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Building the case for change: Surveying primary care practices in trauma screening

Hello!  I am a new member, I am a physician who has been working in the trauma-pain world for over 2 decades here in Arizona, and I am soon to start on an MPH with focus on epidemiology.  I am going to survey primary care practices with regard to screening for trauma in children and adults throughout the state, and I would like to know if other members are interested in this project.  I would welcome your input!   

The idea is to get solid data on how many providers are screening for trauma, and for those that do screen: what tools are used, how confident the primary care provider is that they understand trauma treatment well enough to refer the patient appropriately, and what resources they have and what  barriers they meet in  connecting their patients to appropriate trauma care resources.  This is a necessary first step, I believe, toward bringing Arizona online with some of the things that are happening in California and elsewhere with regard to funding for provider education, for primary care level trauma screening, and for adequate trauma treatment.  

I am reaching out to like-minded colleagues throughout the country as well, for example the Center on Trauma and Adversity and Case Western Reserve University.   There seems to be a lot going on… Finally.

To shed light on my thinking in relation to the trauma-pain connection, here is a webinar I recently did on the topic, for behavioral health and medical professionals :

Warm Regards to All!!!

-Bennet Davis, M.D.

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Dr. Davis- I want to be sure you know about the Arizona ACEs Action community on ACEs Connection here:

I went ahead and shared your blog post on their site as well but I encourage you to reach out to them if you aren't already connected with them.  And I encourage you to be connected with the ACEs in Pediatrics site which covers the screening issue.  

I spoke with my young ob/gyn doctor this week about ACEs and she seemed only vaguely aware of the impact of ACEs in regard to women's gynecological problems (even though multiple studies point to a definite connection). Thank you for taking the initiative to survey doctors about ACEs screening.  There is so much to be done.  

Hi Dianne, Please consider joining our community to bring awareness regarding this important issue to other women’s health advocates! Your voice is needed!  Thank you for championing such an overlooked yet critically important issue! With gratitude, Karen

I spoke with my young ob/gyn doctor this week about ACEs and she seemed only vaguely aware of the impact of ACEs in regard to women's gynecological problems (even though multiple studies point to a definite connection). Thank you for taking the initiative to survey doctors about ACEs screening.  There is so much to be done.  

Hi, Dr. Davis
Such imperative work and visionary leadership! Thank you. 

Please also consider utilizing our tool, Ask the Community, and reiterating your invitation. The Ask the Community feature remains alive and folks will continue to reach out over time.

Please know the blogs are a steady flow and your invitation to align with like-minded thought leaders may not be viewed as often.

Welcome to ACEs Connection! We look forward to learning from you and sharing with you.

In gratitude,

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