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Are Humans Altruistic, or Selfish? Context is Key []

Are human beings inherently altruistic ? At a time when Ayn Rand's selfishness-justifying philosophy is dominating congressional debate, the question is far from academic. A just-published study —one in which participants both administered and endured painful electric shocks—provides a nuanced answer: While human beings have the capacity for genuine altruism, this impulse appears to have clearly defined limits. Researchers from the University of California–Santa Barbara report we will forgo...

7 Reminders for White Parents Talking to Their Kids About Police Killing Black People []

As a White parent of White kids, ignoring the police slayings of Black people and other people of color could be easy. However, as a halfway decent person who wants to raise kids who are not monsters, I believe that as White people, talking to kids about White privilege and what is happening in this country to people of color is essential. I know it can be difficult to know what to say to kids and how to talk to them about these events, but we must. Here are some tips that have worked with...

Goal of nation's first opioid court: Keep users alive []

After three defendants fatally overdosed in a single week last year, it became clear that Buffalo's ordinary drug treatment court was no match for the heroin and painkiller crisis. Now the city is experimenting with the nation's first opioid crisis intervention court, which can get users into treatment within hours of their arrest instead of days, requires them to check in with a judge every day for a month instead of once a week, and puts them on strict curfews. Administering justice takes...

Is America Talking About Opioids the Wrong Way? []

The crowd was overflowing at a nondescript convention center in suburban Maryland, a few miles from the Baltimore airport. The event had originally been capped at 350, but organizers had to make plans for an overflow room, seating an additional 150 people. Despite that, registration still maxed out days before the conference took place. Any event that brings together three regional leaders in the same room -- in this case, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe and...

Northside Elementary raising funds for trauma-informed school program []

Staff members at Northside Elementary School want to do more to support students suffering from trauma. The La Crosse Public Education Foundation has awarded a $4,000 grant in support of the trauma-informed school project, in which staff would be trained in techniques to help children who are experiencing adverse childhood experiences, such as abuse, neglect or mental illness, or are living in a home with violence or substance abuse. The school is asking for an additional $4,000 in donations...

Strategy to focus on crime prevention []

The Scottish government has announced a greater emphasis on crime prevention as part of its new justice strategy. Justice Secretary Michael Matheson published the new priorities as he started the demolition of Scotland's only women's prison at Cornton Vale. Two new community-based custody units for women will be located in Glasgow and either Fife or Dundee. The new units will focus on recovery and keeping women closer to their families. A smaller prison will also be built at Cornton Vale for...

Inmates can't afford to communicate with their children or families - Another example of an unjust justice system

In an oddly placed story, the Arts and Entertainment section of the Star Tribune in Minnesota covered the cost of phone calls for inmates after the FCC decided that it would not support caps on cost for inmates to make calls. The article starts out talking about the Netflix series, Orange is the New Black, but this issue isn't fiction, it's impacting families all over the United States. In criminal justice reform this issue could easily get lost when larger issues like mental health are so...

A New Approach to Enabling Change: It Starts with Loss

I have just written the linked piece for the Aspen Journal of Ideas. It probes something that I think will be of deep interest to this audience, namely, how to enable change. To that end, the piece suggests that we have had a mistaken approach to date. We have focused on the positives of change. Instead, we need to focus on loss -- which is way harder and usually ignored. Ponder this new approach. Thoughts welcomed as always. ...

The Country's First Somali-American Legislator and Her Politics of Inclusivity []

Two days before the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump stepped out of his personal jet and into a hangar at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport to promise a crowd of more than 9,000 supporters that, if elected, he would halt arrivals of Somali refugees. Minnesota has the largest Somali population in America—estimated to be around 46,000—as well as comparatively large populations of Ethiopians, Liberians, and Nigerians. "You've suffered enough in Minnesota," Trump told the audience,...

Visualize Health Equity []

Health equity means everyone has a fair shot at living the healthiest life possible. Personal responsibility plays a key role in health, but the choices we make depend on the choices that are available to us. For example, you might know it’s important to eat healthy foods, but what if you live in a neighborhood without a good grocery store? Or the nearest grocery store is far away and you don’t have access to a car or public transportation? Or your family doesn’t make enough money to buy...

The Essential Role of Medicaid and Criminal Justice []

This past month America’s first mental health court celebrated its 20th anniversary. The behind the scenes story, which led to the creation of Broward’s Mental Health Court, is a case-study of the need to preserve and expand Medicaid from a criminal justice perspective; and what happens when people in need of mental health and primary care are left behind. Aaron Wynn, a young man living in South Florida, was preparing to leave for college. According to his family, Aaron loved the ocean, his...

Mindfulness and the Brain: Professional Training by Jack Kornfield, PhD and Daniel Siegal, MD

Learning how to cultivate the realities of neuroplasticity” in very practical ways is at the heart of the ongoing dialogue between neuroscience and mindfulness. Here is a quick listing of the sessions, containing over seven hours of training: Session 1: The Buddha Meets Neurobiology Session 2: The Anatomy of Being Human Session 3: Extraordinary Mental Health Session 4: The Mystery of Identity Session 5: The Neurobiology of Mindfulness Session 6: The Game Is Love In addition to the...

What Mad Men & Don Draper Taught Me About Childhood Trauma

Don Draper was a survivor of childhood trauma. But, when we first met Don, the protagonist of the acclaimed television series Mad Men, we met a man who had it all. He was at the pinnacle of his career, happily married to his gorgeous wife, Betty, father of two adorable children, and living in a big house in one of the fanciest suburbs of Westchester. His haughty, arrogant and aloof facade was easily mistaken for genuine confidence. We soon found out, however, that Don was a man with flaws.

The “Adultification” Of Black Girls []

A report from Georgetown Law’s Center on Poverty and Inequality reveals that adults view black girls—starting at age five—as less innocent and more adult-like than white girls of the same age. The study focuses on the “adultification” of black girls, shining a light on bias aimed at black female children. “What we found is that adults see black girls as less innocent and less in need of protection as white girls of the same age,” says Rebecca Epstein, lead author of the report and executive...

Brain health program aims to help police deal better with stressful situations []

A new initiative is helping police officers sharpen and exercise the most powerful weapon at their disposal: their brains. As part of the brain power series on TODAY, special anchor Maria Shriver took a look at a groundbreaking program in the Dallas Police Department that was implemented to help officers in the wake of the shooting last summer in which a gunman killed five Dallas policemen during a protest. With police officers often facing extreme stress and trauma on a regular basis, the...

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