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Maternity Care Gets a Racial Justice Focus []

Tangiere Jones was a 26-year-old mom-to-be when she first heard about Mamatoto Village, a nonprofit that provides birth support for underserved women in Washington, D.C. She wanted the best outcome for the birth of her daughter but faced financial barriers as a substitute teacher who was the sole earner of her household. Like many Black mothers, Jones was aware of the risks of “birthing while Black.” For instance, the rate of maternal mortality is more than three times as high for Black...

The Messy Truth About Victim Compensation []

Antonio Mason was a community college student and basketball player in Cleveland. But in 2014, he was paralyzed from the chest down after a drunk driver rammed into his car. Mason applied to Ohio’s victim compensation fund for help. Every state has a fund to help crime victims and their families cover lost wages, hospital bills and funeral expenses. But Mason was turned down, because he committed a crime as a juvenile. Reveal teamed up with The Marshall Project to investigate inequality in...


In Northwest Indiana, we have formed a new organization for trauma healing. H.O.P.E. is the acronym for Haven of Peace and Empowerment. The model for our program is the Cory Johnson Project in the Roxbury community of Boston. Our mission is this: HOPE Center is a grassroots community trauma outreach program. Guided by trained leaders and supported by the best current trauma research, individuals who have suffered many forms of trauma come together to support, encourage and empower one...

Separated families sue over 'trauma', mental health (

The US government should cover mental health treatment costs for immigrant children who officials separated from their parents, a new lawsuit argues. The trauma the children and their families experienced, the suit argues, "was life altering and it will continue to affect their mental and emotional well-being for years to come." The suit, which was filed Wednesday in US District Court in Massachusetts, comes as officials continue efforts to comply with a California federal court's order to...

As Animal-Assisted Therapy Thrives, Enter the Cats []

In her first bout with breast cancer, Kate Benjamin got by with a lumpectomy and radiation. The second time was far more grueling: a 14-hour double mastectomy in November, followed by an eight-week course of chemotherapy that ended in May. Throughout it all, she has been surrounded by cats. Ms. Benjamin, 47, is an expert on feline-friendly interior design, and she keeps eight cats at her home in Phoenix and two in her nearby work studio. The cats are beloved pets as well as product-testers...

Beyond the Stigma: Team goes door to door to help child victims of extreme trauma []

On a late-summer evening, a trio sets out from the Manchester police station, armed with case folders, bulletproof vests - and colorful toys. This is ACERT, the Adverse Childhood Experiences Response Team, and there's nothing quite like it in the nation. A partnership among Manchester police, YWCA New Hampshire and the Manchester Community Health Center, ACERT responds after incidents in which children have been exposed to traumatic events such as drug overdoses, domestic violence and other...

Sober Romance: Why We Act Like Teenagers When It Comes to Relationships []

I’ve spent the last six and a half years of recovery wondering why I have been so emotionally immature when it comes to romantic relationships. Why have I sulked over communicating my needs? Why have I formed such insecure attachments that I wonder when I’ll see the person again before they have even left? Why have I felt so crazed and simultaneously flummoxed at my behavior? Reflecting on my relationships during my recovery, I can describe them in one word: disaster. But they’ve also been a...

Against the Tide

“I don’t know if I can do this anymore, Kris. I am just so discouraged.” I sit with my dear friend on a sticky summer night trying to get my gut right. “Gut wrench” is an apt description. It’s invaded my body and overwhelmed my mind. I can’t think straight, see straight, see a way out. The darkness pervading her porch has met my inner ache and it’s threatening to overwhelm my composure. I am choking back a watershed of tears as I open my mouth to speak. I am trying to conjure the words to...

No, Family Separations are Not All the Same []

There is an old political adage that you should “never let a crisis go to waste,” meaning that a crisis can awaken public interest and create an opportunity to advance policies that might otherwise be unachievable. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, for instance, was able to pass much of his New Deal – including a dramatic expansion of the country’s social safety net via the Social Security Act – in the wake of the Great Depression with the American economy in shambles and the American public...

Brief sleep intervention works long-term to prevent child obesity []

When it comes to obesity prevention, sleep is not usually something that springs to mind, but a University of Otago research team has found we should not underestimate its importance. Professor Rachael Taylor, Director of the Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research Centre and co-leader of the team, says one in three New Zealand children is overweight or obese by the time they start school. Treating obesity once established is challenging, however, in a study published in The American Journal of...

Catholic Schools And Parents Grapple With Whether To Address Abuse Report []

During the first Mass of the school year, two students at St. Bernard Elementary School in suburban Pittsburgh stand in front of the congregation and lead their classmates in prayer. They pray for the leaders of the world, for the sick and suffering, and for the victims of abuse in the Catholic Church. It is the only time clergy abuse is mentioned during the service. It might be the only time it's mentioned in the school. Principal Anthony Merante says he wants to leave that conversation up...

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