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Be Strong In The Storm

" Be Strong In The Storm" is a poster by Diane Kaufman, MD and Amanda Sloan submitted to the UN Call for Creatives to Help Stop the Spread of COVID-19. The poster was inspired by my saying to a patient and her family, “stay strong in the storm,” and then afterwards remembering the song, “When You Walk Through a Storm,” by Rogers and Hammerstein from their musical Carousel. Little did I know when creating the poster concept that this song was already being used internationally to honor the...

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) and Men: The Ignored Problem

With the advent of the #MeToo movement, the public has been forced to examine the horrific tragedy of women suffering at the hands of sexual predators. We have learned through marches and very public testimony of the damage women receive when their boundaries and dignity as human beings is violated. However, there is another group of people who, because of societal restraints, suffer the same fate, only in silence. That group consists of men. In a study published by Muenzenmaier, 1 ,...

Vicarious Trauma Symptoms and Warning Signs and the COVID-19 Pandemic

“At the time of the World Trade Center terrorist attack in September 2001, I was employed as a hospice bereavement coordinator and supported those who were terminally ill and those who loved them; I also facilitated a bereavement support group and taught a master’s-level crisis intervention course at Brooklyn College in New York City. It was during the car ride back from teaching that I felt compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma. As I reflected on my feelings, I knew that I needed...

Taking care of your brain and body: How to tend to mental health during the coronavirus pandemic []

By David Woodlock, New York Daily News, April 9, 2020 Wash your hands. Don’t touch your face. Self-isolate if you are experiencing symptoms. Right now, our health-care system is — very appropriately — in emergency triage mode in the battle against COVID-19. But there is a looming crisis on the horizon if we only pay attention to the physical and ignore the emotional dimensions of this pandemic. A landmark 1997 study found that Adverse Childhood Experiences, including things like physical,...


By Bri DeRosa, March 17, 2020 As families everywhere find themselves following stay-at-home advice to help slow the coronavirus pandemic, the need for fresh activity ideas grows. Kids may be engaged in online learning through their schools, parents may still be working (whether at home or on-site), and there are always board games and the usual activities to keep people busy. But there’s a good chance that we’re all going to be staying home for quite a while. And we’d like families to use...

Of Mice & Meetings: Bringing Our Whole Selves to Work During the Pandemic

My wife works for an educational company and her past few weeks have been busy working with schools and districts across California as they face the herculean task of adapting to distance learning for the remainder of the school year. One of my favorite stories from last week comes from a training that one of her colleagues was conducting with a school site. During the training, without skipping a beat, the trainer announced that his daughter had just handed him their pet mice and he was now doi

PART 116 The Story of Claire: Mrs. Carson Helps Her Think Carefully About Craig

By A. Hosack, P. Berman K. Hecht I am proud of him. He’s growing up to be a kind person. Claire woke up the next day with a smile on her face. She had dreamed about Davy and his conversation with Mr. Carson about cats. She was so happy to think that he was growing up and learning from his experience. While changing his mind about cats wasn’t the biggest decision in the world, it did reflect that he was learning to stop and think. This reminded her for some reason about Craig. I want my son...

Part 115 Claire's Story: Claire Asks Mrs. Carson

By K. Hecht, A. Hosack, P. Berman It’s kind of exciting. I’ve been lonely. But what if he is like Larry? Claire was walking home with a quickstep. Suddenly she didn’t feel the least bit tired. She was smiling and laughing to herself. It had been so nice that such an attractive young man had shown an interest in her. But she didn’t want to make mistakes. How could she tell if Craig he was like Larry or a nice man more like Mr. Carson? Just as she was reaching the house, Davy burst out the...

FREE WEBINAR: FST Mini Scale to Improve Online Counseling

Dr. Sells demonstrates the use of the FST Mini Scale technique in an online counseling session with a single parent mom in crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic. The presentation highlights the use of this Mini Scale to quickly instill confidence in your family and improve your online counseling practice. DATE: April 15 TIME: 12 pm EDT Register for FREE here Participants will learn: • Rules of thumb to do online counseling with maximum engagement. • How to use the FST Mini Scale technique with a...

Listen, Read and Get a Discount: Trifecta

Here is a podcast on how to reopen schools when allowed -- colleges and preK--12. And, there's a bonus. The listeners get a discount on my new book (which can't emerge soon enough: Trauma Doesn't Stop at the School Door from Teachers College Press. So listen and pre-order. And, be well and stay safe. Special thanks to Steve Miletto and TC Press.

How Civic Technology Can Help Stop a Pandemic []

By Jaron Lanier and E. Glen Weyl, Foreign Affairs, March 20, 2020 The spread of the novel coronavirus and the resulting COVID-19 pandemic have provided a powerful test of social and governance systems. Neither of the world’s two leading powers, China and the United States, has been particularly distinguished in responding. In China, an initial bout of political denial allowed the virus to spread for weeks, first domestically and then globally, before a set of forceful measures proved...

The 'certified recovered' from COVID-19 could lead the economic recovery []

By Aaron Edlin and Bryce Nesbitt, STAT, April 6, 2020 Re-opening a nightclub in New York seems crazy at this point, as that’s just the kind of setting in which Covid-19 can spread like wildfire. But it wouldn’t be crazy if all of the workers and patrons had previously had Covid-19 and recovered from it. Someday soon there will be millions of people in the U.S. who have recovered from Covid-19. The best evidence suggests that they can’t get infected again soon and won’t infect others by...

Family First Clearinghouse OKs Homebuilders, Popular Family Preservation Model []

By John Kelly, The Chronicle of Social Change, April 9, 2020 Lost in the shuffle of the obvious and only news story going , the federal Prevention Services Clearinghouse has approved Homebuilders, a family preservation model with a large track record of success, for new federal funding under the Family First Prevention Services Act . Homebuilders, which was developed in 1974 in Tacoma, Washington and as of 2017 was being used in 14 states , received the gold standard “Well-Supported” rating...

Online ARTIC for Trauma-Informed Measurement

Due to high demand, we've added a 4th FREE Online ARTIC webinar - April 16. Only a few seats are still available so register today at this link The Traumatic Stress Institute (TSI) is hosting a FREE webinar for leaders in health, trauma, and trauma-informed care (TIC) to preview the new Online ARTIC, a cutting-edge online tool for measuring TIC. The Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care (ARTIC) Scale is one of the only validated measures of TIC. It measures professional and...

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