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Iya Affo

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Communities Iya Affo Belongs To

This is the dedicated global community of individuals who support or lead PACEs initiatives online & on-the-ground who gather here to discuss the process of utilizing the Growing Resilient Communities framework to start & growing resilient communities, exchange evidence-based practices, and practice-based evidence. Questions, ideas, and shared resources are all welcome!
We at ACEs Caribbean Community are here to raise awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and promote Protective Factors, Positive Experiences, Hope, and Resilience throughout the Caribbean. Our desire is to inform and transform our region to see more empowered, trauma-informed, and resilient people, families, communities, organisations, and nations.
Working to compile, share, and advance ACEs, trauma-informed, and resilience-building programs for children and youth across sectors and settings.
The members of Arizona ACE Consortium promote ideas, policies and practices that reduce and prevent childhood adversity and build resilience in individuals, families and communities. ACEs can last a lifetime, but they don't have to.
Resilience at work. What does it mean to be trauma-informed at work? How is it defined and assessed? How do we measure success? What policies, protocols, and training exist? How does becoming trauma-informed change us and our work? We share the nuts and bolts of becoming a trauma-informed organization and our struggles, questions, and successes, too.
A group of practitioners, healers, policy advocates and all other people committed to making California a place that is healthy and safe for everyone.
We are advancing PACEs Awareness and Trauma-Informed (TI) and Resilience cultures across Canada. We welcome participation from diverse professionals, community members, and first-voices recognizing we are stronger and more effective collaborating together. Join the movement! #TraumaInformedCanada #ACEsAwareCanada
A forum to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe and stable environments for individuals and communities. This forum aims to prevent & mitigate ACEs in Zambia and beyond.
The Florida ACEs Connection is a collaborative effort of state agencies; schools; institutes of higher learning; faith, community, and grassroots organizations; and other interested individuals; to provide education and training on trauma informed approaches and interventions to mitigate the negative effects of stress and adversity on children and their families.
We are the Gloucester ACEs Community. Our goal is to raise awareness of ACEs and motivate as many people as possible to integrate trauma-informed and resilience-building practices into their daily lives and support others to do so.
Indigenous Wisdom, supported by Western Medicine and ACEs science, will heal all living things, (animal life, plant life, Mother Earth, human beings). The prophecy of Crazy Horse is manifesting. We are the Seventh Generation.
Iowa ACEs Action connects individuals and communities across Iowa who are reducing adverse childhood experiences and the impact of toxic stress. This collaborative online community serves as the venue for sharing resources and best practices, and for launching discussion and open communication across all regions of our state.
Kankakee Iroquois Cares is a volunteer-driven coalition whose mission is to build a trauma-informed community through raising awareness about the prevalence of trauma and the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), eliminating the stigma of shame, fostering inter-agency collaboration, and expanding learning opportunities about trauma-informed services to build resilience and heal trauma.
This group is for anyone who wishes to share information about and promote ACEs research awareness, trauma-informed/resilience-building practices, and to influence positive social change in Maryland.
The Newark Trauma Informed Community Network was established in partnership with Believe in a Healthy Newark and the Greater Newark Healthcare Coalition to bring together key partners and stakeholders who are providing trauma-related programs and services in Newark and begin exploring a vision and plan of action for deepening our work.
A forum to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and prevent and mitigate ACEs in North Carolina.
This group is focused on the descendants of Africans dispersed throughout the Americas during the Transatlantic Slave Trades. Topics include adverse childhood experiences, historical trauma, intergenerational transmission of trauma, African American parenting practices, health disparities, the effects of racism, microaggressions and implicit bias, as well as resiliency and posttraumatic growth.
A network for community members, professionals and leaders to collaborate across sectors in a movement to prevent adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), heal from trauma, and build resilience in Central Florida. We encourage the use of this network to collaborate across sectors and communities and to transform our region into one of hope, healing, and resilience for all.
We share ideas, information and stories about mitigating the effects of adverse childhood experiences in the K-12 environment. 
We advocate for the bio/psycho/social well being of foster children. We recognize, acknowledge and validate the trauma endured by children placed in foster care. We embrace the capacity of healing and ultimate recovery for foster children with family, community and professional support.
Discussion and sharing of resources in working with clients involved in the criminal justice system and how screening for and treating ACEs will lead to successful re-entry of prisoners into the community and reduced recidivism for former offenders.
Discussion of Transition and Reentry issues of out of home (treatment, detention, sheltered, etc.) youth back to their families and communities. Frequently these youth have fallen behind in their schooling, have reduced motivation, and lack skills to navigate requirements to successfully re-enter school programs or even to move ahead with their dreams.
How do we honor both lived & learned expertise to break down barriers between parents & professionals? How do PACE-impacted families best access healing, hope & health? How might parent education, training, & support services if co-created with families & in community?
Philadelphia ACEs Connection explores issues related to adversity, trauma and resilience in the Philadelphia region. We are advocates, concerned citizens and professionals who share information and develop practical solutions, to support Philadelphia becoming a trauma-informed city.
We are an online collaborative dedicated to raising awareness about ACEs, trauma-informed practice, and resilience-building in the greater Phoenix area. Given the unique history of this city and region, Phoenix Rising will explore personal and historical sources of trauma.
Resources, posts, discussions, chats about national efforts to build a trauma-informed, resilience-building nation.
The State PACEs Action is the go-to location for ACEs activities in U.S. states.
We come from all different sectors, walks of life and parts of the United Kingdom to prevent ACEs, and to change systems to become self-healing and to stop traumatizing already traumatized people.
Vision: Reduce the incidence of child trauma and mental illness in children and youths. Mission: Engage children and families to promote health, prevent disease and build resilience by using schools and health settings as buffers against toxic stress in a trauma-sensitive manner where children/youths feel safe, welcomed and supported to address trauma impact on development, learning and behavior
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