experience the recurring trauma their parents and grandparents endured. I am fortunate to be able to help my patients deal with their memories quickly and effectively so that they can live their lives without their continuing...

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