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Session 1: Starting & Growing Resilient Communities: Online & In Real Life (IRL) Series Overview

Zoom Webinar

Session 1:  Starting & Growing Resilient Communities:  Online & In Real Life (IRL) Series Overview

***Note:  Thank you for your interest in this event.  Those who RSVP'd should have received a Zoom registration link via email.  Please check the email associated with your ACEs Connection account.  Thank you!

ACEs Connection presents, "Starting & Growing Resilient Communities:  Online & In Real Life (IRL)", an interactive webinar training series focused on developing existing and potential online community managers and IRL ACEs champions.  If you are not a current online community manager, please know that ALL are welcome to engage.  This series is dedicated to providing insight into creating sustainable and effective online & IRL ACEs initiatives.  "Starting & Growing Resilient Communities:  Online & In Real Life" is facilitated by ACEs Connection Regional Community Facilitators, Ingrid Cockhren & Cissy White, and consists of 12 monthly sessions that delve into critical aspects of starting and maintaining a collective movement. 

Educate.  Engage.  Activate.  Celebrate.  

See the series schedule below.  Those who RSVP will receive a separate Zoom invite and further instruction.  

Thank you! 

Monthly Webinar Series Schedule

Dates & Topics

Jan. 25th         Series Overview

Feb. 15th        Collective Impact 1.0

March 15th    How to Tell Your Community Story

April 19th       Mission & Value Statement

May 24th        Creating Norms

June 21st         Strength Assessment of Team

July 19th         Collective Impact 2.0

Aug. 23            Collective Impact 3.0: Sector-Specific Engagement

Sept.  20          Bridging the Gap Between Your Online & IRL Community

Oct. 18th         Best Practices: Tools to Growing Community

Nov. 15th        Trauma-Informed Policy

Dec. 13th         Keeping Your Initiative Strong for the Long Haul

  • Format:     Live Zoom Webinars (All Sessions Recorded)
  • Time:          9 a.m. PST/11 a.m. Central/12 p.m. EST

Please join us for the first session on January 25th.  This session will provide an introduction and overview of the series and will also include a brief Q & A session. Please RSVP below by clicking the green "Yes" button.  Note: You will be unable to RSVP for the event if you are not logged in. To check to see if you are logged in by looking to the upper right hand side of the main page of the site. If you see your name and either a photo or an image, you are logged in. If you do not see your name, click on the link that says sign in and use your email address and password to sign in. Once signed in, you can RSVP. If you have any questions, please contact Ingrid Cockhren.

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Kathy Hentcy posted:

Is there some way to get the updates on this event WITHOUT getting everyone's comments/questions about RSVPing, etc? I have unsubscribed from every notification because I was getting every single comment on this, but I had left "updates on the event" (or whatever it is), since I want to hear from the organizers if something changes. But I just kept getting all the individual questions and comment (and now everyone else will get this, which isn't necessary). Do I just assume that since I'm signed up I'll get an email with updates without checking the "follow" box below?

Hi Kathy:
Let me know if you have any other issues. Part of why we're doing this series is so we can communicate exactly about stuff like this and the tips and tricks for maximizing/customizing the site so it works better for community members and community managers. So, I'm actually glad your question/comment went to all because the answer will as well. Cissy 

Kathy Hentcy posted:

Is there some way to get the updates on this event WITHOUT getting everyone's comments/questions about RSVPing, etc? I have unsubscribed from every notification because I was getting every single comment on this, but I had left "updates on the event" (or whatever it is), since I want to hear from the organizers if something changes. But I just kept getting all the individual questions and comment (and now everyone else will get this, which isn't necessary). Do I just assume that since I'm signed up I'll get an email with updates without checking the "follow" box below?

Kathy, I show that you have RSVP'd for this event.  You can unfollow this event because if anything changes, you will receive an email to the address associated with your ACEs Connection account.  Thank you!

Last edited by Ingrid Cockhren

Is there some way to get the updates on this event WITHOUT getting everyone's comments/questions about RSVPing, etc? I have unsubscribed from every notification because I was getting every single comment on this, but I had left "updates on the event" (or whatever it is), since I want to hear from the organizers if something changes. But I just kept getting all the individual questions and comment (and now everyone else will get this, which isn't necessary). Do I just assume that since I'm signed up I'll get an email with updates without checking the "follow" box below?

Betsy Gibson posted:
  • I can't wait. If there are any books/materials that would help me prepare, I'd love to hear about them! Thank you ACESCONNECTION for this game-changing resource. Just yesterday, someone who was incredulous that the daily beatings during his childhood could be impacting his grief over losing his wife of 27 years reminded me of the difference ACESCONNECTION can make for consumers as well as professionals. Apparently, in explaining trauma to him I gave him the website to explore. He just told me that only because I was able to "back up" the preposterous notions of trauma I was telling him with the information on your site, was he able to take the concepts seriously and slowly process them. According to him, understanding trauma has changed his life--he only wishes that he, and so many people he knows, could have received this knowledge sooner. 

Wow, Betsy. This is a story that speaks volumes. I wish you would write a blog post about this!  It is so telling. I would love to know how this man is doing. Grief is such a trigger for trauma survivors. This man is lucky you were there to help him learn more about it. You may have helped prevent a heart attack or stroke! I hope this information helps this man be more gentle with himself, at least. Trauma survivors can be so tough on themselves. We retraunatize ourselves over our response to trauma. The cycle can be endless and relentless, unless someone shares the information to disrupt the thinking. Thank you. I would love to know more about how this man says the information you shared has shifted his thinking. If it has. Thanks! 

Tracy Carlton posted:

Would love to be part of this, is just clicking on the RSVP enough for you to get our info? The link just took us back to this page. Thanks so much!

There is an RSVP Yes/No button on this page you get redirected to between the tags at the bottom of the article and above the pictures of everyone who has RSVP'd. I missed it on several scrolls through the page.

Melissa L. McPheeters posted:

I have another meeting that conflicts with the first webinar. How can I view the webinar afterwards; will a recording be available? Should I RSVP to attend? Thanks!


The sessions will be recorded and made available for future use.  If you are interested, please RSVP and you will receive further instruction to participate prior to the event.  Thank you for your interest! 

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