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Megan Marcus & Kelley Munger join the show to discuss Trauma-Informed Schools

In this episode of the Trauma-Informed Lens Podcast, Matt speaks with Megan Marcus and Kelley Munger from FuelEd about how educators can serve as secure attachment figures, with the power to heal student trauma through the relationships they build, and the need for educators to first do their own healing. We also explore the power of providing simple and safe places for educators within school culture to receive healing from their own trauma.

Community X Empowerment for adult children impacted by a parents addiction

SESSION 2: ADDICTIONS IN POP CULTURE Using our STRENGTH AND resilience to move forward with hope and HEALING. how does pop culture provide you with an emotional outlet? how does pop culture perpetuate the stigma of addictions? Pop Culture??! Yes, you heard right! Pop culture provides us with an opportunity to relate to or connect with someone, even if it is a character in a show or movie. In this session we will focus on our emotions and potential triggers and how we can move through them.

Virtual Learning Anxiety: How To Help Your Kids

Virtual work, virtual groceries; everything has turned virtual since the pandemic of 2020. People can get all their work done without having to leave the comfort of their homes. It also means that our children have to adapt to a whole new educational system; virtual learning. While virtual learning offers the feasibility of learning at home, it comes with numerous issues too. One of the commonly-experienced issues is virtual learning anxiety. Not turning off the camera, constantly staying on...

Head Start Study Highlights Important Role of Trauma-Informed Attitudes 

Head Start and Early Head Start continue to lead the way in promoting school readiness and family engagement for vulnerable young children. It’s no surprise, then, that Head Start is increasingly focused on implementing trauma-informed care (TIC). A recent study adds timely relevance to the advancement of trauma-informed care in Head Start preschool settings. The study, published in School Mental Health , “examines the relationship between trauma-informed training content, trauma-informed...

Preserving Education amid COVID: The Vital Role of Community Partnerships (

Nearly one year ago, schools across the country abruptly shut their physical doors due to COVID-19. In spite of heroic efforts on the part of teachers and administrators, the pivot to online learning was uneven and chaotic at best. The Pew Research Center estimates that only half of students have successfully engaged in distance learning while at home, with students from lower income families, in particular, losing ground. One report predicts the pandemic will cause the average student to...

Can Schools Be a Place for Healing Trauma?

If you aren't Zoomed out, consider joining us on March 20th at noon for a conversation on whether schools can be a place for healing trauma. Three educators engage with each other and with you. Learn some trauma responsive strategies. Free (with request for $3 donation to go to Nu Zeta Chapter of DKG -- women educators honor society). Here's the link. More info on the attached document. See you there I hope. ...

More Comprehensive State Guidance Can Support the Whole Child during COVID-19 (

As the COVID-19 pandemic persists, students continue to face significant challenges to their mental and physical health . In an April 2020 survey from Active Minds, 60 percent of high school students reported that their mental health has worsened during the pandemic. Pandemic-related school closures have also caused many students to lose access to necessary school-based health services . Students with disabilities and special health care needs, who may heavily rely on services typically...

A Trauma-Responsive School Transition - Online Workshop

Join us Tuesday, March 30, 4-6pm for a new online workshop - A Trauma-Responsive School Transition . As schools shift to in-person or hybrid learning, we have heard the need for trauma-responsive tools and resources for creating a feeling of safety and rebuilding classroom community for students. More details and register at the link! Questions? Reach out -

New Resource: Strategies for Trauma-Informed School Communities

The California Essentials for Childhood Initiative is excited to share a newly developed attached, “Strategies for Trauma-Informed School Communities: Practices to Improve Resiliency in School-Aged Children and Address Adverse Childhood Experiences”. This new resource is intended to assist state and local public health programs, child-serving systems, non-profits, and philanthropic organizations in their efforts to educate about the need for trauma-informed school policies and practices that...

Community X Empowerment for Adult Children Impacted by a Parent's Addiction

WE ARE NOT ALONE Using our RESILIENCE to break the cycle of trauma and move forward with healing. --------------- Register Here: --------------- Approximately 1/5 children (including adult children) have experienced their parent's addiction, so we KNOW that we are NOT alone in our experiences. But we also know that it can FEEL incredibly lonely. That's why we have created this series: COMMUNITY X EMPOWERMENT In this 3 part series,...

Can Schools Be a Place for Healing Trauma

The answer is yes and three educators, all members of Delta Kappa Gamma (the women educators' honor association), will engage in a Zoom conversation. Suggested donation of $3 (going to Nu Zeta Chapter) requested. Date is March 20 at noon. Join us. Join in. Important topic in today's trauma filled world.

Free Interactive Workshop - Advocating for Trauma-Informed Care: Teachers and Caregivers

Just TWO WEEKS away! The March free, interactive workshop will help teachers and caregivers explore strategies to advocate for trauma-informed care practices at their school. Join me on March 17th at 4pm PT/7pm ET for this workshop! Based on past participant feedback, the workshop is scheduled for 1.5 hours. A certificate of completion for the workshop is available upon request. The workshop will be recorded and sent out to all registrants. Register at . You can find...

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