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A Traumatic Failure: DC public schools neglect mental health []

This series was produced as part of the University of Southern California Center for Health Journalism Fellowship with a grant from the Fund for Journalism on Child Well-Being. Other stories in this series include: The Cost of Juvenile Trauma HillRag Wednesday, January 9, 2019 “I have to meet this guy and have sex with him. If I don’t, then he and his friends are going to rape my little sister,” a student at Frank Ballou High School in Ward 8’s Congress Heights told her teacher. The teacher...

Free Trauma Webinar: In-Depth Case Analysis - FST Motivational Phone Call

Engaging parents in trauma treatment is difficult. No show rates are often high. Both parents and children enter treatment defensive and resistant to change. Treatment should begin with the first phone call. But unfortunately, this call is only used to set up the initial intake appointment or provide reminder calls. In sharp contrast, the Motivational Phone Call Technique is a manualized 15 to 20 minute, 7-question script that uses strength-based questions to quickly build rapport between...

Emotional concussions can be just as lethal, and sometimes even more so, than a physical concussion

Have you ever considered the term emotiona l concussion? Have you ever thought about what might be involved in an emotional concussion ? Emotional concussions occur when young children Live in homes controlled by alcohol, drugs, explosive tempers Live in homes full of stress Live with dysfunctional adults Have exposure to people who are physically, emotionally, and/or sexually abusive Experience the divorce of their parents From the ACEs Too High website we find, “The life-in-dysfunction...

Thoughts About Communication And Meaning

Good morning everyone. I wonder how many people understand why "miscommunication" happens? If one person is vibrating at a higher frequency or different frequency then the other, it is hard to understand one another. For instance, if one person is in a state of love, peace, harmony and joy and the other is in a place of anger, fear, projecting their feelings and worry it is hard to communicate. Nothing means anything, no word, feeling or action until we assign it meaning. If people can't...

How Yoga is Heping Girls Heal From Trauma (

Rocsana Enriquez started thinking about yoga again when she was pregnant. She was 19 and in an abusive relationship. When she was younger, Rocsana, whom I interviewed as part of my research, had taken part in a yoga program in a San Francisco Bay Area juvenile hall run by The Art of Yoga Project . She began using the skills she learned on the mat to slow herself down when she got angry and to pause before reacting. She remembered the breathing techniques and poses that made her feel better...

How a Dysfunctional Family Functions Like a Cult Published (

Jose Fernando Aguado writes: In my clinical practice, I often see how dysfunctional families cause pain to their members, and it is my opinion that the cult perspective can help explain certain aspects of what these families go through. I start with a working definition of a dysfunctional family and note some broad areas of relationship between dysfunctional families and cults.

The Relentless School Nurse: Aunt Bertha Says “Helping People is Sexy”

One of the 5 principles of NASN’s Framework for 21 st Century School Nursing Practice is Community/Public Health. Relentless School Nursing calls for knowing our community resources and providing helpful, accurate and effective referrals. How embarrassing is it to refer a family to a resource only to find out that it has shut down, changed their phone number or moved to a different location? Meet Aunt Bertha , this is a game changer. I use this website frequently in my health office. Aunt...

Having Faith When It Seems Hard To

Good morning everyone. I was told once 1st thought is Spirit, 2nd thought is Doubt, 3rd thought is Fear. By the time you get to the 3rd thought, you have lost track of the 1st thought. As abuse and trauma survivors we are often in crises of faith. We have frequently been taught either in words or actions that we are of little to no value. Who would love us or want us as we are? We frequently feel damaged and may judge ourselves by what we have or what we can accomplish or how much we can...

Empowered to end the epidemic of childhood trauma.

In the interest of keeping a dialogue about ACEs on track, let’s be clear that all of us collectively allow unsafe childhoods, filled with adversity, to remain a standard feature of these United States. We do not control the actions of one broken person doing harm to one child, but we do influence the surrounding environment that is the single biggest predictor of whether the harm will come. Change will arrive only when we who are ultimately responsible for the situation demand it. What on...

Actor Rob Lowe: I was my sick mother's caregiver, don't underestimate the stress caregivers face []

Rob Lowe, Opinion contributor Published 7:00 a.m. ET Jan. 13, 2019 | Updated 6:01 a.m. ET Jan. 14, 2019 Forty million Americans work as an unpaid family caregiver. The mental, physical and emotional stress they face is overwhelming. It's time to help. Right now, 40 million Americans are doing truly selfless work by serving as unpaid family caregivers for a loved one. About 25 percent of those caregivers are millennials, who often feel forced to choose between their careers and caring for...

Supporters Cheer Focus on Child Health and Wellbeing in Newsom’s Budget []

Efforts to improve the health and education of California’s children would get a giant funding boost under Governor Gavin Newsom’s budget, a prospect that’s generating a swell of excitement among child advocacy groups. The governor’s first budget proposal, released Jan. 10, offers numerous supports aimed directly at bolstering childhood health, including $105 million to pay for developmental and mental health screenings for low-income children, almost $110 million to expand home visiting...

Higher Education in Prison Crucial to Teaching About Oppression, Society []

Current conversations about the benefits of providing higher education in correctional facilities revolve primarily around the notion that a postsecondary credential will improve a formerly incarcerated person’s chances of finding employment post-release. There is copious research that demonstrates this phenomenon. This idea that the provision of higher education in prisons is worthwhile solely because it serves an economic good is incomplete and, in fact, is reductionist. This can remove...

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