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Understanding social and emotional learning: a quick guide []

To improve education, California is asking schools to improve the way they meet the emotional as well as the academic needs of students. Among the strategies is what’s known as social and emotional learning , which refers to an organized method of teaching students behavioral expectations, self-management and relationship skills. This FAQ explains what social and emotional learning is, why schools say it matters and which school districts are paying the most attention to the concept. What is...

Run, Don't Walk, to Movie Titled Raising Bertie

This is a fabulous new movie about rural education in Bertie NC and the lives of three young men, regularly experiencing toxic stress and trauma. The lives of the people in Bertie -- the prisons, the teen pregnancies, the poor schools, the lack of support both economic and psycho-social is stunning in its presentation of reality. Movie makes you want to cry but it also serves to energize. As this review notes, take action; see the movie as a true call to action. Time is a wasting'.

Some Teens Don't See School as a Kind Place. Here's Why That Matters. []

While mental health is a priority for many high school students , they don't always see their schools as supportive places where they can seek help and talk through problems, a survey released Thursday finds. And that matters because teens often turn to informal support from peers to get through personal difficulties and stress, the report's authors said. Fifty-four percent of high school students responding to the online survey said mental health was a very important priority, and 34...

Why the Myth of Meritocracy Hurts Kids of Color (

Brighton Park is a predominantly Latino community on the southwest side of Chicago. It's a neighborhood threatened by poverty, gang violence , ICE raids , and isolation in a city where income, race, and zip code can determine access to jobs, schools, healthy food, and essential services. It is against this backdrop that the Chicago teacher Xian Franzinger Barrett arrived at the neighborhood's elementary school in 2014. Recognizing the vast economic and racial inequalities his students faced,...

Buffalo shows turnaround of urban schools is possible, but it takes a lot more than just money (

The Say Yes promise of universal free college tuition to all Buffalo public school graduates has grabbed public attention. But Say Yes also provides students with support specialists like Stubbe, access to medical and dental care, mental health counseling and legal clinics, plus after-school enrichment activities, college-readiness programs and mentoring; it provides student's parents with job-readiness workshops and referrals to housing services. "This isn't about a scholarship," said...

Explaining behavior: Professionals seek to address students' trauma []

The biological mother of "Jailyn" had turned her over to her cousins when she was several months old and they became her custodial parents. That is, until the custodial father fatally shot the mother while the girl was in the house. Now living in foster care, she has angry outbursts in the classroom that include screaming at her teacher and kicking objects. When she hears a loud noise, she thinks it’s a gun. Her 6th-grade teacher says she is slow to complete schoolwork, appears disorganized,...

Issue Brief 55 - Addressing Students' Mental Health Needs []

In 2014, following a series of student suicides and an increase in the number of students experiencing suicidal ideation and hospitalization, Stamford Public Schools recognized an urgent need to better identify students with mental health concerns and connect them to services. School personnel were reporting a higher number of students who had experienced trauma, including among refugee students. Prior to 2014, Stamford developed various strategies and initiatives designed to improve mental...

Briefing in Support of ACEs Legislation - WATCH LIVE

Tomorrow (July 26), Building Community Resilience will co-host a briefing on childhood trauma-- The Need to Address Childhood Trauma: Implications for Child Welfare and Education-- at the U.S. House of Representatives. Honorary Co-Hosts are Rep. Danny K. Davis (IL-7) and the Congressional Foster Youth Caucus. Featured speakers include Wendy Ellis , Milken Scholar, doctoral candidate and BCR Project Director, Olga Price , Director of the National Center for Health and Health Care in Schools.

Wellness approach supports students []

No pressure, teachers, but as an academic instructor, you’ve not only taken on students’ learning development, but also their social and emotional development. The role teachers play in child development is a vital one, but playing it can be emotionally draining, asserts Alex Shevrin, a teacher at Center Point School in Winooski, Vt. Shevrin was recently recognized as one of SmartBrief’s Editor’s Choice Content Award winners for her blog post, “ A mindset shift to continue supporting the...

Early Education Can Bring Back The Best Of Ourselves []

It’s always a thrill for this former inner city teacher to attend early education conferences. Conversations with early educators bring back memories of the values that inspired me as a young student, and the priciples we in public education celebrated when I entered the classroom. As usual, the Potts Family Foundation Oklahoma Early Childhood Coalition Business Summit achieved a balance between science-driven, businesslike analyses along with a loving commitment to our children. The keynote...

Take the Golden Rule to School Rap

Take the Golden Rule to School Rap You don’t have to be like me to be OK, I don’t have to be like you for us to play. Respect my person, I’ll respect yours. If we can appreciate our differences, we may learn something new. Treat me like you want to be treated, Ill do the same for you. (Ramblings in Rhyme by Dr. Ivy)

Trail of Tears: From a Middle School Student’s Perspective (

This persuasive essay was submitted to ICTMN by Matthew Scraper, Megan Scraper's father. Megan, 12, is a student at Marlow Middle School in Oklahoma. They are citizens of the Cherokee Nation, and Matthew pointed out that their last name is an English translation of the Cherokee word disugasgi, which means something along the lines of the one who repeatedly scrapes the skin. She chose to write about the Trail of Tears on her own when given a class assignment. The Trail of Tears set a...

Half of pupils expelled from school have mental health issue, study finds []

Half of all pupils expelled from school are suffering from a recognised mental health problem, according to a study. Those who are permanently excluded find themselves at a significant disadvantage, with only one in a hundred going on to attain five good GCSEs, which are often used as a benchmark of academic success. The majority will end up in prison, says the study by the Institute for Public Policy Research, which estimates that of the 86,000-strong prison population, more then 54,000...

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